Comparative study and the adoption of political cultures
12 Introduction Comparative political science - one of directions political science. By master method comparative political science comes forward the comparison maneuver. Comparative political science tackles the politics study by means of comparison and the apposition of the same type political phenomena in discordant political systems. Among such phenomena in the first place undergo study political processes, political connectedness, political institutes, political regimes, political culture, political parties, and traffics and so on. Historic justification comparative approach (to conventionally attire and in combination with other maneuvers) lets establish clearance in the political theory of special branch of knowledge - comparative political science (in another section - comparative political cult urology). In homogeneous culturally – civilization media the applications of political comparisons not interface with difficulties of principle. Hereto much simplifies here, shall say, in respect to station christian the civilization of West, application of conventional and developed tongue for the description of political culture which began to form else in jobs Plato and Aristotelian. The distinguished scheme of political regimes last showed up, by the way, by the result of the comparison of dozens the states of Mediterranean ancientness. At this level apposition today permissible to use detecting of the political culture as of individual – identity behavior to the phenomena of political life, of the style of the behavior of the subject of political power. The classes of comparison can be found in developments of political socialization and formation, political philosophy and political economy, political psychology and ethics, political geography, demography and political ecology, of political cybernetics and even political astrology. Complexities rise during the comparison of political mind, of political systems and instruments, of political elites and the political leadership of discordant civilization - cultural objects, for example of East and West. With like difficulties clashed M. Weber which tried to use Chinese material in its studies. The comparison of political traditions requires the accent carriage on a few another detecting of the political culture of - as adoption of available political experience which is set by history which requires comparable the rate of studied civilization - cultural objects (objectively) of and the adequate scientific choice of methodologies on the part of explorer - political scientist (subjectively). In this sense presumption will be waiver of euro centrism, survivability which except subjective preferences maybe determine tongue political science. In many cases it simply lacks of equivalents for the description of political East. Waiver of euro centrism will avoid the commitment of the concept of "high the highway" of the political development of humanity which baldly is manifested in Marxism-Leninism and latently is comprised in doctrines liberally-democratic sense.
I. Basic part Comparative study and the adoption of political cultures Comparative study and the adoption of political cultures habitually can go from “for more than advanced” the scientifically-theoretical triumphs of West in their applications to the "traditional" societies of East. This touches as borrowing of ready political forms, so and applications fairly rigid (in the theoretical plan) of the political technologies of West in the political environments of East in the process of modernization, witness not as "Europeanization". Structural-functional approach in combinations with sociological could lend exact and comparable data on establishment the institutes of West on east soil. However possible, on our gaze, and all pathway _ from fixed culturally - civilization distinctions (West - Christian, Arab - Islamic, Indus - Buddhist, of and Russian - Orthodox civilizations) to resettlement the invariants of the behavior of political images, behaviors and make which dispensable will coincide with primitively treated universal, by so-called 'common to all mankind" values in politics. Following the extraction of invariants in "sediment" will turn out to be the elements of national political specifics which can become rich source material for practically-political and theoretically-political art. During it is important to avoid initial is unnecessary of the simplified dissociation of social organisms on traditional and modern, because "traditional" can turn out to be entirely modern, rather than simply "close", and "modern", in its turn, maybe presented by the tradition of political innovations, by "tradition", protection which implies discrete "closure". As to-new maybe, for example, is set the problem of political progress: find whether in the frames of political modernization traffic from traditional paternalistic east despotism to entirely modern west authoritarian – totalitarian dictatorship? In any case west-east political comparative can much give to on fairways of mutual enrichment and the synthesis of political cultures, of improving of the tongue of political communication, of practical settlement urgent and potential political conflicts. Every subsequent generation not supply that understanding political life which him is got as to heritage, and sets forth new approaches to organizing of historical material, of modern politics to and the prognostication of political events. On today's day preserve its implication (i.e. work complementing each other) rub total sociological global paradigms including in itself sally political science approaches: formation, civilization – cult urological and world-systemic - every with their merits and blemishes.
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