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Introducing the all-new Honda Insight. It’s America’s first gasoline-electric hybrid automobile

2016-09-16 378 Обсуждений (0)
Introducing the all-new Honda Insight. It’s America’s first gasoline-electric hybrid automobile 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Nothing short of an engineering breakthrough, the Insight achieves a terrific 70 miles per gallon on the highway, 61 miles per gallon in the city, and an outstanding 700-mile range on one tank of fuel. How? By combining an efficient three-cylinder gasoline engine with an electric motor powered by nickel-metal hybrid batteries that never need to be plugged in. Then add a world-class aerodynamic design and an extremely lightweight body, and you have the ultra-low-emission Insight.

It’s the culmination of years of research and development into lighter, cleaner, more efficient automobiles. In other words, the technology with a conscience. Then again, what else would you expect from a car powered by Honda?

К стилистическим приемам и выразительным средствам рекламного текста относятся: а) Эпитеты: terrific 70 miles, outstanding 700-mile range; б) Морфемный повтор: частица сравнительной степени прилагательного lighter, cleaner, more efficient.

Основной текст: информативно-описательное повествование с обращениями к читателю: “Then again, what else would you expect from a car powered by Honda?”; “How?”

Лексика рекламного текста нейтральна, однако встречаются с лова с эмфазой для описания характеристик автомобиля: “world-class aerodynamic design, “extremely lightweight body”, “ultra low emission”. Также в тексте встречается множество технических терминов описывающих технические параметры автомобиля: gasoline-electric hybrid, electric motor, three-cylinder gasoline engine, miles per gallon, nickel-metal hybrid batteries.

4) Реклама корма для кошек фирмы EKANUBA

Inside cat live thousands of generations of big cats. Cats with an insatiable craving for meat. With that in mind, Ekanuba Cat Food is made with real chicken or lamb meat. Plenty of it, too. And the resealable bag preserves the fresh taste cats want and all the nutrition they need.

К стилистическим приемам, использованным в данном рекламном тексте относятся: а) Звукоподражание, выделенное посредством графической капитализации:

“MEat nOW – MEOW” (мурлыкание кошки);

б) Перифраза: Big cats как косвенная ссылка на крупных представителей семейства кошачьих; в) Повтор-подхват: generations of big cats. Cats with an insatiable craving for meat.

Основной текст содержит абсолютные конструкции, эллиптические предложения: With that in mind, Ekanuba Cat Food is made; Plenty of it, too.

Грамматическая инверсия: Inside cat live thousands of generations of big cats.

Лексика основного текста содержит слова с эмоциональной нагрузкой: craving вместо wish, will.

5) Реклама кресел в самолетах авиакомпании American Airlines

Kind of nice, isn’t it? Having more room to stretch out. More room to cross your legs. That’s what happens when you remove rows of seats to make more room. And we’re glad you like it. In fact, by June over 50% of our entire fleet will be reconfigured. That means we’ll soon be able to offer more room for more Coach passengers than any other airline.

So make plans to fly with us. We’ll have plenty of room.

Основной текст содержит побудительное обращение: “Make plans to fly with us”.

Выделение из массы: “Only On American”;”we’ll soon be able to offer more room for more Coach passengers than any other airline”. И заголовок, и основной текст содержат многократное повторение: “More room” для описания комфортабельности самолетов авиакомпании. Игра слов на значении слова “coach” и “class” основанная на том, что второй класс (coach) может быть чем-то большим, чем просто второй класс.

Разговорная лексика - содержатся слова и структуры, используемые чаще всего в разговорной речи: “Kind of nice, isn’t it?”, сокращения, сленг: “Coach” (сленг) – второй класс в самолете.

6) Реклама автомобиля марки Rolls-Royce

At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.

What makes Rolls-Royce the best car in the world? "There is really no magic about it, it is merely patient attention to detail," says an eminent Rolls-Royce engineer.

1. "At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise comes from the electric clock," reports the Technical Editor of THE MOTOR. Three mufflers tune out sound frequencies—acoustically.

Every Rolls-Royce engine is run for seven hours at full throttle before installation, and each car is test-driven for hundreds of miles over varying road surfaces.

The Rolls-Royce is designed as an owner-driven car. It is eighteen inches shorter than the largest domestic cars,

The car has power steering, power brakes and automatic gear-shift. It is very easy to drive and to park. No chauffeur required.

The finished car spends a week in the final test-shop, being fine-tuned. Here it is subjected to 98 separate ordeals. For example, the engineers use a stethoscope to listen for axle-whine.

The Rolls-Royce is guaranteed for three years. With a new network of dealers and parts-depots from Coast to Coast, service is no problem.

The Rolls-Royce radiator has never changed, except that when Sir Henry Royce died in 1933 the monogram RR was changed from red to black.

2016-09-16 378 Обсуждений (0)
Introducing the all-new Honda Insight. It’s America’s first gasoline-electric hybrid automobile 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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