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C. Some British firms use normal spelling in their names but form them by combining two words into one. What kind of business do the following real firms do?

2015-11-10 1624 Обсуждений (0)
C. Some British firms use normal spelling in their names but form them by combining two words into one. What kind of business do the following real firms do? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок











Ответы к упражнениям

How To Write An Advertisement

1. The address of the agency is 18 Compton Street, Croydon. 1-3
2. The holiday costs £350. 2-1
3. You stay in a cottage 3-2
4. You travel by plane. 4-1
5. You can go horse-riding. 5-3
6. The phone number of the agency is 464 3830. 6-2
7. You stay in youth centre 7-3
8. You travel by coach. 8-2
9. It costs £130 for a week 9-3
10. You can gо fishing. 10-2


Brands and Trademarks

Task 1. 1 - i; 2 - g; 3 - m; 4 - j; 5 - c; 6 - n; 7 - e; 8 -1; 9 - d; 10 - a; 11 - f; 12 - b; 13 - h; 14 - k.


Purrfect cat food
Gloss shampoo
Bodygold suntan lotion
Pearlwhite toothpaste
Softie washing powder
Allbrite window cleaner
Lite-up matches
Sylph slimming pills
The Razzlers pop group
Choco-snack chocolate bar
Iron-out wrinkle cream
Aquacool mineral water
Aquafoam bubble bath
Chu-away chewing-gum

Task 2.

A. a) snack bar; b) shoe-shop; c) dry cleaners; d) photo-processing shop; e) photo-copying firm; f) women's clothes shop; g) children's clothes shop; h) taxi firm; i) dry cleaners; j) snack bar; k) garage and repair shop; 1) hairdressers; m) travel agency; n) car-hire firm

a) LITE BIT snack bar
b) SHUSELLA shoe-shop
c) KEEP-A-CREASE dry cleaners
d) SUPASNAPS photo-processing shop
e) KWICK KOPY photo-copying firm
f) KWALITY FASHIONS women's clothes shop
g) KUMFY KIDDY WEAR children's clothes shop;
h) HANDICARS taxi firm
i) MR.KLEEN dry cleaners
j) SNAX snack bar
к) MOTOR RARE garage and repair shop
l) LOOKRITE hairdressers
m) FLITE CENTRE travel agency
n) U-DRIVE car-hire firm

B. a) cleaning fluids; b) pet food; c) telephone answering machines; d) strong glue; e) beds; f) rucksacks; g) bathroom equipment; h) video and audio home entry system

KLEENOFF cleaning fluids
KATTOMEAT pet food
ANSAFONE telephone answering machines
SUPALOK strong glue
KARRIMOR rucksacks
INSTAFLOW bathroom equipment
ANSADOR video and audio home entry system

C.a) translating; b) car repair; c) driving school; d) security services; e) accommodation; f) health and slimming studio; g) travel agency; h) computer services


TRANSLAGENCY translating
AUTOCHECK car repair
AUTOPASS driving school
SECURICOR security services
QUICK-LETS accommodation
FIGURETRIM health and slimming studio
SUNTOURS travel agency
DATAFLOW computer services

Образцы печатной рекламы

На английском языке



Людмила Петровна





Учебное пособие



Главный редактор Л.П. Крикова

Составитель Л.П. Крикова

Корректор Л.П. Крикова

Технический редактор Л.П. Игнатьева

Компьютерная верстка Э.А. Иванова

Художественный редактор Э.А. Иванова

Дизайнер Э.А. Иванова

2015-11-10 1624 Обсуждений (0)
C. Some British firms use normal spelling in their names but form them by combining two words into one. What kind of business do the following real firms do? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: C. Some British firms use normal spelling in their names but form them by combining two words into one. What kind of business do the following real firms do?

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