II. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка. Каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз
Some tips on starting your own business Planning is an (15) _______ ingredient for a successful business. The type of business which needs most careful thought is the one you start from scratch*. But you don’t need an original idea to have a good business. If you are worried (16) ______ starting from scratch, you might want to think about buying a business that is already (17) _______. Talking to people who have already started up their own business is very useful. You can learn a great deal from both successful businesses and those which have (18) _______. Your Enterprise Agency or Chamber of Commerce may run business clubs where you can meet other small business (19) ______. Not having enough (20) ______, which is one of the most common problems in small business, can be (21) _____. It is easy to (22) _____ the amount of money you will need to start up your own business. The time you spend working (23) _____ your cash needs and (24) _____ cashflow is time well-spent. You should have at least a basic understanding of (25) ______ laws, which protect (26) _______, employees, the general public and businesses as well.
*to start from scratch – начать все с самого начала III. От слов, данных в скобках, образуйте правильную форму: On December 10th, Charles Stevenson celebrated his much deserved (27) (retire) after 37 years of (28) (dedicate) service with the company. Charlie began his career in 1963 as a trainee buyer and over the years he worked his way up to the position of (29) (purchase) Manager. Throughout his career he has seen many changes and watched the company grow (30) (immense) – from 90 to 3,000 (31) (employ). IV. Подберите к каждому слову соответствующее определение:
V. Образуйте устойчивые словосочетания:
VI. Замените выделенные слова и словосочетания словами из списка. Измените форму слова, если необходимо. В списке есть два лишних слова.
52. The company’s plan of action is determined in St.Paul. 53. The company has had its ownlocal companiesin Europe for 40 years. 54. By the 1920s Marks and Spencer stores were selling some food as well as household products, but the 1st extensive expansion of thevariety of goodscame in early 1930s. 55. We gave support to the charity fund. 56. Indeed B&O numerous awards for environmental initiatives show how seriously it has considered these complex controversialquestions. 57. John received payment from his company after injuring himself at work. TEST 12 I. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму. 1. Sheila _____ as a costume designer for the local Theatre company. a) has been working b) work c) works d) was worked 2. Carl _____ me! a) interrupt always b) is always interrupting c) was always interrupted d) has been interrupted 3. I’ll get back as soon as I _____ to my boss. a) will speak b) will be spoken c) have spoken d) spoke 4. She _____ meetings all day and was extremely tired. a) had been attending b) was attending c) attended d) has attended 5. He _____ really hard. But he doesn’t now. a) used b) was using to work c) used to working d) used to work 6. I wonder if I _____ change my ticket? a) am b) could c) ought d) should to 7. There was no answer from her phone three hours ago. She _____ at the meeting. a) may be b) must be c) has to be d) must have been 8. The goods _____ next week by our supplier in China. a) has been shipped b) are shipping c) are being shipped d) will be shipping 9. Many investment banks _____ losses in the high yield, or “junk”, bond market in recent months. a) are believed to have suffered b) are believed suffering c) believe to suffer d) believed to have suffered 10. We are having the machines _____ tomorrow. a) be cleaning b) clean c) to be cleaned d) cleaned 11. If our salary structure _____ , it _____ easier to attract new staff. a) will change … would be b) changed … would be c) had changed … will be d) would change … was 12. If only I _____ to post that letter the day before yesterday. a) hadn’t forgotten b) didn’t forget c) haven’t forgotten d) don’t forget 13. The C600i is just _____ the C600b. a) so powerful that b) as powerful so c) like powerful as d) as powerful as 14. It is a _____ car. a) new fast sports French b) French sports new fast c) fast new French sports d) fast French sports new 15. She’s found _____ work as a commercial assistant. a) the b) - c) a d) an 16. The final date for submission was three weeks ago so it’s ____ late now. a) far too b) far enough c) far a little d) little 17. She asked me _____ for the whole of August. a) if I was on holiday b) whether was I on holiday c) was I on holiday d) if I am on holiday 18. Do you prefer to _____ the typing just now or after the talk with the Managing Director? a) type b) perform c) make d) do 19. He has got a new car, _____? a) doesn’t he b) hasn’t he c) aren’t he d) isn’t he
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