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III. Read the article about the importance of writing a covering letter when applying for a job, and answer the questions given below

2015-12-15 1011 Обсуждений (0)
III. Read the article about the importance of writing a covering letter when applying for a job, and answer the questions given below 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Text 1. Selling Yourself On Paper: How To Write A Covering Letter

A good covering letter for a new job is like a firm handshake. It’s a good way to be remembered and to say ‘choose me’! It accompanies your CV and is just as important. “A covering letter is read before a CV, so make sure that it grabs the reader’s attention,” says Paul Laurie, the operations manager at the employment consultancy Manpower. Many employers don’t even bother to read the CV if the letter has poor spelling and punctuation, forgets to include contact details or omits reference to what the job is. These apparently are all common reasons for not even making the interview stage. The other point to note is that it isn’t just an optional extra. Even if the advert only requires you to email your CV, you need to introduce why your CV is there and what you stand for. It should set the scene and make the reader want to open the attachment.

Many applicants begin with the rather anonymous Dear Sir or Madam, but if the job advertisement doesn’t name a contact, call human resources to find out who will be shortlisting applications. The sooner you get on personal terms with the head of human resources, the better. Laurie also advises you to “keep it punchy”. This means that three or four paragraphs should be sufficient to convey your motivation, experience and personality. It isn’t replacing your CV but summarises your suitability for a role by matching your experience to the job advertised. This doesn’t mean crossing that line between truth and fiction. “There is selling yourself and then highlighting what you have done,” Laurie says. “Avoid statements such as “I am the ideal candidate”, for example, in favour of “I believe I have the skills and experience that make me a strong candidate.”

Of course, you might not be replying to a job advert but simply writing a speculative application. Perhaps you recently read something in the trade press or met someone from a firm at a networking event? If so, give a clear reason for writing and this will tell the company that you have been doing your homework. Recruiters are always impressed by any evidence of research into their company’s goals, achievements and vision. Also, with this speculative application letter, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a job straight away. There may not be a job to suit you at the time of writing but most HR managers will keep impressive letters and CVs on file. It’s also worth making a follow-up call a month or so later to remind them that you exist.

More and more covering application letters are now actually sent in the form of e-mails. But don’t see the e-mail as a shortcut. A good e-mail requires just as much patience as a legible handwritten letter. You can also make an email work harder by writing a subject line with your key point, for example “Engineering Graduate”. And as with letters, don’t point out any weaknesses and then attempt to justify yourself - you’re giving reasons to interview you, not delete you. Finally, sign off with confidence and ask for an interview. Ending with “I’ll expect your call” sounds overly confident whereas writing that you expect to meet to discuss the role sounds professional.

1 In the first paragraph, the writer recommends that a covering letter should

A include the words' choose me.

B include a CV.

C make the reader look at your CV.

D not include as much information as the CV.


2 According to the writer, not all covering letters

A are needed.

B include the name of the sender.

C are attached to emails.

D explain their purpose.


3 What are the reasons for telephoning the company?

A It's more effective than writing a letter.

B So you get to know who the contact person is.

C To find out what kind of job vacancies they have.

D To find out what kind of applications they prefer.


4 According to the writer, one mistake people make is to

A exaggerate about themselves.

B say they are better than others.

C lie about their experience.

D apply for unadvertised jobs.


5 What does the writer say about speculative letters?

A Don't expect to get a reply.

B Ask to be kept on file if there aren't currently any vacancies.

C Try to hand deliver them to the person in charge.

D Show that you have studied the company.

6 What advice does the writer give about applications by e-mail?

A Employers prefer them.

B Make a copy in case it's deleted.

C Mention areas you still intend to work on.

D The same guidelines apply as for the traditional letter.




IV. Study the given Covering Letter Templates.

Covering Letter Template 1

Rachel Williams

Hiring Manager

Dayjob Ltd

120 Vyse Street


B18 6NF


23rd April 2014


Dear Ms Williams,


I was very excited to see your vacancy for a .............., which was advertised yesterday on the www.dayjob.com website. I am a well qualified ............... who would be an excellent choice for this position.


I have an ability to grow with a job, handle responsibility and build positive relationships with work colleagues at all levels. My present employer is very satisfied with my work rate, and I am confident that I can bring the same level of high performance to your company.


Beyond that which is already mentioned in my attached resume, I am someone who knows how to set goals and achieve them, and have a proven track record of being able to conceive, develop & execute strategies. I feel certain that my strong ....., ..... skills coupled with my ability to ............ will be of immediate value to your company.


I very much hope that you will look favourably upon my application by recognizing my enthusiasm, talents in the field of ............... and my future potential. I would dearly like to further discuss the scope of this position, with you in person, and would welcome the chance of a meeting.


Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


Yours sincerely,

Mark Andrews

Dayjob Ltd

120 Made Up Road



T: 0044 121 638 0026

E: info@dayjob.com



Covering Letter Template 2

123 Made Up Street

Birmingham, B11AA 8RJ

T: 0044 121 638 0026 E: info@dayjob.com


Winston Jeffers

Hiring Manager

Dayjob Ltd

120 Vyse Street

Birmingham, B18 6NF

25th April 2014


Dear Mr Jeffers,


Your advertisement for a ............. caught my eye, and as I appear to be a perfect match for this position I am eagerly applying for the vacancy.


As an accomplished ............... with over ....... years experience in the field of .............., I am well positioned to join your company and make an immediate positive impression. My key areas of expertise include, but are not limited to the following:


· A solid background in ............., and ................

· Possessing a convincing track record of .........................

· Having a well deserved reputation for ............. and ....................


I believe that my skills, experience, and reputation for excellence can greatly enhance your company’s already impressive performance.


I have a proven track record of responsibility, integrity and commitment to company objectives. I am comfortable working independently or as part of a team, and I firmly believe that your needs and my skills are an excellent match. In addition to all of this I possess impeccable personal and work references which I can present to you when we meet.


Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to calling you in a few days time to arrange an interview at a mutually convenient time.


Yours sincerely,

Simon Higgins




2015-12-15 1011 Обсуждений (0)
III. Read the article about the importance of writing a covering letter when applying for a job, and answer the questions given below 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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