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Correct the false statements according to the information provided in the text above.

2020-02-04 433 Обсуждений (0)
Correct the false statements according to the information provided in the text above. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Economics emerged as a separate discipline in the Ancient Greece.

2. In 1776 J.M.Keynes published the first edition of his work «Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations».

3. Adam Smith argued that without continued government intervention the economic system couldn’t operate at the level of activity that is required to achieve full employment of labour and other resources.

4. Keynes and his followers considered the economic system to be a self-regulating mechanism that, like the human body, tends naturally toward a state of equilibrium if left to itself. 


Study and translate the list of active vocabulary on the situation in a written form.

1. jurisprudence

2. to enforce

3. equality

4. fairness

5. justice

6. legislature

7. legislators

8. a precedent

a. a judge-made precedent

b. a binding precedent

9. civil (continental or European) law vs common law

10. private (civil) law vs public law

11. contract law

12. tort law

13. property law

14. family law

15. business (commercial) law

16. criminal law

17. constitutional law

18. administrative law

19. revenue law

Match the halves

1. to protect liberties and rights a) классифицировать законы
2. to serve as a mediator b) платить компенсацию
3. to disobey the rules c) источники права
4. to classify laws d) частное право
5. sources of the law e) теоретики права
6. private law f) публичное право
7. to pay compensation g) не подчиняться правилам
8. legal theorists h) защищать свободы и права
9. public law i) выступать посредником

Use the English word combinations from 1.1 in the following sentences. Change the verb / noun form where necessary.

1) The law shapes politics, economics, history and society in various ways and _____ of relations between people.

2) ______ hope to obtain a deeper understanding of the nature of law, of legal reasoning, legal systems, and legal institutions.

3) One of the functions of the law is _______ from violations or unreasonable intrusions by persons, organizations, or government.

4) If people ______ the law threatens them with something unpleasant (often called a sanction), like being punished or having ______.

5) It is possible _______ according to the scope of application, its source, subject matter, the extent to which laws relate to the state or to the private individual, the extent to which laws relate to criminal offences or civil claims.

6) Depending on the _____ , distinction is usually made between civil (or continental or European) law, and common law systems.

7) ______ concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and _____ concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another. 

Match the functions t he law serves (1 – 4) with their descriptions (a – d).

1) establishing standards of behaviour a) A purpose and function of the law is to protect various liberties and rights from violations or unreasonable intrusions by persons, organizations, or government. For example, someone who believes that his free speech rights have been prohibited by the government may pursue a remedy by bringing a case in a court.
2) maintaining order b) Another aim is to settle disputes about what the law is and whether it has been broken. Disputes are unavoidable in a society made of persons with different needs, wants, values, and views. The law provides a formal means for resolving disputes – the court system.
3) resolving disputes c) The law is a guideline for minimally acceptable behaviour in society. Some activities, for instance, are crimes because society (through a legislative body) has determined that it will not tolerate certain behaviours that injure or damage persons or their property. The law forbids certain ways of behaving like murder, libel, and requires others, like paying income tax.
4) protecting liberties and rights d) Some semblance of order is necessary in a civil society and is therefore reflected in the law. The law – when enforced – provides order consistent with society’s guidelines. If people disobey the rules the law threatens them with something unpleasant (often called a sanction), like being punished or having to pay compensation.

Complete the chart below choosing from the box.

Civil (or Continental or European) law; criminal law; civil law; the subject matter of laws; international law; the sources or origin of laws; private individuals within a country

Read and translate the text “What is Law?” in a written form.


What is Law?

The meaning of the word “law” depends much on the context. Briefly speaking, law is a system of rules enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour. Such systems are ancient, dating back at least to the legal text written by Ur-Nammu, a Mesopotamian king, in about 2100 B.C.

The science, study, and theory of law is calledjurisprudence. Legal theorists work to obtain a deeper understanding of the nature of law, of legal reasoning, legal systems, and legal institutions.

The law serves many functions in any society. The four main functions are: establishing standards of conduct, maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights of citizens.

Laws can be made by a collective legislature or by a single legislator, or by judges. The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution.

There are some ways in which law can be classified. It is possible to classify laws according to the scope of application, its source, subject matter, the extent to which laws relate to the state or to the private individual, the extent to which laws relate to criminal offences or to civil claims, etc.

Depending on the sources of the law, the division is made between civil (or continental or European) law, and common law systems. The system of law in which the legislature or other central body codifies and consolidates their laws is called continental or European law. In common law systems judge-made precedent is accepted as binding law. According to the extent to which laws relate to the private individual or to the state they are classified into private (or civil) law and public law systems. On the basis of the subject matter that laws deal with they are divided into the groups of contract law, property law, family law, business law, criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, revenue law, etc.

It is one of the main social institutions. It shapes politics, economics, history and society in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people.

2020-02-04 433 Обсуждений (0)
Correct the false statements according to the information provided in the text above. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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