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A. Body language can be responsible for ___ of communication

2015-11-06 2490 Обсуждений (0)
A. Body language can be responsible for ___ of communication 4.67 из 5.00 6 оценок

1) half

2) majority

3) a little

B. Good liars often make ___ eye contact than usual.

1) more

2) the same

3) less

C. Body language is___to control.


2)important .


D. People who are lying___smile.

1) seldom

2) usually

3) never

E. You can be sure if it's a real smile looking at .

1) upper part of the face .

2) lips

3) moves of the head .

F. The ___ side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

1) right

2) half

3) left

G. People often cover their ___ when they're lying

1) mouse

2) nose

3) ear


What do you know about nonverbal communication? Give the definition of this term. Read the text “Nonverbal Communication” and say what facts you have learnt about nonverbal communication in different countries.


Nonverbal Communication


Language plays a commanding role as a means of communica­tion. When we communicate with other people, we use our facial expression, eye contact, body movement, intonation, volume of voice, clothing, body decoration, time, space and many other ways to transmit information. Such means of communication without words are called nonverbal communication. People had developed nonver­bal communication skills long before they began to talk. Some researchers are sure that nonverbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication. Ray Birdwhistell of the University of

Pennsylvania has estimated that 30 or 35 percent of human communication occurs through words, the rest through nonverbal modes. The first scientific study of nonverbal communication was Charles Darwin's book 'The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals' (1872). In this work Charles Darwin studied facial expression.

Nonverbal communication can be communicated through gesture and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact as well as through object communication such as hair­styles or even furniture. In other words nonverbal communication can be considered 'silent language' which serves to express feelings without using words.

Nonverbal communication takes place simultaneously with verbal communication. For example, when we agree or disagree with somebody, we often nod or shake our head to convey positive or nega­tive feelings. We can show a person that we are pleased with him or her or want to be friendly patting him or her on the shoulder. The words of love and affection are often accompanied by a hug or kiss.

Many aspects of nonverbal communication are greatly influenced by culture. People from different cultures interpret nonverbal behavior differently. For example, in Australia winking at women is improper; in Finland folding one's arms shows arrogance and pride; in Greece waving is an insult. Direct eye contact is a sign of respect and attention in America and Europe; whereas in some Asian countries downcast eyes are a sign of respect and attention. In many Asian cultures, the bow signifies the culture's concern with status and rank. In Japan low posture is an indicator of respect. In the United States, where people are usually informal and friendly, Americans often fall into chairs or slouch when they stand. In Germany and Sweden, where people are more formal, slouching is a sign of rudeness and poor manners. In Ghana and in Turkey, sitting with one's legs crossed is extremely offensive.

Proximity and touching behavior often convey attitudes of liking and affection in many cultures. Latin Americans and Southern Europeans use touching behavior frequently and have a closer distance for conversation. In Thailand, patting an adult on the head is offensive.

In different countries people have different ways of greeting each other. Arab men often greet by kissing on both cheeks. In Thailand people greet with both hands closed in front of chest. In Japan, men greet by bowing, and in the United States, people shake hands. Even the high or low pitch of the tone and volume of the voice play a very important role in communication and may be interpreted differently. Arabs speak very loudly to show strength and sincerity. Germans use a commanding tone to show authority and self-confidence. In Japan, raising one's voice often means a lack of self-control. For Japanese people a gentle and soft voice reflects good manners.

We should remember that what is acceptable in one culture may be com­pletely unacceptable in another. For example, the 'OK' gesture in the American culture is a symbol for money in Japan. The same gesture is obscene in some Latin American countries; while for Chinese or people in the South of France it is zero or nothing.

People's nonverbal actions can say us much more than their words. For example, your partner wants to show you that he is calm, relaxed and self-confident, but his voice quavers and you notice his hands shake. That indicates that in reality this person is nervous and lacks confidence. Observing a person's body language you can understand if he or she is telling the truth or lying. When someone tells a lie, he or she often makes many speech errors, hesitates, flushes or turns pale.

Physical appearance plays a very important role in communication and helps us produce a favourable impression. Eye contact can show a variety of emotions such as warmth, disapproval, irri­tation, distrust, surprise, interest, attention, sadness and so on.

Good communicative techniques in both verbal and nonverbal ways can help you become a suc­cessful communicator. If we want to avoid breaks in communication and personal relationships, we should take into consideration cultural differences and behave in an appropriate way both verbally and nonverbally. If you observe a person's gestures, posture, facial expression and movements, you will be able to catch the right information. Remember that a sincere smile and a friendly expression facilitate communication and help remove the barrier between interlocutors.


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2015-11-06 2490 Обсуждений (0)
A. Body language can be responsible for ___ of communication 4.67 из 5.00 6 оценок

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