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2019-12-29 254 Обсуждений (0)
ADVICE FOROFFICE WORKERS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

You should train yourself to make more effective use of your time. This will help you to gain control over your job, to accomplish more of what is important for you. To get control of your time and your job it is necessary to avoid delays and distractions and to follow these rules of time management:

* list goals; * set priorities, * make a daily "To Do" list, * start with A's not with C's; * handle each piece of paper only once; * start now.

Advice for secretaries:

* know where to look for any information in your files;

* use a dictionary to check spelling, avoid errors, clumsy corrections;

* learn the names of the most frequent contacts by heart, keep a desk diary to mark down all work to be carried out, your boss's engagements and appointments, conferences, reminders of actions to be taken, birthdays of your col­ leagues, etc.;

* have a good telephone manner, good communication skills; never let your personal problems show in the office; pay attention to your personal appearance and manners.


PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about responsi­bilities of employees:

- to join the company быть принятым на работу в компанию

- to be taken on the staff быть принятым в штат

- to work for the company работать в компании

- to be with the company работать в компании

- to hold position занимать должность

- to assume position вступить в должность

- to be appointed senior manager быть назначенным на должность главного менеджера

- to be responsible for ( planning , project management , etc .)
быть ответственным за (планирование, управление проектом)

- his responsibilities include... его обязанности включают

- to work as ... before joining the company работать в ка­честве ... перед приходом в компанию

- his career included management positions in some Euro ­ pean countries его карьера включала управленческие должности в некоторых Европейских странах

- he began as an economist trainee at National Oil Company
он начинал как экономист-стажер в Национальной Нефтяной Компании

- his previous position has been as Department Head ранее он занимал пост начальника отдела

- he is recognized as an expert in programming and soft ­ ware он получил признание как специалист по програм­мированию и программному обеспечению

- his role will be to install and tailor software applications to the specific needs of clients его функцией будет установка и адаптация применения программ к нуж­дам клиентов

- he spent 10 years with Citibank and during his tenure there he lectured tax law at Sofia University and worked as a legal adviser for a law firm он работал 10 лет в Сити­ банк и в течение срока пребывания в должности читал лекции по закону о налогообложении и работал кон­сультантом в юридической фирме.



Содержание и перспективы работы

routine                     заведенный порядок, обычный (рабочий) режим, установив­шаяся практика
job description             описание функциональных обязанностей
job objective                желаемая работа (чем хотите заниматься)
probation                      испытание, испытательный срок
base                               размещаться, базироваться
overtime                       сверхурочная работа
availabl                         нeдоступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
full time                        полный (рабочий) день
part time                       неполный (рабочий) день


It is important to know how to ask for information about the job content, your responsibilities and the job prospects in your career to understand the organizational culture and the philosophy of the company. Consider the following:

1. What is much of my future work concerned with?

2. What sort of job is it?

3. What sort of work am I supposed to do?

4. What is the day-to-day routine like?

5. What are the bieeest problems?

6. What will (shall) I be in charge of/ be responsible for?
(What will my responsibilities include?)

7. Can I have my future job description?

8. I'd like to indicate my job objective.

9. Can I be on probation for a time first?

10.Where is the job based?

11.Is overtime available / desirable?

12. Are business trips available? (Shall I travel much?)

13. Is this post suitable for full time or part time?

14. Will I have any opportunities for personal development?


            Заработная плата

Salary                                     жалованье, оклад, заработная плата служащего
wage(s)                                   заработная плата (рабочих)
wages and salaries                  заработная плата рабочих и служащих
remuneration                          вознаграждение
reward                                    вознаграждение, награда
starting salary                         начальная зарплата
(wage) scale                           шкала (заработной платы)
commensurate                        соразмерный, соответственный
by agreement                          по договоренности, по согласию сторон
negotiable                               по договоренности
gross pay / salary                    общая сумма зарплаты ("грязная ")
net salary (take home pay)   чистая зарплата (за вычетом налогов)
deduction                               вычет
underpay                                не доплачивать
regular pay                             основная зарплата
fee for services                       плата за услуги
yearly salary                           годовой оклад
amount to (sum)                составлять ( сумму )
cash award (bonus, premium)       денежная премия
wages run from .. .(the date) зарплата начисляется с... ( дата )
overtime pay сверхурочная оплата
(wage) rate тарифная ставка, расценки
salary based on hourly rate   почасовая оплата
pay by the hour / by the job   платить почасово / сдельно (за отдельную часть работы)
scaled down / raised                                                        снижены / повышены
payday                                   день выплаты зарплаты, получка



Get familiar with these definitions, questions and state­ments to be ready to use them when it is appropriate.

