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F Eco Beach Broome, Western Australia

2015-11-07 2411 Обсуждений (0)
F Eco Beach Broome, Western Australia 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки


For this luxury experience, you can take a helicopter to its ocean-front location, sail across Roebuck Bay, or take a leisurely drive from Broome. At the resort, you сan enjoy spa treatments, yoga and turtle-spotting tours, then retreat to your chic tent overlooking the Indian Ocean. Many visitors enjoy walking throughout the traditional land of the Yawuru people. Their connection to this land spans thousands of years and you can feel their presence. The culture and traditions of the Yawuru people are still carried on today and visitors are asked to respect the land and the environment.




Exercise 1.For questions 1-15,read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 A rememberB remind C memorise D recognize



Some people claim that only humans are truly intelligent. But what about animals - are they intelligent too? They can certainly learn and (0)… However, many of their actions are instinctive, even (1)…..they may look intentional. Generally, animals cannot (2)..... one crucial test of self awareness - they are unable to identify themselves in a mirror.

In fact, we're not really sure exactly what intelligence is or how to measure it. In the competitive (3)…..market, IQ scores and formal (4)…..are used in the selection of employees, although many successful people did not actually (5)…..very well at school.

So how are education, intelligence and success (6)…..? It is generally agreed that intelligence is all about the ability to learn, (7)…..problems and be successful in life. But is there more (8)…..it than that? What about the (9)…..of emotions?

Successful people often show a (10)... ..level of 'emotional intelligence'. This is described (11)…..selfawareness - they can understand their feelings, organise and (12)…..them. And above (13)….., this understanding means that they can motivate themselves, which seems to be the (14)…..to success.

So is there any (15)…..in teaching emotional intelligence in schools? It would seem that there is - if only we knew how.

1. A. since B. though C. but D. that
2. A. get B. succeed C. win D. pass
3. A. occupation B. work C. job D. business
4. A. certificates B. abilities C. qualifications D. talents
5. A. make B. do C. get D. go
6. A. connected B. joined C. united D. tied
7. A. answer B. decide C. open D. solve
8. A. for B. to C. at D. with
9. A. role B. part C. situation D. work
10. A. big B. high C. tall D. huge
11. A. on B. by C. for D. as
12. A. manage B. deal C. administer D. command
13. A. all B. each C. every D. whole
14. A. lock B. handle C. key D. door
15. A. reason B. worth C. use D. point

Exercise 2.For questions 1-12,read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Eхample: 0 A. struggle B. combat C. threaten D. contest

Answer: B

Why people laugh

Sunday May 4th will be World Laughter Day. Dr Madan Kataria, who introduced this annual event, says we need more laughter in our lives to (0) … the global rise of stress and loneliness. But surely that strange sound that we make periodically can't be the (1) … to such problems. If an alien were to land on our planet and (2) … a stroll among a crowd of earthlings, it would hear a lot of 'ha-ha' noises. It might wonder what (3) … this strange habit served. If we ask ourselves what (4) … a good laugh, the obvious answer is that it is a response to something funny. But one scientist, Robert Provine, says humour has surprisingly little to (5) … with that. Instead, it lies at the (6) … of such issues as the perception of self and the evolution of language and social behaviour. Provine realised that you cannot capture (7) … laughter in the lab because as soon as you (8) … it under scrutiny, it vanishes. So, instead, he gathered data by hanging around groups of people, noting when they laughed. He collected 1,200 laugh episodes - an episode being (9) … as the comment immediately preceding the laughter and the laughter itself. His analysis of this data (10) … some important facts about laughter. "It's a message we send to other people - it (11) … disappears when we're by ourselves," he says. "And it's not a choice. Ask someone to laugh and they'll either try to (12) … a laugh or say they can't do it on command."

1. A. way B. answer C. end D. response
2. A. make B. get C. walk D. take
3. A. reason B. purpose C. idea D. meaning
4. A. results B. leads C. prompts D. concludes
5. A. go B. bring C. do D. set
6. A. root B. stem C. head D. back
7. A. complete B. authentic C. contemporary D. current
8. A. place B. lay C. stand D. keep
9. A. defended B. decided C. defined D. depicted
10. A. revealed B. investigated C. displayed D. declared
11. A. absolutely B. constantly C. undoubtedly D. virtually
12. A. offer B. pretend C. fake D. imagine


Exercise 3.For questions 1-12,read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example: 0 A. bring B. work C. run D. keep

Answer: D

The value of walking

New research reveals that walking just 9.5 kilometers (six miles) a week may (0) … your brain sharper as you get older.

Research published in the October 13 online issue of Neurology (1) … that walking may protect aging brains from growing smaller and, in (2) ... preserve memory in old age.

