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What state recognized the United States and signed a Treaty with him in 1778?

2019-11-13 184 Обсуждений (0)
What state recognized the United States and signed a Treaty with him in 1778? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


A) Russia

B) Prussia

C) France

D) Austria

E) Belgium


Правильный ответ : C



As a result of the Seven years ' war, Canada withdrew to ...


A) American

B) Russia

C) Britain

D) Francium

E) Austrian


Правильный ответ : D


Who was the guarantor of the Westphalian peace?


A) France, Sweden

B) England

C) Russia

D) Turkey, Spain

E) Austria


Правильный ответ : A


What year was the Treaty of Utrecht signed?


A) 11 April 1713

B) February 14, 1769

C) December 19, 1879

D) 25 October 1745

E) May 30, 1732


Правильный ответ : A


Which States signed the Treaty of Utrecht?


A) between Russia and Turkey

B) between France and Spain, England, Holland, Brandenburg

C) between Russia and England

D) between Spain and Turkey

E) between Kazakhstan and Russia


Правильный ответ : B


The result of the failures of Louis XV was...


A) settlement of French colonists

B) the internal expansion of Poland

C) conclusion of the Lichen Treaty

D) war between England and Holland

E) the loss of the American colonies


Правильный ответ : B


What did the Turkish problem mean for Peter I?


A) Access to the Black sea

B) conclusion of the Amsterdam Treaty

C) the prosperity of the Turkish sultans

D) domination over Turkey

E) capture of Turkey


Правильный ответ : A


92. What year was the event called «Boston tea party»:


A) in 1756

B) in 1773

C) in 1766

D) in 1771

E) in 1778


Правильный ответ : B


93. Which countries were included in the third coalition against France in the period of Napoleon Bonaparte:


A) England, Russia, Austria, Kingdom of Naples

B) England, Russia, Spain, Helvetic Republic

C) Spain, Italy, Russia, Prussia

D) England, Prussia, Spain

E) Piedmont, Italy, Prussia, Russia


Правильный ответ : A


94. The battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805 brought victory:


A) Russian-French fleet

B) English squadron

C) Italian-Spanish squadron

D) French-Spanish fleet

E) Russian fleet


Правильный ответ : B


When and where did Napoleon Bonaparte sign the decree on the continental blockade?


A) 16 April 1805 in Paris

B) 25 April 1804 in Vienna;

C) November 21, 1806 in Berlin

D) June 8, 1806 in Rome

E) 1 January 1807


Правильный ответ : C



When did Napoleon Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign take place?


A) in 1807 -1809

B) in 1801 -1808

C) in 1798 – 1801

D) in 1809 -1810

E) in 1811 — 1812;


Правильный ответ : C



97. The peace of Tilsit was signed in 1807:


A) between Austria and France

B) between Spain and France

C) between Italy and France

D) between Russia and France

E) between Italy and Spain


Правильный ответ : D


98. Russia's goal in the "Eastern Question" at the beginning of the XIX is:


A) Maintain the integrity of the Ottoman Empire

B) to master Bosnia and Herzegovina

C) to master Bulgaria

D) master Constantinople

E) to seize the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles


Правильный ответ : D

99. The slogan of England and France on the "integrity and integrity of the Ottoman Empire" put forward in the early XIX century is:


A) the desire to stop the national liberation movement

B) the desire to abolish the previous capitulation regime

C) the desire to prevent the strengthening of Austria

D) the desire to put Turkey in economic dependence

E) the desire to prevent the movement of Austria to the Balkans


Правильный ответ : D


100. Name the largest colonial power in the middle of the XVIII century:


A) Italy


C) France

D) Germany

E) England

Правильный ответ : E

The new period in the history of international relations has the following chronological framework:


A) From the signing of the Peace of Westphalia to the end of the First World War

B) From the Congress of Vienna to the end of World War 1

C) From the Peace of Westphalia to the Congress of Vienna

D)Great geographical discoveries - the colonial conquests of the XVIII-XIX c.

E) From the beginning of the XVI century. before signing the Peace of Westphalia


Правильный ответ : A



102. In the history of international relations of the XVI century characterized by…


A) The struggle of Spain and France for hegemony in Europe

B) The struggle of Spain and England for hegemony in Europe

C) The rivalry of Holland and France because of the colony

D) The rivalry of England and Portugal

E) The struggle of England and France for hegemony in Europe


Правильный ответ : A


103. In the XVII century the development of international relations was influenced by the following events:


A) Created a huge colonial empire of France

B) There was a bourgeois revolution in England

C) France has lost most of its colonies

D) The struggle between Spain and France for hegemony in Europe

E) Rivalry of Spain and Portugal for supremacy on the seas


Правильный ответ : A


104. In the period of the XVI-XVIII centuries the following methods of conflict resolution prevailed:

A) The use of allied combinations

B) War as a way to solve international problems

C) Diplomatic receptions

D) Peace talks

E) The rivalry between the European dynasties


Правильный ответ : B


105. The most important international contradictions in the period of the XVII - the first half of the XVIII centuries. found a vivid expression in the largest pan-European conflicts:


A) Russian-Turkish wars

B) Thirty Years War

C) Napoleonic Wars

D) Russian-Iranian Wars

E) Northern War

Правильный ответ : B

2019-11-13 184 Обсуждений (0)
What state recognized the United States and signed a Treaty with him in 1778? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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