Приложение к курсовой работе
Файл FGIntPrimeGeneration.PAS
Unit FGIntPrimeGeneration; Interface Uses Windows, SysUtils, Controls, FGInt; Procedure PrimeSearch(Var GInt : TFGInt); Implementation {$H+}
Procedure PrimeSearch(Var GInt : TFGInt); Var temp, two : TFGInt; ok : Boolean; Begin If (GInt.Number[1] Mod 2) = 0 Then GInt.Number[1] := GInt.Number[1] + 1; Base10StringToFGInt('2', two); ok := false; While Not ok Do Begin FGIntAdd(GInt, two, temp); FGIntCopy(temp, GInt); FGIntPrimeTest(GInt, 4, ok); End; FGIntDestroy(two); End;
Unit FGIntRSA; Interface Uses Windows, SysUtils, Controls, FGInt; Procedure RSAEncrypt(P : String; Var exp, modb : TFGInt; Var E : String); Procedure RSADecrypt(E : String; Var exp, modb, d_p, d_q, p, q : TFGInt; Var D : String); Procedure RSASign(M : String; Var d, n, dp, dq, p, q : TFGInt; Var S : String); Procedure RSAVerify(M, S : String; Var e, n : TFGInt; Var valid : boolean);
Implementation {$H+}
Procedure RSAEncrypt(P : String; Var exp, modb : TFGInt; Var E : String); Var i, j, modbits : longint; PGInt, temp, zero : TFGInt; tempstr1, tempstr2, tempstr3 : String; Begin Base2StringToFGInt('0', zero); FGIntToBase2String(modb, tempstr1); modbits := length(tempstr1); convertBase256to2(P, tempstr1); tempstr1 := '111' + tempstr1; j := modbits - 1; While (length(tempstr1) Mod j) <> 0 Do tempstr1 := '0' + tempstr1; j := length(tempstr1) Div (modbits - 1); tempstr2 := ''; For i := 1 To j Do Begin tempstr3 := copy(tempstr1, 1, modbits - 1); While (copy(tempstr3, 1, 1) = '0') And (length(tempstr3) > 1) Do delete(tempstr3, 1, 1); Base2StringToFGInt(tempstr3, PGInt); delete(tempstr1, 1, modbits - 1); If tempstr3 = '0' Then FGIntCopy(zero, temp) Else FGIntMontgomeryModExp(PGInt, exp, modb, temp); FGIntDestroy(PGInt); tempstr3 := ''; FGIntToBase2String(temp, tempstr3); While (length(tempstr3) Mod modbits) <> 0 Do tempstr3 := '0' + tempstr3; tempstr2 := tempstr2 + tempstr3; FGIntdestroy(temp); End;
While (tempstr2[1] = '0') And (length(tempstr2) > 1) Do delete(tempstr2, 1, 1); ConvertBase2To256(tempstr2, E); FGIntDestroy(zero); End;
Procedure RSADecrypt(E : String; Var exp, modb, d_p, d_q, p, q : TFGInt; Var D : String); Var i, j, modbits : longint; EGInt, temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, ppinvq, qqinvp, zero : TFGInt; tempstr1, tempstr2, tempstr3 : String; Begin Base2StringToFGInt('0', zero); FGIntToBase2String(modb, tempstr1); modbits := length(tempstr1); convertBase256to2(E, tempstr1); While copy(tempstr1, 1, 1) = '0' Do delete(tempstr1, 1, 1); While (length(tempstr1) Mod modbits) <> 0 Do tempstr1 := '0' + tempstr1; If exp.Number = Nil Then Begin FGIntModInv(q, p, temp1); FGIntMul(q, temp1, qqinvp); FGIntDestroy(temp1); FGIntModInv(p, q, temp1); FGIntMul(p, temp1, ppinvq); FGIntDestroy(temp1); End; j := length(tempstr1) Div modbits; tempstr2 := ''; For i := 1 To j Do Begin tempstr3 := copy(tempstr1, 1, modbits); While (copy(tempstr3, 1, 1) = '0') And (length(tempstr3) > 1) Do delete(tempstr3, 1, 1); Base2StringToFGInt(tempstr3, EGInt); delete(tempstr1, 1, modbits); If tempstr3 = '0' Then FGIntCopy(zero, temp) Else Begin If exp.Number <> Nil Then FGIntMontgomeryModExp(EGInt, exp, modb, temp) Else Begin FGIntMontgomeryModExp(EGInt, d_p, p, temp1); FGIntMul(temp1, qqinvp, temp3); FGIntCopy(temp3, temp1); FGIntMontgomeryModExp(EGInt, d_q, q, temp2); FGIntMul(temp2, ppinvq, temp3); FGIntCopy(temp3, temp2); FGIntAddMod(temp1, temp2, modb, temp); FGIntDestroy(temp1); FGIntDestroy(temp2); End; End; FGIntDestroy(EGInt); tempstr3 := ''; FGIntToBase2String(temp, tempstr3); While (length(tempstr3) Mod (modbits - 1)) <> 0 Do tempstr3 := '0' + tempstr3; tempstr2 := tempstr2 + tempstr3; FGIntdestroy(temp); End; If exp.Number = Nil Then Begin FGIntDestroy(ppinvq); FGIntDestroy(qqinvp); End; While (Not (copy(tempstr2, 1, 3) = '111')) And (length(tempstr2) > 3) Do delete(tempstr2, 1, 1); delete(tempstr2, 1, 3); ConvertBase2To256(tempstr2, D); FGIntDestroy(zero); End;
