Use the phrasal verbs listed above to fill in the gaps in the following sentences. Each verb should be used twice
1) I’m happy I have finally ___ ___ the book. I’ve ___ ___ over two years’ work on it. 2) It is so good that the two girls ___ ___ so well. 3) These cheap boots ___ water ___. 4) –Jim has ___ ___ his work since morning. – It is just like him. He won’t ___ ___, if he has set about some task. Not until he’s ___ ___ it. 5) I’m ___ ___ my papers – someone must have been ___ ___ with them when I was away. They are all out of order! 6) When you are through with the cooking, please, ___ ___ the kitchen. 7) If you want to master a language, you should ___ ___ a lot of effort 8) It was quite nasty of you to leave Glen all alone to ___ ___ the broken glass and other litter in the yard. At least she ___ still ___ it when I phoned her. 9) We must meet again to ___ ___ the details of the deal 10) It takes me quite a long time to ___ ___ my thoughts before I can start on writing. 11) James is too self-assured, he never ___ ___ the possibility of doubt. No wonder, he doesn’t ___ ___ with his colleagues. 12) You needn’t worry, Fred is trying to ___ things ___ with the police. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions where necessary. 1) The porter let me ___, as Mrs. Robertson was ___, but she had left a note ___ me. 2) The telephone always rang when I was covered ___ soap ___ the elbow. 3) She was frank ___ her annoyance ___ the trifling mishap. 4) She paid me ___ the rate ___ a shilling ___ an hour ___ the time I had put ___ . 5) I bolted ___ my coffee and rushed ___ . 6) I put my hand ___ the wall while I was bending ___ to sweep ___ the cinders. 7) I rubbed ___ it gingerly ___ a soapy cloth and the dirt came ___ all right. So I decided to leave the stain ___ its fate. 8) I rushed ___ the bedroom, wiping my hands ___ my overall ___ going in. 9) It didn’t occur ___ me ___ those days to wash ___ as I went ___ . 10) I kept doing things wrong and having to rush ___ cookery books ___ help, and everything I wanted ___ a moment’s notice had always disappeared. 11) I started listlessly ___ the washing-up and ___ eleven o’clock I was still ___ it. Bring out the contextual meaning of the adjectives below and give their Russian equivalents. Think of possible collocations with them. Diligent, gingerly, hideous, humble, listless, reluctant, strident, tedious. Translate the following sentences using the active vocabulary of the lesson. Флер не привыкла пускать дело на самотек, особенно если это дело запало ей в душу. Поэтому она сама пришла проследить за уборкой столовой (canteen), которую она взяла в аренду, потому что она была поблизости. Накануне Нора Кэрфью предлагала ей помощь, но Флер заверила ее, что справится сама. С самого начала Флер взяла все дело в свои руки – конечно, с молчаливого согласия Норы, которая предпочла предоставить своей приятельнице полную свободу действий. Но теперь Флер пришла в ужас, обнаружив в столовой безобразный беспорядок. По углам были горы мусора, раковина была завалена немытой посудой, грязные и потрепанные скатерти грудой лежали на полу, который тоже нуждался в хорошей уборке. К грязным, жирным столикам было противно прикоснуться, даже стены были черными (от грязи). Уборщицы, нанятые Флер для выполнения различной работы, были явно обескуражены жутким состоянием помещения и безучастновозились со щетками и совками. Казалось, они всецело положились на удачу и лишь молились, чтобы их хозяйка не рассердилась. Видя, что девушки все делали неверно, Флер, однако, воздержалась от замечаний по поводу их оплошностей. Сама она не была опытной хозяйкой. Имея в своем доме целый штат приходящих и постоянных домработниц, она не была приучена вести хозяйство. Тем не менее у Флер были умелые руки и она вкладывала душу во все, что делала. Со свойственной ей самоуверенностью она надела рабочий халат, закатала рукава и принялась усерднооттиратьмыльной тряпкой грязь со столиков. Грязь прекрасно отходила. Работницы, готовые выполнить любые ее поручения по первому знаку, бросились помогать ей. Флер выделила для них участки работ, и девушки очень скоро поладили (нашли общий язык). Одни стали подметать, другие – стирать, полоскать и развешивать скатерти, третьи – выносить на улицу мусор, чтобы мусорщиксжег его. К вечеру они проделали всю самую утомительную работу, оставалось лишь сделать кое-какие мелочи. Когда на утро Флер впустила в столовую Нору, та не могла поверить, что это место так изменилось в одночасье. В глубине души она сомневалась, что Флер сумеет так быстро поправить дело. Не желая заводить разговоры по душам, Нора все же признала, что ей самой понадобилось бы вдвое больше времени, чтобы убрать этот беспорядок. Look up the English idioms listed below in the left-hand column and match them with the corresponding Russian equivalents in the right-hand column. Use the idioms while discussing the text.
