Установка опций дисплея Scream
Display setup To change default display options for new Waveview windows, choose File → Setup... from the main menu and click on the Display tab. Чтобы изменить опции дисплея, установленные по умолчанию, для новых окон Waveview выберите из главного меню File → Setup... и выберите на вкладку Display (Рис. 4‑24). Рис. 4‑24 Окно установки параметров Дисплея Scream Stream Buffering: You can change the size of Scream's stream buffer by altering the value and unit in these boxes. Scream will discard any data older than this. If you want to record data to your computer's hard disk, you should use the Recording and Files panels; when you enable recording on a stream, any data in the stream buffer will be included in the recorded files. Scream can also play back recorded GCF files (see Chapter 9, page 97.) Status Font: Click Select... to change the font used in status streams. The change comes into effect on new and existing Status windows as soon as you click OK or Apply. Waveview Defaults: Allows you to take the default properties for new Waveview windows from a window already on the screen. Click Select and then on the window you wish to copy. When you click OK or Apply, new Waveview windows will have the same horizontal zoom factor, filter and block boundary options, background colour, and time/amplitude cursor state as are currently in place on that window. The vertical zoom factor is used only for new, blank Waveview windows, since Scream automatically chooses a suitable factor if it can. Colour-coded Components: When this box is checked, Scream will look for stream names ending Zn, Nn or En and automatically display them in the colours shown. To change the default colours, click on the boxes. Other streams are assigned a colour in rotation as they arrive. To define more specific colour defaults, you can use stream mapping (see below.) Spectrogram: Alter this value to change the height of spectrograms displayed in Waveview windows, in pixels. When you click OK or Apply, newly-drawn spectrograms in all Waveview windows will use the new height. Pressing F5 will cause a Waveview window to be redrawn, as will resizing it, changing the zoom factor or using other buttons on the toolbar. Moving a window, or obscuring it and then revealing it, may or may not cause a redraw, depending on your operating system. Units: Scream can automatically scale new WaveView windows to physical acceleration units using sensitivity information you provide (see Section 3.8, page 22.) To enable this feature, first edit the calibration values for your digitizer, then select a suitable unit from the Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration drop-down lists. Once you have done this, streams from the digitizer will be scaled automatically. Other instruments will default to displaying in counts. A simple linear scaling algorithm is used, which does not take into account the response profile of the instrument. For accelerometers, this is usually sufficient to be useful.
Как только Вы сделали это, потоки от цифрового преобразователя будут масштабироваться автоматически. Амплитуды сигналов других инструментов по умолчанию будут отображаться в отсчетах. Используется простой линейный алгоритм масштабирования, который не принимает во внимание отклик инструмента. Для акселерометров это обычно достаточно, чтобы быть полезным.
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