Особенности перевода на русский язык. В зависимости от функции в предложении герундий может переводиться на русский
В зависимости от функции в предложении герундий может переводиться на русский язык существительным, инфинитивом, глаголом в личной форме (табл. 16).
Таблица 16
ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Переведете устно предложения. Определите функции герундия. 1. In addition to having sent his partner all necessary documents he telephoned him twice a day. 2. He wrote a letter in which he thanked John for giving him a chance to make a photo of that rare bird last Monday. 3. I remember meeting him for the first time five years ago. 4. Jake completely forgot buying two pounds of sugar the day before. 5. The method of carrying out the operation is well known. 6. Before carrying out the operation one should study all the instructions. 7. I have problems with listening to other people. 8. Many people avoid walking under ladders, as this is believed to bring bad luck. 9. He regretted now having written this letter. 10. I remember having been shown the letter. 11. He was proud of having been elected chairman. 12. His having obtained a residue at such a temperature was a great success. 13. Their aim was collecting all the necessary data. 14. Their having crossed the river caused a great surprise. 15. The bridge having been repaired so quickly surprised us very much. 16. I knew nothing about the recent happenings. 17. In carrying out the plan of launching an artificial satellite our scientists had to solve many difficult problems. 18. We know of wood having been used as structural material in prehistoric times. 19. Breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you spill salt, you must throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Переведете предложения письменно. Определите функции герундия и способы его перевода. 1. The question is answered in part by studying the behaviour of the optimal strategy for the task described here. 2. It is worthwhile reconsidering this case as well as adding another even more impressive example. 3. Up to the present moment, several writers have succeeded in finding exact solution of the fundamental problems in certain particular cases. 4. This justifies our coming here. 5. Programming a computer involves analysing the problem to be solved and a plan to solve it. 6. Today we cannot help witnessing a tendency in science to direct the collective efforts of a research team at the achievement of a common goal. 7. The opening words of this curious treaty are worthy of being recorded. 8. He died without leaving either a personal or political will. 9. Trying to minimize the importance of the discovery was of no use. 10. Life is a matter of making wise choices – of knowing when to draw the line. 11. This problem owes its fame to looking easy but being hard.12. Some scientists argue that these considerations are incompatible with our decision being random. 13. Learning without thought is labour lost, thought without learning is perilous (Confucius). 14. From here on, the theory starts evaluating the various alternatives of action in terms of the objectives. 15. Besides being useful in general interpolation technique, the procedure can be effectively used to approximate the first coefficients of F.
(Рубцова М. Г., упр. 33, с. 346 – 247) ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Переведете письменно предложения. 1. Вы можете помочь ему тем, что поддержите его. 2. Выполнение этой операции очень важно. 3. Ты не можешь сделать это без чьей-либо посторонней помощи. 4. Мы опоздали на самолет из-за того, что попали в пробку на дороге. 5. Все будет зависеть от того, придут ли они вовремя. 6. Oн был благодарен за то, что его пригласили. 7. Мы преодолели эту трудность путем рассмотрения всех стратегий. 8. Она рассказывала свою историю друзьям, не останавливаясь. 9. Он любит, когда его приглашают его друзья и родственники. 10. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы пошли туда сейчас. 11. Заключив контракт, представитель фирмы уехал из Москвы. ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Выполните письменный перевод текста. Какие функции выполняет герундий?
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