Past continuous and past simple
1. Underline the correct variant
1. I listened/was listening to the news on television at nine o’clock last night. 2. He slept/was sleeping when his friend called. 3. Jack was doing/did his homework when his father came/was coming home from work. 4. She was walking/walked along the street when she was seeing/saw an old friend. 5. Yesterday I was at the party. I enjoyed/was enjoying it very much. 6. Last night I was reading/read in bed when suddenly I was hearing/heard a scream. 7. Tom was taking/took a photograph of me while I wasn’t looking/didn’t look. 8. It was raining/rained hard when I was going/went out this morning. 9. A lot of people saw/was seeing this accident while they were waiting/waited for the bus. 10. The travelers reached/were reaching the town just as the sun set/was setting.
2. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of past continuous or past simple. Use the verbs given in brackets
1. They stood under the shelter because it (to rain). 2. When she opened the window she was happy to see it (to snow) lightly. 3. He (to fall) down and (to break) his leg while he (to play) football. 4. The young man (to jump) off the buss while it (to go). 5. The hunter (to shoot) and (to kill) the lion just as it (to jump) on him. 6. The financial director (to find) some mistakes when he (to check) the financial report. 7. The travelers (to see) some camels as they (to cross) the desert. 8. When I (to go) out this morning, the sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing). It was a beautiful morning. I (to walk) to the nearest park and sat down on the grass. But while I (to sit) there, black clouds gathered and (to hide) the sun. It (to begin) to rain heavily, so I (to run) home. My hat (to fall) off as I (to run).
4. Translate from Russian into English
1. Секретарь писала письмо, когда в кабинет вошел менеджер. 2. Человек упал в тот момент, когда бежал за автобусом. 3. Мы вели переговоры, когда зазвонил мой телефон. 4. Когда мы гуляли в парке, начался снег. 5. Мой друг потерял свою записную книжку, когда рассматривал достопримечательности Лондона. 6. Как только я стал интересоваться своей работой, мне нужно было идти домой. 7. Джейн уже ждала меня, когда я пришла на автобусную остановку. 8. Когда я вошел в офис, то увидел, что директор разговаривал по телефону. 9. Дождь лил как из ведра(to pour) и мы не знали, что нам делать. 10. Я разбил тарелку вчера вечером. Я мыл посуду, когда она выскользнула (to slip out) из моих рук.
Past simple and past perfect
1. Underline the correct variant
1. When I bought/had bought some fruit I went to the beach. 2. After we ate/had eaten the waiter cleared the table. 3. She told us she found/had found the answer. 4. When I arrived at the party, Mary left/had left. 5. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn’t come. She had already arranged/arranged to do something else. 6. We arrived at the cinema late. The film began/had already begun. 7. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. I hadn’t seen/didn’t see her for five years. 8. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody went/had gone to bed. 9. Sorry, I ‘m late. The car broke/had broken down on my way here. 10. There was a car by the side of the road. It broke/had broken down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we had stopped/stopped to see if we could help. 11. I didn’t recognize Mrs. Johnson. She had changed/changed a lot.
2. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of past simple or past perfect. Use the verbs given in brackets
1. The new bus-driver (to have) an accident after he (to drive) a few yards. 2. He was broke*. He (to spend) all his money. 3. It was snowing all night and snow (to cover) all the rooftops. 4. When we (to get) back from our holiday we discovered that someone (to break) into our house. 5. After he (to say) good-bye to his colleagues, he (to go) home. 6. The students (to enter) the classroom five minutes after the bell (to ring) 7. When the plane (to land), the sun already (to set). 8. After she (to spend) all her money she (to ask) her father to help her. 9. I (to throw) away the newspaper after I (to read) it. 10. The little boy (to tell) a lie five minutes after he (to promise) to tell the truth. * to be broke – быть на мели
3. Translate from Russian into English
1. Все студенты выполнили задание правильно после того, как преподаватель рассказал им, как его делать. 2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, только что закончился дождь. 3. Мой друг сказал, что его брат уже приехал. 4. Когда мы пришли на остановку, автобус уже ушел. 5. Он спросил меня, видел ли я, что произошло. 6. После того как мы подписали контракт, все пошли обедать. 7. Роберт пошел на работу после того, как позавтракал. 8. Я спросил у клиентов, почему они не ответили на наш запрос. 9. Я закончила печатать договор вчера к шести часам вечера. 10. Секретарь сказала, что еще не нашла каталог с новыми ценами.
Future tenses
1. Underline the correct variant
1. According to the weather forecast it will rain/is raining tomorrow. 2. Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt/isn’t hurting. 3. Tomorrow at 8.30 Tom will watch/will be watching the match on TV. 4. We are going to clean the flat on Sunday. It will take from 9 until 11 o’clock. So at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning we will be cleaning/will have cleaned our flat. 5. Jim always leaves his office at 7 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 7.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, Jim will have gone/will be going home. 6. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday he will spend/will have spent all his money. 7. Our secretary promises that she will finish/will have finished her report by 12 o’clock tomorrow. 8. - Will you be using/will you use your computer this evening? – No, you can use it. 9. Next year is Ted and Ann’s 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been/will be married for 25 years. 10. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help/will be helping you with it.
2. Match the first sentence (1-15) with the second (a-o) to make shot exchanges
«Will» or «going to»
1. Match these sentences, which supply present evidence, with the predictions below
2. Complete the following sentences using the future simple or «going to» 1. Have you already finished your essay? – No, but I am sure I (to finish) it on time. 2. I have decided what to wear for the party. – Really? What you (to wear), then? 3. I’ve left my jacket at home. – I (to go back) and get it for you. 4. Did you post these letters? – No, I forgot. I (to post) them this afternoon. 5. Watch out! You (to bang) your head on the doorframe. – Oh, I didn’t realize it was so low. 6. Your house is very small. – I know. I (to move) to a bigger one next year. 7. I’ve got a new job. – Wonderful! I (to call) mum and tell her the good news. 8. I’m really thirsty after all that hard work. – I (to make) some tea. 9. Are you going to the town today? – Yes, I (to give) you a lift if you like. 10. Why do you need hot soap water? – Because I (to wash) the car. 4. Translate from Russian into English
1. Увидимся сегодня в 9 часов вечера. Хорошо? 2. Я думаю, это будут трудные переговоры (talks). 3. Если хочешь, я подвезу тебя (to give a lift). 4. Мы будем ждать тебя в офисе завтра в 10 утра. 5. Что я отвечу, если она позвонит? 6. В следующий понедельник будет ровно три года, как я живу в этой стране. 7. Не нужно его ждать. Встреча закончится поздно вечером. 8. Не могли бы вы купить мне сок, когда будете проходить мимо супермаркета. 9. Мы не встретимся завтра с Томом. Завтра в 5.30 он будет играть в футбол. 10. Мы опаздываем. Я думаю, что фильм уже начнется к тому времени, когда мы доберемся до кинотеатра.
UNIT 6 VERB Passive voice
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