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III. Conversation practice

2015-11-10 1161 Обсуждений (0)
III. Conversation practice 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

3.1. Act out the following situations:

Ask the information clerk in the hotel about the following:

- The services the hotel provides

- How to get to some place in the city


3.2. Watch Unit 6. Eating Out of Video Conference.

Unit 6. Eating Out.

Daniel Conway, waitress.

- Waitress: Shogun Restaurant, good morning.

- Daniel: Good morning. Could I make a reservation for tonight, please?

- Waitress: Certainly, sir. For what time?

- Daniel: Eight o’clock.

- Waitress: For how many people?

- Daniel: Four.

- Waitress: And the name, please?

- Daniel: Conway.

- Waitress: Mr. Conway, that’s a table for four at eight o’clock this evening. Thank you very much.

- Daniel: Thank you. Goodbye.

- Waitress: Goodbye.

* * *

Pablo Gonzalez, Ron Jacobs, Daniel Conway, Isabelle Pelletier, waiter.

- Pablo: Well, this is a new eating experience for me. You eat Japanese food all the time, don’t you, Ron?

- Ron: Yes, when I eat out in Tokyo. But at home we sometimes cook American food for a change.

- Pablo: Your wife’s Japanese, isn’t she?

- Ron: Yes, that’s right. But she bakes a great pecan pie.

- Waiter: Are you ready to order?

- Daniel: Not quite. Could we have a couple of minutes, please?

- Waiter: Of course.

- Isabelle: I don’t know much about Japanese food, Ron. What do you recommend?

- Ron: Well, yakitori is very good.

- Isabelle: What’s that?

- Ron: It’s a grilled chicken on a skewer.

- Isabelle: Sounds good. I think I’ll try it.

- Pablo: What’s a sashimi, Ron?

- Ron: Sashimi? Raw fish.

- Pablo: Oh.

- Isabelle: I’ll have yakitori, please.

- Waiter: And for your main course?

- Isabelle: I’d like mixed sushi.

- Pablo: And I’ll have the agidashi tofu as a starter, please. Is the sauce hot?

- Waiter: No, it isn’t. It’s made with soy sauce.

- Pablo: Ah, good. And I’d like to try the teriyaki. Does it come with rice?

- Waiter: Yes, it does.

- Ron: I’ll have the assorted zensai followed by mixed sushi and miso soup.

- Daniel: And the same for me please.

* * *

- Waiter: And what would you like to drink with your meal?

- Daniel: Shall we have some sake?

- Isabelle: Good idea.

- Pablo: What is sake exactly?

- Waiter: It’s a sort of wine. It’s made from rice.

- Pablo: Is it strong?

- Waiter: Quite strong.

- Pablo: O.K. I’ll try some sake.

- Ron: I think I’ll have a beer. What Japanese beers do you have?

- Waiter: We have Sapporo and Kirin.

- Ron: A Kirin please.

- Daniel: And three pots of sake. And shall we have some mineral water? A large bottle.

- Waiter: Sparkling or still?

- Daniel: Sparkling? Please.

- W: Thank you very much.

* * *

- Isabelle: Thank you…. This looks delicious…. I’m afraid I’m not very good with these!

- Pablo: Don’t worry. Isabel. Neither am I.

- Ron: You can eat sushi with your fingers, Isabel. In Japan many people do it.

- Isabelle: Really?

- Ron: Yes, it’s not bad manners.

- Isabelle: The Japanese are very practical.

- Pablo: And it tastes better when you eat with your hands.

- Daniel: Do you eat out much in Japan, Ron?

- Ron: About two or three times a week.

- Isabelle: With your family?

- Ron: Sometimes, but more often with my colleagues, after work.

- Isabelle: Do you often eat sushi in Japan?

- Ron: No, only on special occasions. It’s rather expensive.

- Isabelle: Pablo, what do you eat on special occasions in Argentina?

- Pablo: Beef, of course. We have big barbeques, called asados.

- Daniel: They sound fun.

- Pablo: They are. Next time you come to Buenos Aires I’ll take you to one.

- Daniel: Alright!


- Pablo: That was absolutely delicious!

- Daniel: Can we have the cheque (=check), please?

- Pablo: Let me get this.

- Daniel: No, please. This one’s on me.

- Pablo: If you insist Daniel. Thanks very much.

- Ron: Thank you.

- Isabelle: Yes, thank you, Daniel, I really enjoyed it.

- Pablo: It’s only ten o’clock. The night is young. I know a really good bar near here…. Shall we go?


3.3. Act out the following situation:

- Order a meal in a restaurant.


Home task:

1. Letter Writing: in Business Letter

- Learn the vocabulary on pp. 40 – 42, get ready for test 3.

- Do ex 7 pp. 50 – 51.

2. Telephoning:

- Learn the vocabulary Inquiries for prices and discounts.

- Do ex. 2.8., 2.9.

3. Conversation practice: Video conference

- Learn and act out the dialogue between Pablo Gonzalez, Ron Jacobs, Daniel Conway, Isabelle Pelletier and the waiter: ordering a meal in a restaurant


Lesson 13

Lesson Plan:

I. Letter writing

- Go over your home exercise – ex. 7 p. 50 – 51

- Write Test N 3.

II. Telephoning

A. Listening practice (Basic telephone Training, Unit 19a)

2.1.Write the telephone numbers you hear:

1. ……………………… 4. …………………………

2. ……………………… 5. …………………………

3. ………………………

2.2. Circle the correct letters:




2.3. Make a note of the times:

1. ……………………… 4. …………………………

2. ……………………… 5. …………………………

3. ………………………

2.4. Punctuation. Listen carefully and write exactly what you hear:

1. ……………………… 4. ………………………….

2. ……………………… 5. …………………………

3. ………………………

B. Getting the Message (Basic Telephone Training, Unit 19b)

2.5. Listen to the message on the tape and note down the important information.

  To ………………………………. …… Date …………………………. From …………………………………. Time …………………………   Message ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Message taken by ……………………………………………………………

C. Phone Play

1. Student A. Call the Channel Travel Service. You want to book a ferry from Dover to Calais on Wednesday 12th at 8 a.m. for your boss.

2.Student B. You work for the Channel Travel Service. (Give the name of your company when you answer.) The morning ferries from Dover to Calais leave at 6 am, 7 am, and 9 am. Ferries from Folkestone to Calais leave at 8 am and 10 am.

D.I’d like to Know Your Prices (Telephoning in English, Unit 3)

2. Go over your home exercises (Tasks 3, 4)

3. Study the vocabulary below. Make sure you know the meaning of the following word-combinations:

What to say – what to expect

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III. Conversation practice 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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