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Чтение согласных буквосочетаний

2020-02-03 252 Обсуждений (0)
Чтение согласных буквосочетаний 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

ck [ k ] black, stick [ blæk] [ stik ]
ng [ ŋ ] sing, bring, ring, reading [ siŋ ] [ briŋ ] [ riŋ ] [ ri:diŋ ]


[ tς ] chess [ tςes ]
[ k ] chemistry [ kemistri ]
[ ς ] machine [ məςi:n ]
sh [ ς ] she, shop, fish [ ςi ] [ ςop ] [ fiς ]
tch [ tς ] match [ mætς ]


[ f ] phone, photograph [ fəυn ] [ fəυtəgra:f ]
[ v ] nephew [ nevju ]


[ ð ] this, that, the [ ðis ] [ ðæt ] [ ðə: ]
[ θ ] thank, thick [ θæŋk ] [ θik ]
[ t ] Thames [ temz ]




[ w ] when, white, why [ wen ] [ wait ] [ wai ]
[ h ] who [ hu: ]
kn [ n ] know, knife [ nəυ ] [ naif ]
wr [ r ] write, wrong [ rait ] [ roŋ ]


[ f ] enough [ in٨f ]
[ - ] high [ hai ]
gn [ n ] sign [ sain ]


[ s ] possible [ posəbəl ]
[ ς ] pressure [ preςə ]


[ sk ] screen [ skri:n ]
[ s ] scene [ si:n ]
nk [ ŋk ] think [ θiŋk ]
qu [ kw ] question [ kwestςən ]


Тренировочные упражнения


black, pick, chicken, rocket, knock, duck, deck, stomach, Christmas, Christ, chemistry, mechanical


thing, ring, song, belong, length, hang


chiken, chair, which, achieve, cheap, church, match, watch, fetch, butcher, catch, witch, itch


ship, sheep, shallow, shop, shy, shoe, shrub, wash, cash, fashion, Russian, pressure, mission, issue, expression, moustache, machine, chassis, chalet


phone, photo, phonetics, pheasant, phrase, philosophy, symphony, telegraph


this, that, they, these, without, weather, gather, mother, bathe, breathe, rather


thick, thin, width, length, thank, think, tooth, bath, healthy,


whale, wheel, wheat, which, whether, where, why, whey, what, when, white


who, whom, whose, whole, whoop, whodunit


knife, knee, knit, knot, knock, knob, know, knowledge, knight


write, wrong, wrist, wring, wrap, wreath, wreck, wry, wrinkle, wrestle


sign, design, benign, align, malign, campaign, champagne, foreign


scent, descent, scene, miscellaneous, scissors, science, fascinate, oscillate


quake, quality, queen, quiz, equal, require, inquire, equipment, liquid, quite


laugh, laughter, rough, cough; sleigh, sigh, high, thigh

Контрольная работа


Прочитайте слова


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
pen cat side lamp ask get tie face bench duty 10
map big came camp star toy neck shelf into baby 20
dog run home club mark boy tea with black open 30
bus ten fine sled part why say talk stick over 40
pin egg make hell girl ice too walk write sofa 50
not sit game went work who how this chess dirty 60
bed box nine tent dark any new tell three ready 70
bag get like wind word come snow check white fifty 80
his has date rang pass give may that short forty 90


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
sun his face swim last live sir will night happy 10
red cap fell race warm yard best then grass doctor 20
his but lake hand star wall room walk sport lorry 30
can man life from form very weak long thick metro 40
leg had kite tram mark blue grey nice drink about 50
let six told desk girl play want them dress hungry 60
and ran sate text horse place took apple thing answer 70
set get close next class clock snow mouth third twenty 80
dog pin skate must chalk bring noon right chair summer 90


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
still short table drug lamp gold knit town low coat 10
bed across sun dig street clock loaf wall room score 20
large kind blue fly our alarm autumn deep knew find 30
big flag seat stare hour farm thing too socks rang 40
flame role seen stand chair past age civil deer field 50
ship think bread sleep coin just cloak night goal bridge 60
thin thick cut sit air fan circus inn sure goose 70
crime class mute than tram here bright oil crowd bay 80
cheese part slide these date tree brush tail fault grey 90


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
fate wall plain this thank bear beam dig brought big 10
eye talk toy whose quick beer low sweep swine mice 20
ear sail garden why write gym case round drive sick 30
quite salt pass who read foot knight women week right 40
quiet cry train which one cast sold luck fact leg 50
shine yard floor when our mute bye fund chair do 60
trick happy skirt where marry few buy note lips does 70
chin date shirt drum yet your dress ring my dish 80
shop turn term wall dead more fast store add harm 90



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  
pan my May mark note goal air shame ear noise 10
tube house tree kind sweet got bold mud gym myrtle 20
rush teacher who they action hamster photo knife all write 30
car nature score summer hare ought tie boy apple deer 40
close author snow make musician time sir term saw blue 50
new girl our text flute chalk high mouth bear brown 60
any sofa hire myth famous mask cell block queen worker 70
snoop turn when hungry piece place yard dead funny noon 80
shine yard floor when our mute bye fund chair do 90

Оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений по результатам текущего контроля производится в соответствии с универсальной шкалой:

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Качественная оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений

балл (отметка) вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100

5 отлично

80 ÷ 89

4 хорошо

70 ÷ 79

3 удовлетворительно

менее 70

2 не удовлетворительно

Список используемых источников

1. Курашкина Н.А. Основы фонетики английского языка. The Essentials of English Phonetics : учебное пособие. – М. : Флинта Наука, 2014. - 141

2. Узкий А.Ф. Правила чтения английских слов : учебное пособие. – СПб. : Антология, 2018. – 128с.

3. Teaching English – Режим доступа : www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/articles/stirrers-settlers-primary-classroom

4. Английский для начинающих – Режим доступа : www.englishtexts.ru

5. Слушай, читай, говори. – Режим доступа : www.audio-class.ru


Автор составитель:


Корепанова В.В.



Английский язык

«Правила чтения английского языка»

(учебно-методическое пособие

для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей)



Усл. печ. листов 2





2020-02-03 252 Обсуждений (0)
Чтение согласных буквосочетаний 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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