Match the words from column A to their definitions from column B. application (n.), hoarsely (adv.), nauseous (adj.), gratefully (adv.), madmen (n.), inquisitive (adj.)
4. Give synonyms for the following words (more than four). application (n.), hoarsely (adv.), nauseous (adj.), gratefully (adv.), madmen (n.), inquisitive (adj.), condemn (v.), inquire (v.), distort (v.), languidly (adv.), prodigal (adj.), assail (v.), oblivious (adj.), amazement (n.), vulpine (adj.), dismay (n.), feeble (adj.), astonishment (n.), fortitude (n.), perversely (adv.), harshness (n.), descend (v.), potency (n.), reprehensible (adj.), delightful (adj.). 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. Lucy was ghastly, chalkily pale. The red seemed to have gone even from her lips and gums, and the bones of her face stood out prominently. Her breathing was painful to see or hear. 2. Van Helsing took some things from his bag and laid them on a little table out of sight. Then he mixed a narcotic, and coming over to the bed, said cheerily, ‘Now, little miss, here is your medicine. Drink it off, like a good child. See, I lift you so that to swallow is easy. Yes.’ She had made the effort with success. 3. In the early morning Mina’s maid came, and Arthur left her in her care and took himself back home, for he was anxious about many things. He sent a short wire to Dr. Seward and to Jonathan, telling them of the excellent result of the operation. 4. When the operation was stopped, Dr. Seward attended to Lucy, whilst Van Helsing applied digital pressure to his own incision. 5. ‘We owe you so much, Dr. Seward, for all you have done, but you really must now take care not to overwork yourself. You are looking pale yourself. You want a wife to nurse and look after you a bit, that you do!’, said Arthur.6. 13 September. – Called at the Berkeley and found Van Helsing, as usual, up to time. The carriage ordered from the hotel was waiting. The Professor took his bag, which he sometimes brings with him now. 7. Dr. Seward shall not even feel the change, for last night Dr. Van Helping slept in his chair a lot of the time. Lucy found him asleep twice when she awoke. But she feared to go to sleep again, although the boughs or bats or something flapped almost angrily against the window panes. 8. Thomas Bilder lives in one of the cottages in the enclosure behind the elephant house, and was just sitting down to his tea when Dr. Seward found him. Thomas and his wife are hospitable folk, elderly, and without children, and if the specimen he enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable. 9. Van Helping called in one of the women, and told her to stay with her and not to take her eyes off her till he and Dr. Seward returned, and then beckoned me out of the room. 10. Mr. Hawkins had died very quickly, but Mina awaited it because he had a problem with his heart. But Mina and Lucy had both come to so love him that it really seems as though they had lost a father. Lucy never knew either father or mother, so that the dear old man’ 6. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics.1. Явное недоумение читалось на их лицах, однако, они вовремя скрыли его вежливой улыбкой. 2. Затрудненное дыхание Кейт говорило о приближающемся приступе астмы. 3. Удовлетворив свою жажду крови, Дракула восстановил силы и приступил к осуществлению своего зловещего плана. 4. Алчность – проявляется в виде жадности, корыстолюбии, скупости и является одним из семи смертных грехов человека. 5. На экзамене Джеку задали вопрос, однако, он так растерялся, что не смог ответить на него правильно. 6. Вследствие пореза во время бритья, Джонатан обнаружил темно-красное пятно на своей рубашке. 7. «Папаша, шли бы вы домой, а то потратите последние гроши в нашей забегаловке», сказал хозяин постоялого двора. 8. Ты просто высокомерный, ничтожный мальчишка, не стоящий чьего-л. внимания. 9. Не принимай на веру его слова, ты же знаешь, что он скользкий тип, пренебрегающий чувствами людей ради своей выгоды. 10. У него было слабое здоровье, постоянные обмороки, как выяснилось позже, это было следствием тяжёлой болезни. 11. Я не давал согласие на копание в моих вещах. С тех пор как я у Вас живу, Вы нарушаете мое личное пространство. 12. Он подозвал меня кивком головы, обращая мое внимание на личные вещи Джека, в которых, как оказалось, находятся наркотические вещества. 13. «Я сотру тебя в порошок, если ты не выполнишь мой приказ. В конце концов, кто здесь капитан?!», сказал Бен своему подчиненному. 14. Искаженное гневом лицо Стива выражало с одной стороны опасность, а с другой стороны опустошение.B. Speech Exercises 1. Answer the following questions. Prove your point.1. Why do you think Van Helsing asks Dr. Seward to keep everything about Lucy in secret?2. How does Stoker describe Lucy’s appearance on the morning of 10th of September?3. How does Van Helsing react when Mrs. Westerna tells him about removing the flowers? Why should they be in Lucy’s room?4. Were blood transfusions useful for Lucy? 5. What happened to Lucy’s mother? What was the reason of such terrible thing? What happened that night?6. Dr. Seward notices that Lucy seems to be fluctuating between two states. With which other character does this associate her with?7. With which characters does Lucy become associated when she tries to kiss Arthur?8. “It’s not the end”, said Van Helsing about Lucy’s death. Why did he say that?
2. Describe the following character: Quincy Morris Chapters 13–15 A. Training Exercises
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