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Переведите на русский язык. 1. If we had an ammeter, we should be able to measure the current

2015-11-18 970 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите на русский язык. 1. If we had an ammeter, we should be able to measure the current 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. If we had an ammeter, we should be able to measure the current.

2. If the turbine efficiency were higher, we would save fuel and money.

3. If the current in the winding were lower, the results of the experiment would be wrong.

4. If the generator were broken, the power station would not be able to supply electrical power to its consumers.

5. If all electrical devices were properly insulated, there would be no accidents in the factory.

6. If we reduced emissions of the greenhouse gases, the atmosphere would become cleaner.

7. If we used computers from morning till night, we should hurt our sight.

8. If the protective equipment were bad, there would be a lot of accidents.

9. If the temperature changedfrequently, thermal stresses would cause the pipeline breaking.

10. If you didn’t know the basic principles of this physical theory, you wouldn’t pass the exam.

11. We would measure voltage with better accuracy, if we had a digital voltmeter.

12. The produced heat would be more negligible, if the wire were larger in its cross-section.

13. The problem of fuel shortage would be solved, if we could design an effective non-conventional power station.

14. The lamp wouldn’t light, if there were a breaking in the filament.

15. They would be able to process the data, if they had a modern computer.

Тема 29. Условные предложения III типа

Тип Придаточное предложение Главное предложение Перевод
(III) Нереальное условие(относится кпрошедшему времени) Past Perfect + had + V3 - hadn’t + V3 Ifthe experimenthad beena success, Ifwehad writtena good article, + would have + V3 - wouldn’t have+V3 wewould have writtena good article.     we would have gone to the conference. Еслибыэксперимент прошелуспешно(тогда), мыбы написалихорошую статью.   Если бы мы написали хорошую статью (тогда), мы бы поехалина конференцию.
  Существуют предложения смешанного типа, одна часть относится коII, адругая кIIIтипу условия. IfIknewhim,Iwould have phonedhim yesterday. Если бы я знал его, я бы вчера ему позвонил. Условие относится к настоящему времени (II тип), а следствие – к прошедшему (III тип). IfIhad takenthe medicine yesterday, Iwould be well now. Если бы я вчера принял лекарство, я бы сейчас был в порядке. Условие относится к прошедшему времени (III тип), а следствие – к настоящему (II тип).

Task 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. If they had hurried, they wouldn’t have missed the bus.

2. If he had known the answer, he would have raised his hand.

3. If you had written her a letter, she would have been happy.

4. If she had listened to the teacher, she would have understood the rule.

5. If he had come on time, he would have got the job.

6. If you had told me, I would have met you.

7. If she had passed a driving test, her father would have bought her a car.

8. If I had known him, I would have invited him to the party.

9. If I had read the book, I would have answered the question.

10. If the weather had been fine, we would have gone for a walk.

11. If I had had a chance then, I would have married her.


Task 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.


1. If I (to be) free yesterday, I would have gone to the concert with you.

2. If I had left earlier, I (not to miss) the train.

3. If she (not to put on) a short dress, she wouldn’t have been so attractive.

4. If I had learned English before, I (to find) a good job long ago.

5. If he (to drive) the car yesterday, everything would have been all right.

6. If I had seen the film, I (to tell) you.

7. If he (not to fall) ill, he would have visited us.

8. If I had had enough money last year, I (to go) abroad.

9. If she (not to be) busy yesterday, she would have helped us.

10. If I had known about your birthday, I (to buy) you a present.

11. If they (to attend) all the classes, they would have passed the exam.

Task 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.


1. If he (not/ to speak) German, he (not/ to become) a linguist.

2. If she (not/ to fall) down the stairs, she (not/ to break) her leg.

3. If she (not/ to break) her leg, she (to take) part in the competition.

4. If they (to win) the game, they (to get) the first prize.

5. If he (not/ to eat) so much, he (not/ to have) stomachache.

6. If he (not/ to be) arrested, he (to go) abroad.

7. If I (to learn) English before, I (to find) a good job long ago.

8. If you (to be) more careful, you (not/ to cut) your finger.

9. If he (to succeed) in this project, his boss (to give) him promotion.

10. If she (to have) a choice, she (to change) her opinion.

11. If we (to be) at the airport, we (to meet) you.

Task 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму, обращая внимание на смешанный тип условных предложений. Переведите на русский язык.

1. If I had booked the tickets yesterday, I (to be) at the performance now.

2. If you were always near I (not/ to lose) in the forest yesterday.

3. You would get a better mark today if you (to learn) the material yesterday.

4. I (to have) a sore throat now if I hadn't eaten so much ice-cream yesterday.

5. If it (to be) my day off today I would have already joined my friends in the country house.

6. You (not/ to lose) the key yesterday if you kept all your things in order.

7. If I knew him well I (to accept) his invitation yesterday.

8. If you hadn't missed the train, you (to be) at home now.

9. If you (to watch) the film yesterday, we would discuss it now.

10. Jane would have taken up an additional course, if she (not/ to be) busy with her fitness classes.

2015-11-18 970 Обсуждений (0)
Переведите на русский язык. 1. If we had an ammeter, we should be able to measure the current 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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