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2015-11-08 1586 Обсуждений (0)
UNIT 3 ПАССИВНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок



Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to beв соответствующем времени и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола. При спряжении глагола в страдательном залоге иpменяется только глагол to be,смысловой же глагол имеет во всех временах одну и ту же форму – Past Participle (окончание –ed для правильных глаголов; 3 форма для неправильных глаголов).

Active: Picassopainted that picture.

Passive: That picturewas painted by Picasso.


1. Дополнение действительного оборота (that picture) служит подлежащим в страдательном обороте.

2. Глаголу в действительном залоге (painted) соответствует глагол в страдательном залоге в том же времени (was painted).

3. Подлежащее действительного оборота (Picasso) служит в страдательном обороте дополнением. Если возникает необходимость назвать лицо или предмет, который совершает действие, то употребляется оборот с предлогом by или with (кем? чем?).

by–указывает субъекта, который совершает действие

with – указывает инструмент, средство, с помощью которого совершается действие.


This poem was written by Byron. This window was broken witha stone.


Однако лицо, производящее воздействие, несущественно и часто не упоминается. Например:


The theatre was built in 1983. Театр был построен в 1983 г.

English is spoken all over the world. На английском говорят во всем мире.


4. Если в английском действительном обороте сказуемое имеет два дополнения, то действительному обороту могут соответствовать два параллельных страдательных оборота. Страдательный оборот с косвенным дополнением в роли подлежащего является более употребительным.

I sent her some roses. - Shewas sent some roses. (more usual)

Some roses were sent (to) her. (less usual).

5. После модальных глаголов ( can, may, must, have to, should) в страдательном обороте употребляется be + past participle.

You can use the machine for cutting bread. The machine can be usedfor cutting bread.


Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Modals He delivers letters He deliveredthe letters He will deliver the letters He is delivering the letters He was delivering the letters He has delivered the letters He had delivered the letters He will have delivered the letters He may deliver the letters He must deliver the letters Letters are delivered. The letters were delivered. The letters will be delivered The letters are being delivered The letters were being delivered The letters have been delivered The letters had been delivered The letters will have been delivered The letters may be delivered The letters must be delivered






  Simple Continuous Perfect
  Present   build   am /is/ are building   have / has built
  Past   built   was /were building   had built
  Future   will build   will be building   will have built





  Simple Continuous Perfect
  Present   am /is /are built   am is /are being built   has / have been built
  Past   was / were built   was / were being built   had been built
  Future   will be built   _   will have been built



Present simple tense of verb to be (am, is, are) +past participle
Active:The Italians eat a lot of pasta. Passive:A lot of pasta is eaten in Italy.

Ex. 121. Write the sentences in passive.


Example: We read books every day.

Books are read every day (by us).


1. We ask a lot of questions at the lessons. 7. Cats eat mice.

2. We always invite him to our place. 8. They speak English here.

3. Ann sees him every day. 9. She usually writes letters in the evening.

4. They play football out-of-doors. 10. They take many books from the library.

5. I always buy tickets for him. 11. They serve wine and beer here.

6. Mother cooks dinner every day. 12. They grow grapes in the Crimea.


Ex. 122. British facts.

Do these facts surprise you? Use the present passive of the verb in brackets.


Example: 70 billion cups of tea __are drunk__ (drink) in Britain every year.

1 A billion litres of fruit juice ______________________(buy) by the British every year.

2 20 million litres of milk ______________________(drink) every day.

3 9 million chickens and turkeys ________________________(kill) every week.

4 Not everybody eats meet. Meat _______________________(not eat) by three per cent of

British people.

5 3,500 litres of water ________________(use) by the average British family every week.

6 In Britain over 15 million newspapers ____________________(read) every day.

7 Over 30 million television sets ________________(own) by British families.

8 Every day enough rubbish _______________________(produce) to fill Trafalgar Square -

up to the top of Nelson’s Column!

Ex. 123. At the doctor’s.

Write what happens when you go to the doctor’s. Use present simple passive.


Example: He tests your eyes. Your eyes are tested.______


1 He looks at your throat. ________________________

2 He takes your pulse. __________________________

3 He weighs you. _____________________________

4 He checks your blood pressure. _________________

5 He examines your chest. ______________________

6 He X-rays your lungs. ________________________

7 He takes a blood sample. ______________________

8 He measures your height. ______________________

9 He tests your hearing. ________________________

10 He listens to your heart. _______________________



Ex. 124. Use present passive simple in the following informative text to describe the

Processes and events.

2015-11-08 1586 Обсуждений (0)
UNIT 3 ПАССИВНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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