1. The term 'salary' means * fixed regular pay each month for a job, especially a job done by a senior member of staff.

2. * Wages' denotes 'payment for labour or services, usually paid every day or every week, and often based on the number of hours worked'.

3. 'Remuneration' is used to denote 'payment for work done or trouble taken; a reward'.

4. Can I ask questions referring to the salary?

5. Can I ask what my starting salary will be?

6. You'll be paid on the computer programmer scale.

7. Salaries are commensurate with experience and will re­ flect the importance of the positions.

8. The salary is commensurate with the importance of this position.

9. We offer a salary commensurate with experience.

10. Salaries are commensurate with experience and will re­flect the importance of the positions.

11. The salary will be by agreement.

12. This is a key post and the salary will be by agreement.

13. The salary will be negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. However, the position will attract a mini­mum gross salary of not less than ... pa (per annum}.

14. My gross pay is ... , but the net salary (take home pay, with all the deductions made} is usually ....

15. It is a well-paid job.

16. He thinks he is underpaid.

17. He earns / gets / makes ... dollars a week.

18. The minimum wage / salary is ....

19. It is a regular pay, but you 41 also get your fee for services.

20. My yearly salary amounted to ....

21. You'll also have some cash award (bonus, premium).

22. Your wages run from 10 September. 23.1 am guaranteed overtime pay.

23. Your salary will be based on hourly rate.

24. You'll be paid not by the hour but by the job.

25. Our wages were scaled down / raised.

26. Tomorrow is pay-day.



Средства связи

task                                    задача
brief talk                                    короткая беседа
communicate with                                   общаться с
hold a meeting                              проводить собрание
arrange an appointment     назначать деловую встречу
use a phone                                 звонить по телефону
use the intercom                            пользоваться внутренней связью
circulate a document        передавать документ (для ознакомления)
distribution list                список тех, кому направляется документ
pass a document on ...                                       передать документ далее (по списку)
notice                                 объявление
notice board                                 доска объявлений
note                                   записка
memorandum (memo)                                                                               памятная записка, докладная записка
sample образец


There are different methods of communication in the of­fice for each problem depending upon your task or desire: you may want to contact or meet someone, to discuss some­thing with a person or a group of people, to have a brief talk or some information for your partners or members of the staff, etc. In each case you will chose the best way to communicate with people you need. You can hold a meeting, arrange an appointment with the person you want to see, you can use a phone or the intercom, write a letter, send a fax or use E-mail, occasionally you prefer to talk to him or her face to face. If you want to let your people know some document you can circulate it with a distribution list. After the docu­ment is read it is passed on to the next person on the list. Putting a notice on the notice board is also practiced very often. Sometimes you write a note to a person, or write a memo (memorandum) to all the staff. Refer to the sample memo given below.


TO: All departments FROM: Managing director Re:  Annual corporate plan

May I remind you all to send me your suggestions as to participating in the next year fairs and exhibitions. After de­tailed discussion the approved propositions will be included into our corporate plan. A report on the previous participa­tion experience, with the drawbacks and efficiency analysis, should be submitted by 1st October.



In its basic form, the telephone (the terminal) and the net­work (local and local distance) make up the basic compo­nents of telecommunications. It is an effective tool that can easily change with seasonality and growth. How you use tele­communications can affect how efficiently and profitably your company grows in the future.




