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Teams with bright ideas

2015-11-11 6384 Обсуждений (0)
Teams with bright ideas 4.33 из 5.00 6 оценок

Better ways of working together

Teams are important in modern business. Many companies want all their employees to be good at teamwork and they want the CEO, directors and managers to be good at organizing teamwork.

In traditional teams, people usually work for the same company. Sometimes team members are from the same department and sometimes from different departments. Today, colleagues often work on international projects, and modern technology helps members of the team to communicate. People use the internet and video conferences to talk to each other when they are in different countries.

Teams are not always formal. Employees often meet with people from other departments at work, for example over coffee. These groups are not organised teams, but they are important. They network and talk about work, and they help to communicate information between departments.

Some companies have teams that meet in unusual places. Companies build rooms for teamwork so that these special teams can meet outside their normal office. The rooms look different from normal offices, for example painted in bright colours. Some managers think this helps teams to be creative. It is also important to have regular contact with other departments in the main company - such as design, marketing, production and finance. This sometimes helps the team to decide if an idea is good or bad.

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “Teams with bright ideas” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Modern companies want bosses to organize teams. true

2 Team members are always from the same country.

3 Teams are never informal.

4 Colleagues meet to discuss work.

5 Some teams meet away from the office.

6 It isn't important for teams to communicate with other departments.

Задание 3. Определите, какое из следующих предложений передает основную идею текста “Teams with bright ideas”:

a All managers are good at teamwork.

b Modern teams are always formal.

с There is more than one kind of team.

Задание 4. Укажите номер абзаца 1-4, который содержит следующую информацию:

interesting places for teams to meet paragraph-----

groups of colleagues paragraph-----

modern technology paragraph -----

people who need to be good team members paragraph-----

Задание 5. Соотнесите названия отделов с их определениями:

1 Design a a makes products
2 Marketing b b sells to customers
3 IT с c buys products or services for the company
4 Production d d deals with the company's accounts
5 Finance e e hires new employees and organizes training
6 Buying f f arranges artwork
7 Sales g g maintains the company's computer systems
8 Human Resources (HR) h h invents and develops new products
9 Research and i i promotes products or services

Development (R&D)

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски названиями отделов из задания 5:

Hi Patrick

We want departments to work together to produce a new digital camera.

Please contact Philip from to ____________organize the budget. It's also a

good idea to speak to Maggie from the ____________department - ask her

to organize a team to develop the product. She can talk to someone from

____________to buy parts. It's important to communicate with the

____________department, so that they know when to make the camera.

Finally, we need a team from ____________to promote the product, so can

you contact Andrew?

Thanks Vanessa

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами:

directors CEO employees staff manager colleagues boss personnel

1A__________makes important decisions and leads the company.

2 I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with. They are great__________.

3 We are pleased to welcome two new__________to the board.

4 She's a good sales__________. She's in charge of sales teams in Belgium and France.

5 The__________ restaurant is open at 12:00pm for lunch.

6 My__________ is in charge of 14 people.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола в Present Simple:

a At midnight, I(write)a report and send it to the team.

bWe (have)a video conference every Monday.

с My company (be)in London but I (work)with an international team.

dShe (work)in Dubai.

e The team (have)a meeting every week.

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски, используя один из данных ниже глаголов в нужной форме:

have (x2) start (x2) work (x2) drive (x2) meet live

I_________ in a house with two people, Andrea and Rob. We_________for the same company, but in different departments. Andrea is a design manager, and Rob _________in HR. Andrea usually_________to work because she _________her job at 8:00am. Rob and I_________work at 9:30am, so we often travel by train. On Friday, we all start at 9:00am and we _________to the office together. Rob often goes out and _________lunch in a restaurant, but Andrea and I usually _________lunch at our desks because we're busy. On Thursday, we _________colleagues from other departments after work.

Задание 10. Определите место наречий частотности в следующих предложениях:

a Colleagues work on international projects. OFTEN

b In traditional teams, people work for the same company. USUALLY

с This helps the team to decide if an idea is good or had. SOMETIMES

d Teams are not formal. ALWAYS

Задание 11. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола в Present Simple:

1Jacob live / lives in Manchester.

2 I work / works in the city centre.

3 We catch / catches the 7:50 train to work.

4 She eat / eats lunch in the staff restaurant.

5 You have / has eight members in your team.

6 He leave / leaves work early on Monday.

Задание 12. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях. Не все предложения содержат ошибки:

1Francis has a meeting on Friday always.

2 We usually have lunch in a cafe.

3 Kelly often is late for work.

4 I leave the office never at six o'clock.

5 The CEO is always in his office at 830.

6 They have sometimes a video conference in the morning.

7 We go to often team meetings.

8 Josh and Mia listen to other people's opinions never.

Задание 13. Соотнесите начало и конец предложений:

1 This is a a designer

2 Pleased to b art department

3 Jan is с the design team

4 She works in the d Jan Carlton

5 She's in charge of e meet you

Литература: [1, 5].

2015-11-11 6384 Обсуждений (0)
Teams with bright ideas 4.33 из 5.00 6 оценок

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