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Northern (Arctic) Federal University

2015-11-10 876 Обсуждений (0)
Northern (Arctic) Federal University 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The Northern Arctic Federal University is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. The University is located in Arkhangelsk. It is one the Federal universities founded in 2009 in Russia. The Northern Arctic Federal University is the largest university in the North-West of Russia and it is growing rapidly. The university is commonly regarded as one of Russia's most prestigious universities and has high entry requirements for its prospective students.

The University is on the threshold of more exciting developments – the creation of Space Monitoring Center of the Arctic providing monitoring techniques in 2010 is a milestone in the University’s and Arkhangelsk development.

The Rector, currently Elena Kudryashova, is the head of the University. Ten Vice-rectors have specific responsibilities for Education; Research; Personnel & Security; Finance, International cooperation, Infrastructure, Innovation, Social aspects and others.

The University’s structure is quite complicated. It comprises some Institutes and colleges. The Institute administration is headed by Directors. The University currently provides training in Institute of Forestry, Institute of Theoretical & Applied Chemistry, Institute of Economics, Institute of Oil & Gas, Institute of Information & Space Technologies; Institute of Law & Entrepreneurship; Institute of Architecture and Construction; Institute of Power Engineering & Transport; Institute of Advanced Training; Correspondence Department and others.

Each Institute includes several Departments which provide facilities for teaching and research, determine the syllabuses and guidelines for the teaching of students. The University’s academic staff performs research and delivers lectures and seminars. Colleges also arrange teaching for their undergraduates. The members of the academic stuff are spread around many colleges of The Northern Arctic Federal University.

The academic staff, other staff members and researchers of The Northern Arctic Federal University are engaged in various research activities. Thousands of undergraduates and postgraduates are currently enrolled in the university and many specialists are participating in their refresher courses for up gradation and/or career enhancement purposes.

Overseas students in great numbers form a part of the student body of the university. International Educational Center provides support and encouragement for overseas students.

The University provides a number of the world-known scientific schools which contribute to developing in different fields such as industrial cellulose production, paper and cardboard processing, and many others.

NArFU is developing worldwide links (most notably with Norway, Germany, America, Sweden, Finland, and France) and provide enhanced opportunities for students to undertake visits and exchanges abroad.

The University Council is the executive policy-forming body, which consists of the Rector as well as vice-rectors, directors of the Institutes, and other members.

A two-level system of education provides initial two-year training in which students receive a general higher education. In the second level, students train as specialists with the qualification of Specialist’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, and Master’s degree in many specialties: Forest Engineering, Land Cadastre, Mechanical Technology of Wood, Chemical Technology of Wood, Industrial Power, Building Engineering, Informational Systems and Technology, Technology and Equipment of Forest-harvesting and Woodworking Production, Safety of Technological Processes and Productions, Technology of Artistic Material Processing, Biotechnology, Standardization and Certification, Metrology and Metrological Provision, Engineering in Medicine-and-biological Practice, Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources, Quality Management, Electrical Power Supply, Industrial Heat Power Engineering, Power Supply of Enterprises, Automation of Technological Processes and Productions, Applied Mathematics, Open Mining, Industrial and Civil Engineering, Expertise and Real Property Management, Automobile Roads and Airfields, Finances and Credit, Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Economics and Management at the Enterprises, Management of Organization, Machines and Equipment of Oil and Gas Fields, Working and Operation of Oil and Gas Deposits, Projecting, Building and Operation of Gas-and-Oil Pipe-Lines and Depositaries, Drilling of Oil and Gas Boreholes, Law, Professional Training (building, setting up and rehabilitation-and-building technologies), Translation, Interpretation and the theory of Translation.

NArFU offers postgraduate courses in some specialties such as physical chemistry; industrial power engineering; technologies and forestry and logging machines; technology and equipment of wood-processing production; geoecology and others.

The academic year is divided into two terms. The first term lasts from September to December; the second term from February to June.

The university is responsible for conducting examinations. Examinations are held at the end of each term. Students successful in examinations get a scholarship. They can also win a scholarship. There are many opportunities for students at The Northern Arctic Federal University to receive financial help during their studies. Final exams are held at the end of the undergraduate course. Final exams are based on the whole five years studies, so there are a lot to learn and it is quite stressful. There is a system of continuous assessment at our University. I think it is very important for the students who do well all year, and work very hard.

In the conclusion I’d like to say that the Union is the main focus of student activity in the University and the principal vehicle of communication and representation for the student body.

Topical vocabulary

to grant academic degrees предоставлять степень
entry requirements for its prospective students требования для абитуриентов
the threshold преддверие, отправной пункт, канун, начало
Space Monitoring Center of the Arctic Центр космического мониторинга Арктики
monitoring techniques средства контроля, наблюдения, методы контроля
a milestone in этап в развитии
higher education высшее образование
a Vice-rector проректор
the Institute administration руководство институтом
guidelines основные направления
to provide oбеспечивать, давать, предоставлять
Institute of Advanced Training Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров
facilities for teaching средства обучения
guidelines нормативы; руководящие принципы
the academic staff профессорско - преподавательский состав
an undergraduate студент
to be spread around many colleges преподавать в разных колледжах
to be engaged in various research activities проводить научные исследования
a postgraduate аспирант
refresher courses курсы переподготовки, курсы повышения квалификации
up gradation повышение разряда
career enhancement карьерный рост
оverseas students иностранные студенты
the student body of the university контингент студентов, студенческое сообщество
International Educational Center Международный образовательный центр
industrial cellulose production производство промышленной целлюлозы
worldwide links международные связи
The University Council Ученый Совет
Specialist’s degree специалитет
bachelor (ученая степень, приобретаемая студентом после освоения программ базового высшего образования, как правило, после четырех лет обучения в вузе)
bachelor's degree степень бакалавра (ученая степень, присваивается после четырех лет обучения в высшем учебном заведении)
undergraduate studies бакалавриат (первые четыре года обучения в вузе, после которых присваивается степень бакалавра)
to pursue graduate studies работа над дипломом, дипломное исследование
master's degree (ученая) степень магистра...
the academic year учебный год
to be divided into two terms включать два семестра
to get / receive scholarship получить стипендию
to win scholarship выиграть стипендию / грант
Final exams государственные экзамены
continuous assessment оценка, выставляемая учащимся по итогам года, а не на экзамене
the Union профсоюз
descriptive geometry начертательная геометрия


2015-11-10 876 Обсуждений (0)
Northern (Arctic) Federal University 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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