Discussion 1) What was Monica to do at Mrs. Robertson’s? Describe her impressions. 2) How did Monica and Mrs. Robertson part? Do you expect the latter to complain about Monica’s mishaps or refrain from it like Monica’s first employer? 3) What sort of housework was Monica offered by Miss Faulkener? 4) What impression did Miss Faulkener and her kitchen make on Monica? What did the kitchen look like at the end of the day? 5) How did Monica set about her business? Why did the work take her twice as long as it was to? 6) Why did the girl dislike the idea of leaving things undone till the next day? 7) Find phrases expressing Monica’s attitude to domestic work. Do you agree with all the statements? 8) Why do you think Monica lacked experience in housekeeping? What social class did she belong to? Find evidence in the text to support your idea. 9) Do you think it was wise of Monica to tell the agency that she was thoroughly domesticated? Should she have told the truth? What would you do if you were to apply for a job? 17. Read the text given below and do the following assignments: 1) choose the better option [a/ b] to fill in the gaps in the text; 2) introduce paragraphs where necessary (for tips, see SUPPLEMENT: II. Rhetoric and paragraphing).
That morning Edna was very excited, she was going to view the empty house in Mortimer Street, she thought she might buy. [1] and was quite easy to find. From the side-street Edna was going along the house looked neat and nice. However, walking up to the front door she was disappointed. [2] The garden was also extremely untidy and strewn with litter. What is more, [3] The house itself was spacious, with large windows which made it look airy and light. Unfortunately, its interior was quite daunting. The hall was dirty and littered, [4]Straight from the hallway Edna made for the kitchen. [5] It could not be called a “sight for sore eyes”. [6] The charred stove was horrid to look at. Still undaunted, Edna decided to see if the rooms were any better and walked back into the hall. [7] It was little different from the rest of the house but with growing excitement Edna noticed a large fireplace, reaching to the ceiling. [8] In English homes, the fireplace has always been, until recent times, the natural centre of interest in a room. People may like to sit at a window on a hot summer day, [9] Yet, so few houses had big fireplaces these days, moreover, in houses with central heating and air-conditioning there was no need for a fireplace at all. As for Edna, there was nothing she loved more than a house with a blazing log fire. [10] Options: 1. a. The art gallery was opposite it b. It was opposite an art gallery 2. a. The cracked driveway with crumbling kerbstones which seemed to date from the previous century was a picture of terrible neglect. b. A picture of terrible neglect was the cracked driveway with crumbling kerbstones which seemed to date from the previous century. 3. a. there was a mound of rubbish with a burnt-out coach on top at the side of the house. b. a mound of rubbish with a burnt-out coach on top was at the side of the house. 4. a. and so the rest of the house was. b. and so was the rest of the house. 5. a. In any house it was the kitchen that she always wanted to see first. b. She always wanted to see the kitchen first in any house. 6. a. Almost hidden under a thick layer of dust and grease were the kitchen units, the walls and ceiling were grimy. b. The walls and ceiling were grimy, the kitchen units were almost hidden under a thick layer of grease and dust. 7. a. She came into the dining-room, pushing open an old creaking door. b. Pushing open the old creaking door, she came into the dining-room. 8. a. This was the very kind of thing she had been hoping to find. b. She had been hoping to find this very kind of thing. 9. a. but what they will prefer for many months of the year is to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames. b. but they will prefer for many months of the year to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames. 10. a. Ever since her childhood spent in her grandmother’s old farmhouse she had loved it. b. It was something she had loved ever since her childhood spent in her grandmother’s old farmhouse.
Vocabulary B
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