Procedure RSASign(M : String; Var d, n, dp, dq, p, q : TFGInt; Var S : String); Var MGInt, SGInt, temp, temp1, temp2, temp3, ppinvq, qqinvp : TFGInt; Begin Base256StringToFGInt(M, MGInt); If d.Number <> Nil Then FGIntMontgomeryModExp(MGInt, d, n, SGInt) Else Begin FGIntModInv(p, q, temp); FGIntMul(p, temp, ppinvq); FGIntDestroy(temp); FGIntModInv(q, p, temp); FGIntMul(q, temp, qqinvp); FGIntDestroy(temp); FGIntMontgomeryModExp(MGInt, dp, p, temp1); FGIntMul(temp1, qqinvp, temp2); FGIntCopy(temp2, temp1); FGIntMontgomeryModExp(MGInt, dq, q, temp2); FGIntMul(temp2, ppinvq, temp3); FGIntCopy(temp3, temp2); FGIntAddMod(temp1, temp2, n, SGInt); FGIntDestroy(temp1); FGIntDestroy(temp2); FGIntDestroy(ppinvq); FGIntDestroy(qqinvp); End; FGIntToBase256String(SGInt, S); FGIntDestroy(MGInt); FGIntDestroy(SGInt); End;
Procedure RSAVerify(M, S : String; Var e, n : TFGInt; Var valid : boolean); Var MGInt, SGInt, temp : TFGInt; Begin Base256StringToFGInt(S, SGInt); Base256StringToFGInt(M, MGInt); FGIntMod(MGInt, n, temp); FGIntCopy(temp, MGInt); FGIntMontgomeryModExp(SGInt, e, n, temp); FGIntCopy(temp, SGInt); valid := (FGIntCompareAbs(SGInt, MGInt) = Eq); FGIntDestroy(SGInt); FGIntDestroy(MGInt); End;
Файл Unit1.pas
unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, FGInt, FGIntPrimeGeneration, FGIntRSA, StdCtrls;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; Label2: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; CheckBox2: TCheckBox; Button1: TButton; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; Label8: TLabel; Label9: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; Label11: TLabel; Label12: TLabel; Edit3: TEdit; Label13: TLabel; Button2: TButton; Label14: TLabel; Label15: TLabel; Label16: TLabel; Label17: TLabel; Button3: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1; n, e, d, dp, dq, p, q, phi, one, two, gcd, temp, nilgint : TFGInt; test, signature : String; ok : boolean; st: string; tx: text; implementation
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if CheckBox1.Checked then Base10StringToFGInt(Edit1.Text, p) else Base256StringToFGInt(Edit1.Text, p); if CheckBox2.Checked then Base10StringToFGInt(Edit2.Text, q) else Base256StringToFGInt(Edit2.Text, q); PrimeSearch(p); PrimeSearch(q); if CheckBox1.Checked then FGIntToBase10String(p, st) else FGIntToBase256String(p, st); Edit1.Text:=st; if CheckBox2.Checked then FGIntToBase10String(q, st) else FGIntToBase256String(q, st); Edit2.Text:=st; FGIntMul(p, q, n); p.Number[1] := p.Number[1] - 1; q.Number[1] := q.Number[1] - 1; FGIntMul(p, q, phi); FGIntToBase10String(n, st); Label5.Caption:=st; FGIntToBase10String(phi, st); Label6.Caption:=st; Base10StringToFGInt('14486581214143', e); Base10StringToFGInt('1', one); Base10StringToFGInt('2', two); FGIntGCD(phi, e, gcd); While FGIntCompareAbs(gcd, one) <> Eq Do Begin FGIntadd(e, two, temp); FGIntCopy(temp, e); FGIntGCD(phi, e, gcd); End; FGIntDestroy(two); FGIntDestroy(one); FGIntDestroy(gcd); FGIntModInv(e, phi, d); FGIntModInv(e, p, dp); FGIntModInv(e, q, dq); p.Number[1] := p.Number[1] + 1; q.Number[1] := q.Number[1] + 1; FGIntDestroy(phi); FGIntDestroy(nilgint); FGIntToBase256String(e, st); Label8.Caption:=st; FGIntToBase10String(d, st); Label10.Caption:=st; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var prom: string; begin test := Edit3.Text; RSAEncrypt(test, e, n, test); Label11.Caption:=test; PGPConvertBase256to64(test,prom); Label17.Caption:=prom; RSADecrypt(test, d, n, Nilgint, Nilgint, Nilgint, Nilgint, test); Label12.Caption:=test;
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(tx,'key.txt'); ReWrite(tx); CloseFile(tx); Append(tx); FGIntToBase256String(n, st); ConvertBase256to64(st, st); WriteLn(tx,st); FGIntToBase256String(e, st); ConvertBase256to64(st, st); WriteLn(tx,st); FGIntToBase256String(d, st); ConvertBase256to64(st, st); WriteLn(tx,st); CloseFile(tx); end;
end. Результат выполнения программы:
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