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2015-11-09 946 Обсуждений (0)
МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ (Pronouns) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Personal and possessive pronouns (Личные и притяжательные местоимения)

Личные местоимения   Притяжательные местоимения
именительный падеж (subject) объектный падеж (object) перед существительным   без существительного
Who? Кто? What? Что? Whom? - Кого-кому? Чего-чему? Whose? Чей, чья, чьи?
I – я You – ты, вы He – он She – она It – он, она, оно неодушевленный We – мы They–они одушевленные и неодушевленные. Me – меня, мне You – тебя, тебе, вам Him – его, ему Her – её, ей It – его, ее, ему, ей   Us – нас, нам Them – их, им My (sister) Your (brother) His (wife) Her (husband) Its (walls)   Our (family) Their (interests)   mine yours his hers -нет формы ours theirs  

Упражнение 12

Заполните таблицу.



Упражнение 13

Вставьте пропущенные местоимения.

1. (…) am a Professor of Linguistics.

2. (…) was my colleague.

3. (…) are my group mates.

4. All of (…) are students of the law faculty.

5. (…) are happy to welcome (…).

6. (…) am fond of (…).

7. (…) is interested in computer science.

8. (…) was glad to see (…).

9. Let (…) be the first.

10. (…) will be a first year student.


Упражнение 14

Вставьте пропущенные местоимения.

Обратите внимание, что род, число и лицо подлежащего определяют форму притяжательного местоимения, которая переводится на русский язык как «свой»

Например: Jack is pleased with hisjob.

1. London is famous for _____ smog.

2. They like visiting ______ parents.

3. She is doing _____ homework.

4. It’s none of _____ business.

5. We are interested in _____ family tree.

6. She is fond of _____ children.

7. It’s _____ problem, not _____.

8. He is a friend of _____.

9. She is happy about _____ holiday.

10. _____ programmes are interesting.

Упражнение 15

Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках

1. What is (его) father?

a) her b) his c) my d) their

2. Where are (ее) parents?

a) her b) his c) their d) its

3. They are busy with (своими) lessons.

a) her b) his c) their d) its

4. This is (их) apartment.

a) their b) its c) her d) his

5. What colour are the walls in that room? - (Ее) walls are grey.

a) her b) its c) his d) their.

6. Show (ему) your schedule.

a) him b) his c) her d) them

7. Tell (им) about an exchange programme.

a) they b) their c) them d) theirs

8. (Их) group-mates are in the library.

a) their b) they c) them d) his

9. This campus is very green because there are a lot of trees in (его) streets.

a) him b) his c) its d) it

10. These Students’ Union activities are so interesting. I am fond of (их).

a) they b) them c) their d) its

11. Let’s ask (ее) about her foreign friends.

a) her b) she c) it d) him

12. Nick is helping (своему) friend with his English.

а) her b) his c) their d) him


Упражнение 16

Переведите местоимения.

1. I know (ее) parents.

2. (Они) are divorced (разведены).

3. (Ей) is 30.

4. (Ему) is 35.

5. (Его) name is Peter.

6. (Ее) name is Carol.

7. (Она) is a doctor.

8. (Они) are lawyers.

9. (Я) am from Paris. (Он) is in France.

10. This is a nice city; (его) streets are green.

11. There is an old University in Oxford. (его) walls are made of grey stones.

12. There are a lot of computers in (его) laboratories.

Demonstrative Pronouns(Указательные местоимения)


NB! That-относится к предмету и ситуации, отдаленным во времени и пространстве.


Упражнение 17

Выберите соответствующий эквивалент.

1. (Эти) books are useful.

a) this b) these c) that d) those

2. What colour are (те) pens?

a) that b) those c) these d) this

3. (Это) University building is of modern design.

a) that b) these c) this d) those

4. (Это) was our classroom.

a) that b) this c) these d) those

5. What are (это)?

a) this b) that c) those d) these

6. (Это) are my colleagues.

a) this b) that c) those d) these

7. (Та) programme was very interesting for studying.

a) that b) those c) these d) this

8. We are interested in (этой) mobility candidate.

a) this b) these c) that d) those

9. (Этот) experience will be of great help.

a) that b) these c) this d) those

10. Where were (те) students?

a) that b) those c) these d) this


Упражнение 18

Переведите с русского на английский язык.

1. Эти статьи мои, а те – ваши.

2. Это ваш паспорт? - Нет, это - её.

3. Это мой билет, а те – её.

4. Эти журналы – новые, а те – старые.

5. Это очень полезная книга, а те – нет.

6. Я был студентом этого Университета.

7. Ваша жена врач, не так ли?

8. Это фото Ваших родственников?

9. Я была занята своими уроками.

10. Этот Университет известен своими учеными.

Упражнение 19

Вставьте пропущенные местоимения.

1. Jane is pleased with _____ job.

2. Paris is famous for _____ monuments.

3. We like visiting _____parents.

4. He is doing _____ homework.

5. It’s none of _____ business, I know it myself.

6. They were interested in _____ family tree.

7. She is fond of _____ flowers.

8. It’s _____problem, not _____.

9. She is a friend of _____.

10. We are happy about _____ holiday.

2015-11-09 946 Обсуждений (0)
МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ (Pronouns) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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