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Уровень, 40 вопросов (5 ответов, 1 правильный-А)

2019-05-24 341 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 40 вопросов (5 ответов, 1 правильный-А) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


61. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

They ……already …. you have to do it.

a) have/shown  

b) were/shown 


d) ---/ showed  

e) are / shown


62. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

After we ….. the book we … to discuss it in details.

a) have read/ are able to   

b) had read / are able

c) have read / were able to 

d)shall read/shall be able 

е) are / shown


63. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

Mrs. Black …. with her husband in New York, but her but her son … in France. Today Mrs. Black … to fly to Paris.

a) lives/lives/is going 

b)lived/lived/is going   

c) live/live/was   

d) will live/will live/will be going 

е) live/live/is


64. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

Hello, I … you for ages. Where … you … all the time ?

a) haven’t seen/have/been

b) haven’t been/had/been  

c)don’t see/were  

d) doesn’t see/had/been  

e)didn’t see/have been  


65. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

The memorial department of the museum …. many visitors.

a) attracts

b) attracting 

c) is attracted 

d) was attracted  



66. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

She … already … to the text in the lab.

a) has listened  

b) was/listening 

c) is listening 

d) had /listened  

e) have / listened  


67. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

The fur traders say that they … unnecessary suffering to the animals and there …. no difference between killing an animals for its fur and killing it for its meat .

a) don’t cause/ is

b) doesn’t cause/is  

c) don’t cause / was       

d)wont cause / is

e) shan’t/ were


68. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap

This is the most interesting book I …. ever ….

a) have/read  

b) have been/ reading 

c) had/read 

d) --/read  

e) is/read


69. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

How long …. you … English ? 

a) have / been studying 

b) do/studied  

c) did /studied  

d) have /been studied

e) has/ study


70. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Where is James ? …. he still …. baseball ?

a) is playing 

b) was / playing 

c) shall play 

d)didn’t / play  

e) has /playing


71. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Where is Jane ? – She … in the office . 

a) is working 

b) works

c) was working

d) has been working 

e) will be working


72. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Make him go to bed earlier . He … enough sleep lately  

a) hasn’t had 

b) doesn’t have

c) didn’t have  

d) hasn’t got

e) isn’t having WHA


73. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

What….you…between 7 and 9 o’clock last night?

a) were/doing

b) have/done 

c) do/do

d) did/do 

e) are/doing


74. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

I was in supermarket . As soon as I…for the goods somebody…me.

a) have/paid/pushed

b) had paid/pushed

c) pay/ill push

d) paid/would push

e) have paid/is pushing


75. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

It…when we…home

a) rained/was coming

b) mined/came

c) was raining/came 

d) will rain/came

e) rained/shall come


76. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

He…already… his work before you came.




d) had…finished

e) finish


77. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Who….him yesterday?

a) saw

b) did see

c) has seen

d) have seen

e) sees


78. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

When we ….in Hive we….sightseeing

a) are/go 

b) were/went

c) shall have/done 

d) are/went

e) had been/go


79. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

While you …a rest we …. the task.

a) were having/did

b) have/do

c) shall have/done

d) have had/did

e) is having/do


80. Find the correct form of tense to fill the gap:

Who …. to see me last week?

a) came

b) will come

c) comes

d) has come

e) have come


81. East or West home … best.

a) Is

b) Are

c) Am

d) Was

e) Were


82. Let’s go to … Theatre.

a) The

b) Some

c) A

d) An

e) This


83. Look! … the books that John brought here yesterday.

a) These are

b) That is

c) This is

d) We are

e) Those is


84. This is … fine map.

a) A

b) An

c) The

d) For

e) –


85. He … to speak to his parents.

a) Is going

b) Going

c) Go

d) Will go

e) Gone


86. I … apples more than any other fruits.

a) Like

b) Could

c) Likes

d) See

e) Have to


87. The train goes ….

a) Fast

b) The fast

c) Fastly

d) More fast

e) A fast


88. I thought that he …. in a bank.

a) Worked

b) Work

c) Working

d) Are working

e) Am working


89. Which of the nouns is used with – an

a) Accident

b) Town

c) City

d) Table

e) Pear


90. It is … today than it was yesterday.

a) Warmer

b) Good

c) The warmest

d) Hot

e) Warm


91. This is not my bicycle. It is my …bicycle.

a) Father’s

b) –

c) Father

d) Mine

e) Brother


92. Shallow water is warmer than ….water

a) Deep

b) Low

c) High

d) High-risen

e) Shallow


93. At …dinner everybody was silent.

a) –

b) These

c) Any

d) Some

e) An


94. After the meal we all went …

a)  dancing

b) Dances

c) To dancing

d) Danced

e) Dance


95. The room …tomorrow.

a) Will be cleaned

b) Will clean

c) Cleans

d) Is cleaned

e) Was clean


96. We …do our lessons every day.

a) Must

b) Might

c) Will have to

d) Could

e) Had to


97. It’s the …job he’s ever had to do.

a) Worst

b) As bad as

c) Badly

d) Worse

e) Bad


98.Put the appropriate articles.

…university is situated on … Tauke Khan avenue.

a) The /The

b) --/a

c) A/a

d) A/the

e) A/an


99. Put the appropriate articles.

They stayed in …..Room seven.

a) --

b) A

c) An

d) The

e) Any


100. Put the appropriate articles.

Yesterday we had dinner in …very nice restaurant.

a) A

b) Other

c) An

d) The

e) Any.



2019-05-24 341 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 40 вопросов (5 ответов, 1 правильный-А) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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