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Match the words on the left to the words on the right

2016-09-15 435 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words on the left to the words on the right 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. span of a) dam 2. veritable b) gold 3. aerial c) fashion 4. pent-up d) letter 5. vaporous e) bits 6. great heap of f) force 7. look of g) gambolling 8. subtle h) prisoner 9. resolute i) frock 10. sloppy j) scorn 11. centripetal k) men 12. romantic l) my life 13. lawn m) scheme 14. intense n) change 15. settled o) garment

16. lizard p) hate
3. Match the words from column A to their definitions from column B.

1. villainy (n.) a. a small or narrow opening, as in a wall
2. mattock (n.) b. the feeling of excitement or nervousness which you have when you are waiting for smth to happen and are uncertain about what it is going to be
3. loophole (n.) c. a part of a Christian church ceremony in which a priest gives a talk on a religious or moral subject, often based on smth written in the Bible
4. yarn (n.) d. a ghost
5. suspense (n.) e. is a versatile hand tool, used for digging and chopping
6. consolation (n.) f. a slight shake, often because of strong emotion
7. sermon (n.) g. a story, usually a long one with a lot of excitement or interest
8. bogle (n.) h. the state of being secret or of keeping smth secret
9. quiver (n.) i. an evil, abhorrent, or criminal act or deed
10. musket (n.) j. a type of window that is fixed on one side and opens like a door
11. secrecy (n.) k. a gun with a long barrel, used in the past
12. casement (n.) l. smth that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better
4. Give synonyms for the following words (more than four).rigorously (adv.), piteous (adj.), morbidly (adv.), spade (n.), reduction (n.), concerned (adj.), brook (v.), scale (v.), presume (v.), addle (v.), sleek (adj.), redeem (v.), crammle (v.), quiver (n.), wakeful (adj.), postponement (n.), approval (n.), rudiment (n.), insurance (n.), expostulate (v.), exultantly (adv.), fret (v.), quiver (v.), assumption (n.), nuisance (n.), cumulative (adj.).
5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. 31 May. – This morning when Jonathan woke he didn’t think he would provide himself with some papers and envelopes from his bag and keep them in his pocket, so that he might write in case he should get an opportunity, but again a surprise, again a shock!

2. The leiter-wagons contained great, square boxes, with handles of thick rope. These were evidently empty by the ease with which the Slovaks handled them, and by their resonance as they were roughly moved.

3. The phantom shapes, which were becoming gradually materialised from the moonbeams, were those two ghostly women to whom Jonathan was doomed.

4. Jonathan went whilst his courage was fresh straight to the window on the south side, and at once got outside on this side. The stones are big and roughly cut, and the mortar has by process of time been washed away between them.

5. Count was either dead or asleep. Jonathan could not say which, for eyes were open and stony, but without the glassiness of death, and the cheeks had the warmth of life through all their pallor. The lips weren’t as red as ever. But there was no sign of movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating of the heart.

6. Mr. Holmwood is an excellent party, being handsome, well off, and of good birth. He is a doctor and really clever. He is only eight- and twenty, and he has an immense lunatic asylum all under his own care.

7. Dr. John Seward had evidently been schooling himself as to all sorts of little things, and remembered them, but he almost managed to sit down on his silk hat, which men don’t generally do when they are cool, and then when he wanted to appear at ease he kept playing with a lancet in a way that made me nearly scream.

8. Mr. Morris doesn’t always speak slang, that is to say, he never does so to strangers or before them, for he is really well educated and has exquisite manners, but he found out that it amused Lucy to hear him talk Scottish slang, and whenever she was present, and there was no one to be shocked, he said such stupid things.

9. Edward Spencelagh, master mariner, murdered by Dracula, April, 1854, age 30.

10. Dr. Seward gave Renfield a strong opiate tonight, enough to make even him sleep, and took away his pocketbook to look at it. The thought that has been buzzing about my brain lately is complete, and the theory proved.

6. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics.1. Привыкший во всем полагаться на себя, Джонс вырос одиночкой, человеком высокомерным и даже в не которой степени агрессивным. 2. Он уничтожил оконную раму за несколько секунд, чем немало удивил своих друзей, но больше они были удивлены даже не уничтоженным окном, а вспышкой ярости, которую они никогда раньше у него не замечали. 3. «Ах, ты ж мерзкая пиявка! Да как ты смеешь так со мной разговаривать», сказала Джозефина своей племяннице. 4. Незамедлительно дав категорический отказ, Гордон вышел из кабинета с невозмутимым видом, ликуя в душе. 5. Он крепкий орешек чтобы его расколоть. Одних угроз мало, поэтому необходимо заставить его поддаться искушению. 6. Вследствие падения с высоты первого этажа, в течение двух недель он хромал на правую ногу. 7. Подзорная труба является оптическим прибором, способствующим наблюдению за удалёнными объектами. 8. До последнего момента Стив не понимал, что происходит, пока не попался в расставленную Джеком ловушку. Гнев и ярость переполняли его. 9. По меньшей мере, пятнадцать человек из потока провалили экзамен. 10. Дмитрий часто упрекал Джейн за ее характер, однако, спустя некоторое время, она высказала все, что думала о своем брате и его пренебрежительной и высокомерной манере общения с другими людьми. 11. Ужасное, землетрясение произошло в Румынии около двух месяцев назад. 12. Понятие «поклон» обозначает приветствие кивком головы. 13. Он способен на любую подлость, и ты не знаешь, чего от него ожидать. 14. Ему во сне приснилось, что он стоит на краю пропасти, проснувшись, он заглянул в сонник и обнаружил, что это не предвещает ничего хорошего.B. Speech Exercises1. Answer the following questions. Prove your point.1. How has the Count changed when Jonathan sees him in his ‘coffin’ for the final time?2. What do we learn about Lucy and Mina from their early letters to each other?3. How does Dr. Seward decide to cope with Lucy’s rejection of him?4. What do we learn about Renfield from Dr. Seward?5. How is Whitby presented as a somewhat mysterious town?6. How does Stoker create a sense of danger and revulsion in the section where Renfield begs for a kitten?7. Why is Mina worried about Lucy?8. What is the significance of Mr. Swales to the narrative?9. Why does the author use a lot of Scottish words in the chapter № 6?


2. Describe the following characters:

1. Mina

2. Lucy


2016-09-15 435 Обсуждений (0)
Match the words on the left to the words on the right 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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