Text D: Implementation and maintenance
The tasks that take place during the implementation phase are: purchase and install hardware and/or software, create and test applications, finalize documentation, convert to new system. When new hardware and software are purchased and installed, they are tested to ensure they operate correctly. Different types of testing help identify and fix problems. As each application module is completed, it undergoes unit testing. When all modules are tested, integration testing is performed to ensure that the modules operate together correctly. After unit and integration testing are completed, system testing ensures that all hardware and software components work together correctly. The information system should be completely documented. System documentation describes a system’s features, hardware, and programming. User documentation describes how to interact with the system. Implementation of a new system must include training employees. It might be software orientation, hardware operations, data entry and backup procedures. The data for a new information system must be converted and loaded into the new system. System conversion is the process of deactivating an old information system and activating a new one. A final test called acceptance testing demonstrates that the system works correctly. The maintenance phase involves day-to day operation of the system, making modifications to improve performance, and correcting problems. It is the longest SDLC phase and lasts until the system is retired.
Agree or disagree with the following statements.
1. Testing is the only way to make sure a new information system works.
Find the words with an opposite meaning in the text.
Fill in the correct words from the active vocabulary.
1. In the … phase, the project team must figure out how the new system will fulfill the requirements specified in the System Requirements Report. organization’s needs. Read the sentences, translating the Russian fragments into English.
1. In the design phase, the project team (определяет различные решения) and then selects the one that offers the most benefits at the lowest cost.
Answer the questions.
1. What happens during the implementation phase? SPEAKING PRACTICE
Speak on the following topics. 1. What happens in the design phase?
UNIT 6: DATABASES Active Vocabulary
Text A: Data Modeling Key considerations in organizing data in a database include determining what data is to be collected in the database, who will have access to it, and how they might wish to use the data. Based on these determinations, a database can then be created. Building a database requires two different types of designs: a logical design and a physical design. The logical design of a database shows an abstract model of how the data should be structured and arranged to meet an organization’s information needs. The logical design of a database involves an orderly fashion. Because databases provide both input and output for information systems throughout a business, users from all functional areas should assist in creating the logical design to ensure that their needs are identified and addressed. Physical database design starts from the logical database design and fine-tunes it for performance and cost considerations (e.g. improved response time, reduced storage space, lower operating cost0. The person identified to fine-tune the physical design must have an in-depth knowledge of the DBMS to implement the database. For example, the logical database design may need to be altered so that certain data entities are combined, summary totals are carried in the data records rather than calculated from elemental data, and some data attributes are repeated in more than one data entity. These are examples of planned data redundancy. It is done to improve the system performance so that the user reports or queries can be created more quickly.
1. Read the questions and circle the correct answer.
1. How many types of design does building a database require? a) two different types of designs; b) three different types of designs; c) only one type of design; 2. Who must have an in-depth knowledge of the DBMS to implement the database? a) the person identified to fine-tune the logical design; b) the person identified to fine-tune the physical design; c) the person responsible to implement the logical design; 3. What does the logical design of a database involve? a) an orderly fashion; b) modern fashion; c) structure fashion 4. Which users should assist in creating the logical design to ensure that their needs are identified and addressed? a) programmers from all functional areas; b) users from all structural areas; c) users from all functional areas 5. What can improve the system performance? a) scalability; b) planned data redundancy; c) creation of domain
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