Практическая работа № 4
Automotive industry in the United Kingdom 1. Read the text. Find and write out all word combinations beginning with the word ‘automotive’ and translate them. The automotive industry in the United Kingdom is now best known for premium and sports car brands including Aston Martin, Bentley, Daimler, Jaguar, Lagonda, Land Rover, Lotus, McLaren, MG, Mini, Morgan and Rolls-Royce. Volume car manufacturers with a major presence in the UK include Ford, Honda, Nissan, Toyota and Vauxhall Motors (owned by General Motors). Commercial vehicle manufacturers active in the UK include Alexander Dennis, Ford, GMM Luton (owned by General Motors), Leyland Trucks (owned by Paccar) and London Taxis International. In 2008 the UK automotive manufacturing sector had a turnover of £52.5 billion, generated £26.6 billion of exports and produced around 1.45 million passenger vehicles and 203,000 commercial vehicles. In that year around 180,000 people were directly employed in automotive manufacturing in the UK, with a further 640,000 people employed in automotive supply, retail and servicing. The UK is a major centre for engine manufacturing and in 2008 around 3.16 million engines were produced in the country. The UK has a significant presence in auto racing and the UK motorsport industry currently employs around 38,500 people, comprises around 4,500 companies and has an annual turnover of around £6 billion. The origins of the UK automotive industry date back to the final years of the 19th century. By the 1950s the UK was the second-largest manufacturer of cars in the world (after the United States) and the largest exporter. However, in subsequent decades the industry experienced considerably lower growth than competitor nations such as France, Germany and Japan and by 2008 the UK was the 12th-largest producer of cars measured by volume. Since the late 1980s many British car brands have become owned by foreign companies including BMW, SAIC, TATA and Volkswagen Group. Rights to many currently dormant brands, including Austin, Riley, Rover and Triumph, are also owned by foreign companies. Famous and iconic British cars include the Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin V8 Vantage, Bentley 4½ Litre, Jaguar E-Type, Land Rover Defender, Lotus Esprit, McLaren F1, MGB, original two-door Mini, Range Rover and Rolls-Royce Phantom III. __________2. Answer the questions. 1. What British car do you know? 2. In what year was Britain the second-largest manufacturer of cars in the world? 3. What countries are competitor nations in automotive industry? 4. What car companies can you name? Translate the words into English and make sentences with them. известный чем-либо; включать; транспортное средство; товарооборот; производство двигателей; значительное присутствие; автоспорт; последующий; владеть; автомобильная марка. ________________________ Практическая работа № 5. Automotive industry in Russia 1. Read the text. Find and write down the answers to the questions: What Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered in the history of automobile engineering?____Who was the first Russian inventor of the automobile? ____ What did Mamin designed? ____ What did Blinov constructed? ____ From the History of Russian Automobile Engineering The automobile industry in our country has been developed since 1916. Before that time Russia had no automobile industry at all, technical schools had no departments to train specialists in automobile engineering. But in the history of the automobile such names as Shamshurenkov, Blinov, Mamin and other Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered. The first automobile built by Shamshurenkov, a Russian inventor, was put into motion by the pedaling of the driver himself. Blinov designed and constructed tractor driven by steam engine. Mamin was one of the pioneers in Russian internal combustion engines. Today Russian automobiles are engineered and built in such a manner that they are able to with stand heavy loads for long periods of operation. The modem automobile is much more than a means of riding from one place to another. The passenger's safety and comfort must be considered as much as the car's reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways. The modern automobile must have a steel body and a steel roof and this roof must be insulated against the summer's heat and winter's (old. Ventilation is also of great importance. The comfort and convenience of the driver must be taken into consideration too. The automobile must have a heater with special defrosting devices which insure clear vision to the driver. The automobile must have great power for riding, have dependable clutch and brakes, have good riding qualities, good lights, dependable starting and ignition systems, low fuel consumption, as well as long service life. Практическая работа № 6. Test yourself 1. Make up a dialogue using the phrases:
AT THE GAS STATION 1) Driver: …………………… Attendant: What kind of gas do you need? Regular, premium or super? 2) Driver: …………………. Attendant: Would you like me to check the oil for you? 3) Driver: ……………………. Attendant: Certainly, sir. Would you open the hood for me? 4) Driver: …………………………. Attendant: Yes, sir. Anything else? 5) Driver: ……………………………….. Attendant: That'll be $21.45, sir. 6) Driver: ……………………………………….. Attendant: Thank you. Have a good day! 2. Make up a dialogue between a driver and a police officer:
Водитель:Да? Полицейский:Не могли вы заглушить машину, пожалуйста? Водитель: конечно, сэр. А в чём проблема? Полицейский: Это ваша машина? Водитель: Да. Полицейский: Какой ваш номер авто? Водитель:ммм..P341 DRU, а нет… P3 I4DRU Полицейский: Могу ли я взглянуть на ваши права? Водитель: Конечно, возьмите, офицер. Полицейский: А вы Роберт Сэмсон? Водитель: Да, я..но.. Полицейский: пройдите, посмотрите на ваши задние фары. Водитель: Да, вижу. Одна не работает. Полицейский: верно, Роберт. Водитель: ну, утром все было нормально, мне жаль, офицер…я не знал. Полицейский: в 2х милях отсюда есть СТО. Я поеду за вами до СТО. Там вы можете купить новую лампочку, Роберт. Водитель: Да, спасибо, офицер. Полицейский: Все в порядке, Боб. Будь внимателен на будущее. ________________________
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