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Drill. Intonation of complex sentences

2015-11-27 1468 Обсуждений (0)
Drill. Intonation of complex sentences 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

If Fred laughs, he looks funny. If Grandfather flies, he gets frightened.

Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным, то оно обычно выделяется в отдельную синтагму и произносится низким восходящим тоном. Если сложное предложение начинается с главного, то обычно обе части произносятся нисходящим тоном.


1. After Peter had locked the door, he went to bed.

2. When the examination was over, Susan had a feeling of relief.

3. When I gave my name, the woman opened the door.

4. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather walk.

5. Next time you are in Moscow, come and see me.

6. When she arrived at the station, the train had gone.

7. If you are going my way I can give you a lift.

8. If a man deceives me once, shame on him, if he deceives me twice, shame on me.


Unit 37. VAN

Следите за тем, чтобы верхняя губа приподнималась, а край верхних зубов касался нижней губы с внутренней стороны.


1. Listen and repeat:

feel-veal, fine-vine, fail-veil, few-view, leaf-leave, half-halve.


2. Listen and repeat:

bet-vet, best-vest, ban-van, bolts-volts, boat-vote, bowl-vole.


3. Listen and repeat:

Vera, very, village, valley, van, Victor, living, November, leaving, driving, lived, arrived, have, five, love, lovely, leaves.


4. Dialogue. A fine view

A.: Has your family lived here for very long?

B.: Five and a half years. We arrived on the first of February.

A.: What a fine view you have!

B.: Yes. I love living here.

A.: Look! You can see the village down in the valley.

B.: Yes. It’s a lovely view.



This is a photograph of a fat farmer arriving at a village in the valley. He’s driving a van. It’s a fine day, but it’s November, and the leaves have fallen from the vine in the front of the photograph.


6. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Betty loves the velvet vest best.


Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.


Unit 38. WINDOW

[w] – губно-губной заднеязычный срединный щелевой сонант. При его произнесении губы сильно округлены и выдвинуты вперед, образуя круглую щель. Задняя часть языка поднята к мягкому небу. Органы речи сразу же переходят в положение для произнесения следующего гласного звука.

В сочетаниях [tw], [sw], [kw] наблюдается взаимная ассимиляция. С помощью зеркальца следите за тем, чтобы при произнесении начального согласного губы были уже сильно округлены и вытянуты. Произносите глухой согласный энергично. В слове question удлините немного звук [s], чтобы предотвратить типичную ошибку – замену [s] звуком [ ].


1. Listen and repeat:

v-we, veal-wheel, vest-west, vet-wet, vine-wine, veil-whale.


2. Listen and repeat:

when, well, wet, weather, Wendy, wet, which, what, was, watched, walk, warm, wonderful, woods, why, wild, white, wine, were, where, wore, away, railway, everywhere, sandwiches, twelve, twenty, quiet, quickly, sweet, Gwen, squirrels.


3. Dialogue. A walk in the woods

A.: Did you see Victor on Wednesday, Wendy?

B.: Yes. We went for a walk in the woods near the railway.

A.: Wasn’t it cold on Wednesday?

B.: Yes. It was very cold and wet. We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm.

A.: It’s lovely and quiet in the woods.

B.: Yes. Further away from the railway it was very quiet, and there were wild squirrels everywhere. We counted twenty squirrels.

A.: How wonderful! Twenty squirrels! And did you take lunch with you?

B.: Yes. About twelve we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine, and we watched the squirrels. It was a very nice walk.


4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

While we were walking, we were watching window washers

wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.

One-One was a racehorse.

Two-Two was one, too.

When One-One won one race,

Two-Two won one, too.

Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear

when Washington's washer woman went west?


2015-11-27 1468 Обсуждений (0)
Drill. Intonation of complex sentences 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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