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2015-11-20 684 Обсуждений (0)
II. Найдите ошибку в одном из подчеркнутых слов или фразе 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


20. Howeverlast year’s Internet business slowdown, companies today must still


recognize the strategic value of adopting e-business processes and technologies.


21. The share of US capital spending devoted to information technology, has more


than tripled since 1960, from the 10% to 35%.


22. This year we have decided not to attend the trade fair in Milan as the date


coincides with a similarly but more important event in Austria.


23. The news now features many stories on the environment, what suggests that


businesses are becoming increasingly concerned with environmental issues.


III. От слов, данных в скобках, образуйте правильные формы. Возможны отрицательные формы.

24. She is _____ (decide), so we don’t know if she’s going to accept or to reject the offer.

25. Cadbury _____ (operation) three chocolate factories in the UK .

26. These rules – such as the procedure for _____ (dismiss) - are formal.

27. Prices rose _____ (steady) from February to July.


IV. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка.

a) innovative b) linked c) subsidiaries d) management e) network f) facilities g) founded h) out


Over the decades, the name of Siemens has become synonymous with progress. Since 1847, when W. Siemens and J.G. Halske __28__ the Siemens & Halske Telegraph Construction Company in Berlin, the history of Siemens has been closely __29__ with the development of electrical engineering. While still a beginning firm, Siemens & Halske headed the evolution of telegraphy with the first pointer telegraph and the construction of an extensive telegraph __30__. In 1866 W. Siemens invented the dynamo machine, laying the base for power engineering.

New ideas are old tradition at Siemens. The company that grew __31__ of the original Siemens & Halske is today a highly __32__ leader in the world electronics market. Nowadays the company is composed of a range of domestic and foreign __33__.

Siemens maintains its own production __34__ in more than 50 countries and operates a worldwide sales network. With more than 300,000 employees, it is one of the largest companies in the world electronics industry. Reliable __35__ is united with youthful dynamism and passion for innovation.

V. Образуйте устойчивые словосочетания.

36. profit 37. cash 38. conduct 39. protectionist 40. purchasing 41. preferred a. flow b. stock c. margin d. business e. power f. measures


VI. В каждой строке найдите одно лишнее слово.


42. drop tumble plummet slip climb slide

43. securities bond stock royalty equities shares

44. crisis boom recession decline slump slowdown

VII. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами.

with of in to on off over


45. The company contributes more than $1m ___ environmental programmes and charities annually.

46. Jane felt very nervous because she was to report to her manager ___ the latest fall in sales.

47. The CEO didn’t approve ___ staff redundancy and asked the management to find other ways of cutting costs.

48. If a business person wants to enter an overseas market, he should familiarize himself ___ business culture of that country.

49. Investments in food sector didn’t pay ___ and the company went bankrupt.

50. We are based ___ London and our subsidiaries are all over Europe.


VIII. Выберите правильный вариант.

51. You can use your bank card to _____ cash at cash points worldwide.

a) conduct b) pay c) charge d) withdraw

52. Because of high profits last year, the company has announced a salary _____ for all its employees.

a) increase b) climb c) reduction d) decline

53. Franchisees have to buy vegetables and meat for their restaurants from preferred _____ .

a) franchisors b) authorities c) suppliers d) investors

54. Customers should think about long-term _____ issues and environmentalism when choosing products.

a) liabilities b) appointment c) sustainability d) maintenance

55. We are going to _____ our new model of the cell phone on to the market in June.

a) delegate b) launch c) implement d) log on



I. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму.

1. They _____ to go on holiday in spring when the resorts are less crowded.

a) are preferring b) prefer c) were preferred d) are being preferred

2. No wonder the phone bills are so high! You _____ on the phone!

a) always talks b) are always talking

c) talk always d) always had been talking

3. I’ll send you a fax when I _____ all the arrangements.

a) have made b) will make c) have been made d) will be made

4. I didn’t start the meeting until the employees _____ .

a) arrived b) hadn’t arrived c) had arrived d) wasn’t arriving

5. Our company _____ to an American multinational.

a) were using to belong b) used belonging

c) used to belonging d) used to belong

6. I’d be grateful if you _____ open the window.

a) could b) may c) should d) were to

7. I _____ an earlier flight, but it left at 7.30 in the morning.

a) could book b) could have booked c) should book d) can book

8. These special terms _____ to retail investors in EU countries who make an early subscription.

a) had been offered b) will be offering c) will be offered d) had offered

9. Ericsson _____ at the possibility of selling its low price phones in Taiwan.

a) knows looking b) is known looking

c) knows to be looking d) is known to be looking

10. We are going to _____ a new conditioning system _____ .

a) have … installed b) having … installed

c) having … install d) have had … installed

11. If we _____ personnel, there _____ more integration.

a) would have exchanged … had been b) exchanged … would be

c) will exchange … had been d) will exchange … would have been

12. I wish you _____ more attention to your teacher’s instructions yesterday.

a) have paid b) had been paid c) had paid d) paid

13. Trends in oil prices are about supply and demand fundamentals. It really is _____ that.

a) so simple so b) as simple as c) as more simple than d) so simplest as

14. It is a (an) _____ source.

a) energy Italian cheap clean b) Italian energy clean cheap

c) clean Italian cheap energy d) cheap clean Italian energy

15. She has had _____ three year’s experience as a solicitor.

a) - b) the c) a d) an

16. She works mostly on her own so she has very _____ colleagues.

a) a few b) few c) little d) a little

17. The technician asked me _____ the next day.

a) will I be there b) whether would be I there c) if I would be there d) if will I be there

18. Have you ever _____ a complaint about the poor quality of something you bought?

a) give b) take c) done d) made

19. Let’s consult a specialist, _____ ?

a) shall we b) will we c) won’t we d) do we


2015-11-20 684 Обсуждений (0)
II. Найдите ошибку в одном из подчеркнутых слов или фразе 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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