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Выпишите существительные, образованные от глаголов путем добавления основных суффиксов

2015-11-27 724 Обсуждений (0)
Выпишите существительные, образованные от глаголов путем добавления основных суффиксов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

5. Подберите прилагательные к существительным:

main depth

join equipment

vertical well

horizontal development

hydraulic advantages

rapid technique

unique trend

obvious failures


6. Напишите русские эквиваленты следующих слов:

metal gas motor electric protector membranes typical section medium designer protection concepts

7. Напишите антонимы следующих слов:

remove, main, cement less, last, lower, larger, wide, possible, present, negative, vertical


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Engineering Discussion

As of 1960, Umiat was expected to be the largest oil field in Alaska.

The discovery of the supergiant fields on the northern coast in the late 1960s decreased the interest in developing what is still a large accumulation compared to the average size of an oil pool worldwide.

As economic parameters changed over the last 50 years, remote and complex reservoirs have become viable. Umiat continues to draw attention as one of the few remaining light oil reservoirs in Alaska, and in the US, that has not been developed.


1) Ответьте на вопросы:

Alaska’s giant Umiat oil field remains undeveloped to this day, doesn’t it?


2) Найдите в тексте слова одного корня с нижеприведенными:

economy, world, accumulate, develop, north, super, to discover


3) Выберите вариант, соответствующий тексту:

Umiat is: 1) the oil well

2) the oil field

3) the oil engine.


Unit 9

Well spacing

1. Грамматика. Терминологические словосочетания, способы перевода.

2. Текст “Well Pattern”.

3. Самостоятельная работа. Текст «Siberia’s solid gas».


Предтекстовые упражнения


1. Найдите в тексте следующие словосочетания:

Эффективное извлечение нефти, предварительное бурение, добыча нефти, разработка нефтеносного участка, от разведанного месторождения к неразведанной площади, продуктивность индивидуальной скважины, регулирование темпа добычи нефти, важный фактор в плане разработки, система сбора и очистки нефти.


2.Образуйте новые слова, добавляя приставки:

-sub: divide, class, family, division, soil.

-inter: national; space; face.


Well Pattern

Пояснения к тексту

In essence, spacing involves - в сущности, расстановка скважин


Closely spaced wells - близко расположенные скважины

A dry hole - сухая скважина

Typical spacing - стандартная расстановка

The overall plan - общий план

Market value - рыночная стоимость

Boundary wells - граничные скважины

Some geometric arrangement is usually followed in placing wells. Often, the spacing and arrangement of boundary of wells will determine the position of interior wells, particularly if the property is small. There is more opportunity for scientific well spacing and arrangement when land is held in large tracts rather than small acreages/

In essence, spacing involves drilling preliminary, widely scattered wells at some uniform distance. After this primary system is completed, intermediate wells are drilled between the previous wells at an interval and spacing designed to produce the most economic extraction. This plan has three advantages:

- Initial production is higher than production using plans with usual spacing.

- Production from widely spaced wells is sustained better than closely spaced wells.

The decision on ultimate spacing can be deferred until more information is available. The obvious disadvantage is, of course, the risk of drilling a dry hole. All such risks must be weighed before a decision is made.

The development of an oil property is generally conducted according to one of several plans. A common method is to drill rows of wells across the property from proven territory to unproven territory. This plan gives maximum protection from the entire area beneath the property is productive. It also offers the opportunity to secure vital information on structural and sub-surface conditions for new locations before drilling the next location. A somewhat similar plan is to drill progressively outward from productive lest wells as centers.

In the U.S., the general rule is one well per 40 acres. In Canada, well spacing is somewhat less dense. And in the Middle East, where individual well productivity is high, typical spacing can be as broad as one well per 640 acres. It all depends on the government and its individual regulations.

After the number of wells, the spacing distance, and the pattern are chosen, the wells are drilled. As wells are drilled, they are numbered on each property in the order they are drilled. Large companies sometimes number the wells with reference to their position, regardless of the order of drilling. This can be advantageous because it identifies location immediately: the disadvantage is that you can’t readily tell when the well was drilled.


2015-11-27 724 Обсуждений (0)
Выпишите существительные, образованные от глаголов путем добавления основных суффиксов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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