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2015-11-27 541 Обсуждений (0)
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Зарубежные коллеги съезжаются на конференцию Международного общества Планетариев в Баттон Руж, Луизиана, США, которую принимает Юго-Восточная ассоциация планетариев 21-22 июля. Ожидаются до 620 участников. Никого из АПР или «Содружества» там не ожидается, к сожалению.

Знакомим вас с календарем событий в планетарском сообществе на 2012-2014 гг. Он открыт для дополнений и в упомянутых конференциях вы можете принять участие при желании.

Planetarians’ Calender of Events


11-15 July. ESOF 2012, Euroscience Open Forum, Dublin city of science 2012, www.dublinscience2012.ie

21-22 July. Southeastern Planetarium Association (SEPA), 2012 conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. www.sepadomes.org

21 July, International Planetarium Society Council Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

22-26 July. 21st International Planetarium Society Conference, Irene Pennington Planetarium, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA www.IPS2012.com. IPS conference will U-Stream the opening ceremony, keynote speaker, business meeting, and paper sessions each day.

27-28 July. DomeFest, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. www.domefest.org

4-8 August. Communicating Science: A National Conference on Education and Public Outreach, annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Hilton Hotel, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Contact: Andrew Fraknoi, [email protected]


6-10 August. Spitz Summer Institute, Spitz, Inc. Chadds Ford (near Philadelphia), Pennsylvania, USA, annual event focusing on planetarium education. Includes instruction in Starry Night real time software, curriculum and live lessons/teaching with SciDome digital planetariums. Beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions. www.spitzinc.com/institute

7-9 August. Live Interactive Planetarium Symposium, University of Notre Dame's, Jordan Hall of Science and Digital Visualization Theater, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. Contact: Keith Davis, Director the Digital Visualization Theater. [email protected], or call at (574) 631-3952, http://LIPSymposium.org
31 August. Deadline for the applicants of "An experience in Italy for a French Speaking Planetarium Operator", in collaboration with APLF. http://www.astrofilibresciani.it/Planetari/Week_in_Italy/Week_Italy.htm

7-8 September. British Association of Planetaria (BAP), annual meeting, National Space Centre, Leicester, United Kigdom. Contact: Dr Jenny Shipway, [email protected];

15 September. Deadline for the applicants of "A Week in Italy for an American Planetarium Operator", in collaboration with IPS Portable Planetarium Committee. http://www.astrofilibresciani.it/Planetari/Week_in_Italy/Week_Italy.htm

18-20 September. Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA), International Conference and Trade Show, Esquire IMAX Theatre, Sacramento, California, USA.

21 September. Dome Day, The Tech Museum, San Jose, California, USA.


2-5 October. Workshop in Immersive Cinema (WIC), Espinho, Portugal.

Organization Navegar Foundation. Contact: Lina Canas, [email protected]

5-7 October. Immersive Film Festival (IFF), Espinho, Portugal.

Organization Navegar Foundation. Contact: Lina Canas, [email protected]

13-16 October. Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), “Advancing the field of informal science education”, Annual Conference, COSI, Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, Ohio, USA. www.astc.org

24-27 October. Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA), Annual conference, North Hills High School Planetarium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Contact: Susan Batson. www.glpaweb.org

13 November. Total solar eclipse (n Australia, s Pacific).

17 March. International Day of Planetaria. www.dayofplanetaria.org

April. Italian Association of Planetaria (PLANIT), XXVIII National Conference, Italy, and 3rd Full-Dome Italian Festival. During the conference Skype session for planetarians from other countries. www.planetaritaliani.it. Contact: [email protected]

10 May. Annular solar eclipse (n Australia, Solomon is, c Pacific).

6-8 September. Nordic Planetarium Association Biennial Conference, AHHAA Science Center, Tartu, Estonia. Conference language English. Contact: Margus Aru, [email protected]

16-19 October. Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA), Annual conference, Peoria Riverfront Museum, Peoria, Illinois, USA. Contact: Sheldon Shafer. www.glpaweb.org

19-22 October. Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference, Explora, NM Museum of Natural History & Science, National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. www.astc.org

3 November. Hybrid solar eclipse (Atlantic, c Africa).

16-20 March. Science Center World Summit, Technopolis, Mechelen and Brussels, Belgium. Partners: Technopolis, Flemish science center, Mechelen, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels. www.technopolis.be

31 March. Deadline for application for scholarship funds (IPS support Beijing Conference attendance by individuals). www.ips-planetarium.org

29 April. Annular solar eclipse (Antarctica).

June. International Planetarium Society Council Meeting, Beijing, China.

23-27 June. 22nd International Planetarium Society Conference, Beijing Planetarium, China. www.ips2014.org, contact mail Dr. Zhu Jin, [email protected]

18-21 October. Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. www.astc.org


2015-11-27 541 Обсуждений (0)
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