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2015-11-11 898 Обсуждений (0)

Make the vocabulary of the corporate jargon using the task and the answers given below, for example:

“the red tape – бюрократическая волокита, формальности”

Corporate Buzzwords (Jargon)

1. Well you've really got to hit the _____________________, Matt. (= to start working hard immediately). There's no time to waste!

a) ground running b) ground falling c) floor running

2. Moving _____________________, (= in the future) you'll be in charge of this project.

a) forward b) foursome c) forehead

3. Mary, I don't feel like we're on the _____________________ here.

a) same boat b) same wave c) same page

4. Let's _____________________ (= talk) tomorrow.

a) intermingle b) interface c) interfere

5. I'll take that _____________________ = We'll talk about that after the meeting.

a) off-scale b) online c) offline

6. I'm super busy right now, I'll _____________________ with you tomorrow.

a) touch base b) touch bars c) touch face

7. I don't have the _____________________ (= time) to take this on right now.

a) bandwidth b) band-aid c) banner

8. My plate is _____________________. (= I'm really busy).

a) filled b) round c) full

9. Let's _____________________ (= analyze financial data) and see how they look.

a) ride the numbers b) run the numbers c) run the digits

10. We've got to think _____________________. = We have to come up with some innovative solutions/ideas.

a) outside the cube b) outside the box c) out of the boxes

11. Let's all meet and get our _______________________. (= make sure we're well organized/ efficient).

a) ducks in a row b) dogs in a row c) ducks in a lake

12. Paul, _______________________ me (= contact me) next week about the sales report.

a) pong b) ping c) pang

13. Well, that's a pretty good idea. Let's send it _______________________. (= let's show it to upper management).

a) up the flagpole b) up the river c) up the creek

14. _______________________ is the corporate way of saying "things that have to be done".

a) Act items b) Action items c) Action things

15. The term "to _______________________" should not be used to mean "to go back to something" unless you're a cowboy.

a) circle back b) go back c) circle back around

16. Presently, anyone who uses the word _______________________ to mean "enthusiastic", "active", etc., can easily become a laughing stock.

a) reactive b) attractive c) proactive

17. In the modern business world, people aren't used, they're _______________________.

a) leveraged b) leveled c) led-on

18. Actually, in many an office environment, people aren't even people anymore - they're _______________________.

a) resourceful b) resources c) resonance

19. Let's put that in the _______________________. = Let's not worry about that right now.

a) parking b) garage c) parking lot

20. You have to take _______________________ of this process. (= You are responsible for this process)

a) ownership b) own c) a break

21. We've got to make sure everyone is ____________________ for (= everyone agrees to) our final implementation

a) on the board b) on board c) on the boat

22. Paul, Javier, you guys are going to ____________________ on this. (= You guys will be working together on this)

a) tag b) tag each other c) tag team

23. Well, we just got our ____________________ orders. (= instructions)

a) march b) marching c) margin

24. A characteristic of a service or product that raises its perceived value is known as a "value-____________________".

a) add b) addition c) addict

25. Technology is a shifting ____________________. (= Technology is something that always changes).

a) paradigm b) parachute c) pear

26. Let's ____________________ = Let's talk

a) diagram b) diatribe c) dialogue

27. We're going to have to ____________________ (= tell the truth) and let him know we are five weeks behind schedule.

a) open the kimono b) open the door c) let loose the iguana

28. This initiative will create the ____________________ needed to take our business to the next level.

a) synergy b) symbiosis c) sanctity

29. This kind of corporate office jargon is sometimes referred to as ____________________.

a) babble b) officespeak c) eloquent speech

30. To "get the ball ____________________" means to start something.

a) to roll b) going c) rolling


1)a 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) b 10) b 11) a 12) b 13) a 14) b 15) c 16) c 17) a 18) b 19) c 20) a 21) b 22) c 23) b 24) a 25) a 26) c 27) a 28) a 29) b 30) с


Appendix 2


Gratitude letter

• (We) thank you for the letter of .../dated.../ which we received...

Спасибо за письмо, о.../ от.../ которое мы получили...

• We are obliged for your letter of... Весьма благодарны за Ваше письмо…

Confirmation letter

• We wish to inform you that... Сообщаем Вам, что...

• We acknowledge your letter of... Подтверждаем получение Вашего письма...

• We are in receipt of your letter of... Мы получили Ваше письмо от...

• We have received your letter of... Мы получили Ваше письмо ...

• In connection with our letter of... В связи с нашим письмом ...

• In confirmation of your cable of.../...of our telephone conversation

В подтверждение Вашей телеграммы.../...телефонного разго­вора…

• In reply /answer/response to your letter of... - В ответ на Ваше письмо...

• With reference / Referring to our letter of...we wish to inform you...

В соответствии с нашим письмом ... мы сообщаем Вам, что ...

• With further reference to... Далее, в соответствии с ...

• We learn from your letter that…

Из Вашего письма нам известно, что...

• We are surprised to learn from your letter/telex that... С удивлением прочли в Вашем письме/телексе, что...

Information letter

• Your letter enclosing /stating that... / asking us to do… has been (considered /given proper attention).

Ваше письмо, включающее... / утверждающее... / с прось­бой... было (рассмотрено ) рассмотрено с надлежащим вниманием.

• We are pleased / glad to inform / advise you that... Мы с удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что...

• We have pleasure in informing / offering you...

Мы с удовольствием сообщаем (предлагаем) Вам...

• You are no doubt aware that... Вам, без сомнения, известно, что...

• Please, note that... Учтите, / отметьте, пожалуйста, что...

• We have to remind you that... Хотелось бы Вам напомнить, что...

• Further to our letter of… Далее, согласно нашему письму...

• We enclose a copy of a letter from... (about... / in connection with) Копия письма от... (о... / в отношении) прилагается.

A letter of apology

• We offer apologies /apologize for the long delay of our reply / in answering your letter.

Просим извинения за задержку с ответом/

• Please, accept our apologies for... Примите, пожалуйста, наши извинения…

• We regret to have to remind you that... Примите, пожалуйста, наши извинения…

• We are sorry to learn from your letter of...that... Из Вашего письма с сожалением узнали…

• We are sorry we are unable to meet your request … К сожалению, мы не можем удовлетворить Ваши требования…


• Apart from the above (said)... Помимо вышесказанного…

• Further to the above... In addition to the above… В добавление к вышесказанному…

• In view of the above (said) ... Учитывая вышеуказанное…

• As a matter of fact... В сущности…

• In fact... Действительно, на самом деле, фактически…

• It goes without saying...Само собой разумеется, без сомнения…

• In this connection... В связи с этим…

• In connection with your request… В связи с Вашей просьбой…

• In connection with the above (said)… В связи с вышесказанным…

• The point is... / The matter is... Дело в том, что...

•'. In the circumstances... При данных обстоятельствах...

• In our opinion...По нашему мнению...

• We believe / think / feel... Мы полагаем, нам думается...

• First of all... Прежде всего...

Thesis highlighting

• We find it reasonable / necessary / important to note… Мы считаем целесообразным / необходимым / важным отметить…

• We're taking the opportunity to remind you... Пользуемся случаем напомнить Вам...

• I would like to note that... Хотелось бы отметить...

• We have to admit that... Надо признаться, / мы допускаем...

2015-11-11 898 Обсуждений (0)


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