Разговор по телефону

book a call                              заказать телефонный разговор
buzz                                        гудок, сигнал, разг. звонить
call                                          звонок по телефону, вызов
general call                             общий вызов (кто подойдет)
local call                                 местный звонок
long distance call / trunk call      междугородный вызов
personal call / person-to-person call вызов определенного лица
answer the call                       ответить на звонок
make a call                             позвонить
give smb a call                        позвонить кому-либо
collect call / reverse                телефонный разговор, оплачиваемый тем, кому звонят
call smb                                  звонить кому-либо по телефону
call back                                 позвонить еще раз; позвонить в ответ на звонок
call to the telephoae               позвать к телефону
dial                                         диск; набирать
dial the wrong number           набрать неправильный номер
engaged / busy                       занято
exchange (trunk exchange)   телефонная станция, подстанция, АТС
extension                               добавочный (номер); параллельный аппарат
free /clear                               свободно
get smb over the telephone   связаться с кем-либо по телефону
get in touch with smb            соединиться, связаться с кем-либо по телефону
get through (to)                     соединиться, попасть
go ahead!                              говорите!
hang up                      класть трубку, давать отбой
hold on держать (не вешать) трубку
IDD (international direct dialing) прямой набор по международному коду
key pad                                            клавишный циферблат телефона
line линия, абонент, номер, телефон
on the line                             у телефона, на проводе
keep me on the line                             не разъединяйте
be engaged on another line            говорить по другому телефону
message                                 содержание сообщения; то, что нужно передать; записка
leave a message                                      передать что-либо
operator                               телефонистка
pick up / take up                  брать, снимать ( трубку )
put down the receiver          положить трубку
put / write down a telephone number записать телефон
reach / get at найти, застать по (такому-то телефону)
receiver                                         трубка
reply / answer                                          ответ; отвечать
Speaking                              Слушаю / У телефона
Subscriber                           абонент
Switchboard                        коммутатор
(tele)phone                          телефон
city / desk / home /              городской / настольный / домашний / внутренний / мобильный /
house / mobile / office / public (pay-) / phone Офисный (рабочий) / об­щественный (телефон- авто­мат) телефон
telephone booth (cabin) /call box телефонная будка (кабина)
telephone directory / book     телефонный справочник
there (Who is there? Are you there?)                      на другом конце провода (Кто говорит? Вы слушаете?)
through ( Are you through? You are through)       в выражениях (Вы говорите / Вам ответили? Вас соединили)
tone dialing / ringing / engaged                                             гудок, сигнал/гудок, указывающий, что можно
number unobtainable tone     набирать номер /линия свободна, жди ответа /линия занята/ гудок, означающий, что связи нет
unobtainable number           номер, по которому нельзя дозвониться



- Hello, is that the sales department?

- May I speak to Mr. N..., please?

- Can you put me in touch with Mr. N...?

- Who is speaking?

- Who is calling?

-1 didn't quite catch your name, how do you spell it?


- Is that you? I didn't recognize you at once.

- It's urgent. Could you please tell him he's wanted on the phone?

- Who shall I say is calling?

- Mr. N... is calling/ Mr. N... is on the line.

- There's a call for you / You are wanted on the phone.



- Excuse me, could I speak to Mr. N...?

- I'm sorry, he is not available / he is in a meeting / he is out
at the moment / he is at lunch / he is not at work today / he
is with a customer / he is not in now.

- Не is on another line.

- Could you call again later?

- Sorry, he hasn't returned yet.

- Can I take a message? / Would you like to leave a mes­

- I'd like to leave a message for him / Could you take a
message for him?

- Can you tell Mr. N.......... (name) from (company) called.

Please ask him to call me. My phone number is .... Thank you.

- Mr. N... called and said he'd be calling again tonight.

- Mr. N... wants you to call him back.

- Was there any call for me?

- Somebody called but didn't leave his name.



- I want to book a call to .. .(city) for 8 p.m.

- What number are you calling from?

- Do you want to make it personal?

- I just want a station-to-station call.

- Will it be on credit? / Is it a credit card call?

- Hold the line. I'm putting you through .... Go ahead.




Назначение деловой встречи

have an engagement                           быть занятым, иметь деловую встречу
be in the meeting                                 быть на совещании
have an appointment                          иметь ( деловую ) встречу
make an appointment                          назначить (деловую) встречу
diary                                      дневник
suit (smb)                                     устраивать, подходить
arrange a lunch appointment            договариваться о встрече для совместного ланча (чтобы вместе пообедать)
How about Thursday?            Как насчет четверга?
Why?                                              А что? (Почему ты спрашиваешь?)
Is it all right with you?                                              Это тебе подходит? (Это тебя устраивает?)
It's all right with me                                         Меня это вполне устраивает
confirm                                  подтвердить
cancel                                    отменить
postpone                                                                                       отложить, перенести (на другое время)
fix the date                                       назначить дату
convenient for smb                                        удобно для кого-либо

2019-12-29 254 Обсуждений (0)
ADVICE FOROFFICE WORKERS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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