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Задание 9. Перескажите текст, используя зад. 7 и новые слова

2016-09-16 603 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 9. Перескажите текст, используя зад. 7 и новые слова 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Составьте план пересказа.

Activity 9. Retell the text using new words and Act.7. Make a plan of your story:

Activity 10. Describe the picture on page 34: What are they doing? And how?



Практическое занятие 9 ( 15) Unit 9


Теоретическая часть – Theoretical part

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли прочитать текст, а затем рассказать об этапах бурения, обращая внимание на детали, смогли сделать лексико-грамматический анализ текста. По грамматике – повторение Present Perfect.


Задания – Activities

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

Activity 1. Read and learn new words:

stage этап, ступень

to run опробовать, эксплуатировать

to reveal обнаружить, выявить

at this point в этой точке/этом месте

to remove убирать, вытаскивать

to perform several tests выполнить несколько тестов

to confirm подтвердить

well logging каротаж скважины

sensor датчик

to take measurements проводить измерения

drill-stem бурильная колонна

to measure the pressure измерять давление

to take core samples брать образцы керна

perforating gun стреляющий перфоратор

explosive charges взрывные заряды

to run a pipe опускать трубу

conduit трубопровод, желоб

packer пакер

tubing труба малого диаметра/тюбинг

to run down опускать вниз

is expanded расширяется

to form a seal образовать уплотнение

Christmas tree фонтанная арматура

core sampling отбор керна

acid is pumped закачивается кислота

to dissolve растворять

limestone известняк

sandstone песчаник

to blend смешивать

fractures трещины, изломы

pellets гранулы

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Activity 2. Read and translate the text:

Stages of drilling.

There are several stages in drilling process. First they drill, then run and cement new casings, then drill again. When the rock cuttings from the mud reveal the oil sand from the reservoir rock, it means that they have reached the final depth. At this point, it is necessary to remove the drilling apparatus from the hole and to perform several tests to confirm this finding.

The first test is well logging. Well logging means lowering electrical and gas

sensors into the hole to take measurements of the rock formations there. The second one is drill-stem testing. During drill-stem testing we lower devices into the

hole to measure the pressures, which will reveal whether reservoir rock has been reached or not. The third operation is core sampling. Core sampling means to take samples of rocks looking for the reservoir rock characteristics. Once, after reaching the final depth, the crew completes the well to allow oil flowing into the casing in a controlled manner. First, they lower a perforating gun into the well up to production depth. The gun has explosive charges to make holes in the casing through which the oil can flow.

After the casing has been perforated, they run a small-diameter pipe (tubing) into the hole as a conduit for oil and gas to flow up the well. A device called a packer is run down the outside of the tubing. When the packer is set at the production level, it is expanded to form a seal around the outside of the tubing. Finally, they connect a multi-valve structure, called a Christmas tree, to the top of tubing and cement it to the top of the casing. The Christmas tree allows them to control the flow of oil from the well.

Once the well is completed, they must start the flow of oil into the well. For limestone reservoir rock, acid is pumped down the well and out the perforations. The acid dissolves channels in the limestone that lead oil into the well. For sandstone reservoir rock, a specially blended fluid, containing sand, walnut shells, aluminum pellets, is pumped down the well and out the perforations. The pressure from this fluid makes small fractures in the sandstone that allow oil to flow into the well, while the agents hold these fractures open. Once the oil is flowing, the oil rig is removed from the site and production equipment is set up to extract the oil from the well.

Задание 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Activity 2. Answer the following questions:

1. When do they remove the drilling apparatus from the hole?

2. What is necessary to perform after removing drilling bit?

3. What is well logging test?

4. What does drill-stem testing mean?

5. What are core samples taking for?

6. How is perforating gun used and what for?

7. What is finally connected to the top of the tubing?

Задание 4. Напишите перевод следующих фраз на английском:

Activity 4. Write the translation of the following phrases:

несколько этапов процесса бурения ………………………………………….

обнаружить нефтяной песок ……………………………………… … спуск электро и газовых датчиков ………………………………………….

сделать отверстия в обсадной трубе ………………………………………….

позволяет управлять потоком нефти ………………………………………….

как только скважина закончена ………………………………………….

кислота растворяет каналы …………………………………………..

давление создает маленькие разломы …………………………………………..

нефтяная вышка убирается …………………………………………..


2016-09-16 603 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 9. Перескажите текст, используя зад. 7 и новые слова 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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