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Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE. 1) People had developed nonverbal communication skills long before they began to talk

2015-11-06 2786 Обсуждений (0)
Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE. 1) People had developed nonverbal communication skills long before they began to talk 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки


1) People had developed nonverbal communication skills long before they began to talk.

2) Ray Birdwhistell of the University of Pennsylvania has estimated that 70 or 75 percent of human communication occurs through words.

3) Many aspects of nonverbal communication are greatly influenced by culture.

4) In Australia winking at women is a sign of admiration and respect.

5) In Finland folding one's arms shows pensiveness and concentration.

6) In some Asian countries direct eye contact is a sign of respect and attention.

7) In Ghana and in Turkey, sitting with one's legs crossed is extremely offensive.

8) Arabs speak very loudly to show anger and irritation.

2. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1—8):

A. Nonverbal communication can be communicated through

B. Nonverbal communication takes place

C. In Greece waving is

D. In many Asian cultures, the bow signifies

E. In Germany and Sweden slouching is a sign of

F. Latin Americans and Southern Europeans use touching behavior frequently and have

G. In Japan, raising one's voice often means

H. Observing a person's body language you can understand if


1. the culture's concern with status and rank.

2. a lack of self-control.

3. simultaneously with verbal communication.

4. gesture and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact as well as through object communication such as hairstyles or even furniture.

5. an insult.

6. he or she is telling the truth or lying.

7. a closer distance for conversation.

8. rudeness and poor manners.


People often use “silent language” to show their emotions and to send messages without words. What nonverbal modes will you use to show that you are

· in a hurry

· tired

· angry

· low spirits

· bored

· excited

· surprised

· friendly/unfriendly

· interested

· attentive

· nervous

· pleased

For example: When a person is in a hurry he can look at his watch repeatedly and fidget uneasily in his seat.

What may the following nonverbal messages indicate? A person

(1) nods his head; (2) pats another person on the shoulder; (3) shrugs his shoulders; (4) places his index finger to his lips; (5) keeps silence; (6) coughs slightly; (7) waves his hand; (8) stares fixedly at another person; (9) raises his voice; (10) stammers; (11) covers his face with his hands; (12) smiles a lot.

Answer the questions

1) What ways do we use to transmit information besides language?

2) Why do many researchers believe that nonverbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication?

3) What is the connection between nonverbal communication and a person's culture?

4) How do people greet each other in different countries? How do they greet each other in your country?

5) What role do the high or low pitch of the tone and volume of the voice play in communication?

6) What can the 'OK' gesture mean in different countries?

7) Why does physical appearance play a very important role in communication?

8) Why is it useful to develop good communicative techniques?

9) What should you do to avoid breaks in communication and personal relationships?

10) How can you facilitate communication?


Read and translate the quotations below. Choose any statement and comment on it.

'A warm smile is the universal language of kindness'. (William A. Ward)

'It [communication] means common understanding, a common tradition, common ideas, and common ideals. (Robert M. Hutchins)

'Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're will­ing to work at if, you can rapidly Improve the quality of every part of your life.' (Brian Tracy)

'Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.' (Jim Rohn)

'Language is a social art.' (Willard Van Orman Quine)

Find more information about nonverbal communication in different countries and prepare a report on this topic.


When is it necessary to apologize? Can an apology help restore good relations? Read the text “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word” and say if you agree with the words of the famous song?

“Sorry” Seems to Be the Hardest Word


Communication is an essential part of our life but unfortunately many people do it rather badly. Misunderstanding and the unwillingness to admit our mistakes become the root of most conflicts. Sometimes people say what they don't really mean. In a fit of tem­per they may call somebody a fool or say something very offensive. Later they have compunction about behaving in such a way and want to rectify their mis­take but they don't know how to do it. Things seem to be extremely complicated. Good relations seem to be spoilt forever. But in reality there is a way to improve the situation and to re-establish good relations. What you should do is just to apologize.

As Elton John sings, 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word'. Why is it so difficult for us to admit our fault and to say 'Sorry. I am wrong'? The truth is that it is always easier to see the wrong in someone else than in ourselves. An apology is when one feels regret at having offended somebody or having caused trouble for someone. Many people believe that to give an apology is to accept their blame and to admit that they have made a mistake. Others believe that to apologize means to show their under­standing of the role they have played in the misfortunes of another. People who have been offended or humiliated often hope for an apology. For some of them, it may be very important to receive an apology from those who have hurt their feelings. They may hope that an apology will restore a sense of justice.

Some people are sure that an apology is a sign of weakness and apologizing means losing face. It is easier for them to accuse another one than acknowledge their fault. It is often unlikely that a boss will apologize to a subordinate, a grown-up will apologize to a child or a man will apologize to a woman.

It is very important to apologize because an apology is a step toward reconciliation, piece and har­mony. Apologizing you show your ardent desire to settle a conflict, and be in good terms again. Apologizing you try to assure another person that you will not repeat the offense. A sincere apology often leads to the resolution of a conflict and forgiveness.
It is very important to check that another person has understood you and has accepted your apology. Apologizing you should take into conside­ration that the person whom you have hurt may be rather upset, disappointed or irritated, that is why you should be very patient and delicate. If you feel nervous, think over your words beforehand and try to sound serious and self-confident. Try to avoid mumbling and don't look aside. The abilities to apol­ogize and to forgive are essential to .any long-term relationship. They help build trusting relationships^ with our parents, relatives, friends, spouses, colleagues or neighbors.

One should never forget that an apology will be accepted only if it is genuine. You should show that you feel deep remorse and you are eager to atone for your offences. Sometimes to forgive is as & difficult as to apologize. Everybody must remember that he should forgive as much as he would like to be forgiven.

Tasks to the text

1. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1-8):

A. An apology is when one feels regret at having offended somebody or

B. People who have been offended or humiliated often

C. Some people are sure that an apology is

D. It is often unlikely that a boss will apologize

E. Apologizing your show your

F. A sincere apology often leads to

G. The abilities to apologize and to forgive are essential to

H. One should never forget that an apology will be accepted only if


1. a sign of weakness.

2. ardent desire to settle a conflict, and be in good terms again.

3. to a subordinate.

4. hope for an apology.

5. it is genuine.

6. any long-term relationship.

7. the resolution of a conflict and forgiveness.

8. having caused trouble for someone.


2015-11-06 2786 Обсуждений (0)
Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE. 1) People had developed nonverbal communication skills long before they began to talk 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки

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