'Brain size shrinks in late adulthood, which can (3) … memory problems,' study author Kirk Erickson of the University of Pittsburgh said in a news release. 'Our findings should encourage further well-designed scientific (4) … of physical exercise in older adults as a very (5)……approach for preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease.' For the study, the team asked 299 dementia-free seniors to record the (6)… they walked each week.

Four years later, the participants were tested to see if they had developed (7) … of dementia. Then after nine years had passed, scientists (8) … the participants' brains to measure size. At the four-year test, researchers discovered subjects who walked the most had (9) … their risk of developing memory problems by 50 per cent. At the nine-year checkpoint, those who walked at least 9.5 kilometers a week, had brains with a larger (10)….than those who didn't walk as much.

This is not the first study to (11) … the benefits of walking in seniors. For example, last spring, Harvard University found that women who walked regularly at a (12) …. pace had an almost 40 per cent lower risk to stroke.

1. A.informs B. provides C. suggests D. notifies
2. A. result B. turn C. sequence D. case
3. A. account B. lead C. set D. cause
4. A. trials B. attempts C. searches D. courses
5. A. indicative B. promising C. fortunate D. ideal
6. A. distance B. length C. duration D. extent
7. A. signals B. factors C. signs D. features
8. A. skimmed B. scanned C. screened D. sounded
9. A.depressed B. declined C. reduced D. dropped
10. A. volume B. amount C. dimension D. quantity
11. A. advertise B. promote C. respect D. admire
12. A. brisk B. hard C. crisp D. brief



Exercise 4. For questions 1-15,read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example: 0. A saidB spoken C talked D explained


Wearing fashionable clothes can be bad for you! This may surprise you, but it is (0) saidthat some clothes can cause a (1)…of problems. Do you find this (2)…to believe? Well, researchers have discovered that following the latest fashion (3)… can be unhealthy. For example, if you (4)… a scarf or tie too tightly it increases your blood pressure. Tight jeans and trousers, short skirts and even sensible (5)…shoes may all cause (6)…

Experts say that things we wear can also (7)..... to stomach problems, rashes, backache and painful feet. Yet how can we explain this? Very tight clothes can (8)…people moving naturally, and this is not good for you. If you wear trousers or skirts that are too tight around the waist, then your stomach does not have (9)…to expand after you have eaten, and this can cause stomachache. Rashes can be caused by an allergic (10)…to synthetic material. And last, but not (11)…- wearing shoes with high (12)…can lead to foot and back problems. Even practical shoes can cause backache if they don't (13)…you properly.

So is it worth being at the (14)…of fashion? I think that we will all continue to (15)…that risk!

1. A. variety B. group C. bundle D. collection
2. A. puzzling B. complicated C. complex D. difficult
3. A. directions B. trends C. changes D. cultures
4. A. fasten B. fix C. tie D. install
5. A. flat B. level C. smooth D. even
6. A. complaints B. conditions C. illnesses D. sickness
7. A. move B. lead C. go D. grow
8. A. prevent B. avoid C. block D. check
9. A. extent B. area C. place D. room
10. A. reply B. response C. reaction D. return
11. A. final B. least C. end D. terminal
12. A. heels B. toes C. soles D. laces
13. A. shape B. match C. suit D. fit
14. A. top B. height C. peak D. summit
15. A. have B. get C. take D. catch

Exercise 5. Read the following article about the environmental group Greenpeace and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 Aprotect B care C look D tend


Answer: A


Greenpeace is an independent organisation that campaigns to (0)… the environment. It has approximately 4.5 million Members worldwide in 158 countries, 300,000 of these in the United Kingdom. (1) … in North America in 1971, it has since opened offices round the world. As (2) … as its campaigning (3)…, it also has a charitable trust which (4) … scientific research and (5) ... educational projects on environmental issues. Greenpeace (6)… in non-violent direct action. Activists (7) … public attention to serious threats environment. (8) … issues on which the organisation is campaigning include the atmosphere (global warming), the (9)…of the rainforests and toxic (10) … being emitted from factories. Greenpeace is committed to the principles of political independence and internationalism.

By exposing (11) … to the environment and in working to (12) … solutions, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies.

1. A. built B.formed C.invented D. produced
2. A. long B. far C.good D. well
3. A. work B.job C.occupation D.position
4. A. pays B. funds C.reward D.earns
5. A. undertakes B.engages C.commits D.enters
6. A. accepts B. depends C.holds D.believes
7. A. draw B. pay C.get D.take
8. A. instant B. current C.immediate D.next
9. A. ruin B. extinction C.destruction D.downfall
10. A. waste B. litter C. rubbish D. leftovers
11. A.warnings B. threats C. promises D. difficulties
12.A.find B. make C. set D.sort


Exercise 1.For questions 1-13,read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only oneword in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


2015-11-07 2411 Обсуждений (0)
F Eco Beach Broome, Western Australia 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки

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