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2019-08-13 455 Обсуждений (0)

              When arguing people often disagree with each other. Todisagree in a pleasant way is not always easy, that’s why people try to use round-about ways to express disagreement. Here are some helpful expressions for you to remember and use.


How to agree with an opinion

    1)(Yes,) I entirely/ quite agree with you there / on that.

2) (Yes,) that’s exactly my opinion / that’s how I see it / that’s how I feel.

    3) I couldn’t agree more (direct, strong).

    4) I go along with you / him there / on that.


How to say you partly agree

    1) Yes, I agree with you in a way but…

    2) There’s much in what you say but ….


How to disagree politely with an opinion

    1) Do you really think so?

    2) I wouldn’t go along with you there / on that.

    3) I’m not really sure if I would agree with you there / on that.

    4) I wouldn’t agree. I can’t accept that. (direct).

    5) You can’t be serious! You must be joking! (informal)

    6) Well, I’m not really sure you’re right.




In the dialogue ‘A House to Buy’ Mary and David are talking about the house they have just seen. They don’t always agree. What is Mary’s general opinion of the house? What is David’s?

Mary’s opinion David’s opinion
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What expressions do they use to express their agreement / disagreement?


      What Is Comfort to You?

  This is how two different persons – a well-known interior decorator and an architect - answer this question:

1. ‘Comfort to me is a room that works for you and your guests. It’s deep upholstered furniture. It’s having a table handy to put down a drink or a book. It’s also important that if someone pulls up a chair for a talk, the whole room shouldn’t fall apart. I’m tired of decorating lacking in natural quality.’

2. ‘Imagine yourself on a winter afternoon with a pot of tea, a book, and two or three huge pillows to lean back against. Now make yourself comfortable. Not in some way you can show to other people...I mean so that you really like it, for yourself. You put the tea where you can reach it: but a place where you can’t possibly knock it over. You put the cushions behind you to support your back, your neck, your arm: so that you are supported just comfortably, just as you want to sip your tea, and read, and dream.’



Answer the following questions.

Which of the two claims goes with Text 2?

a) Comfort is a room where all of the things make you relax.

b) Comfort is a room that has the furniture strong enough not to be broken when your guests come.

3. What is comfort to you?


Can We Arrive at a True Impression of a Person Unless We See Them in Their Home?

 Tricia Murray, a reporter, describes her visit to Mrs. Thatcher’s (the former Prime Minister of Great Britain) house. ‘It’s difficult if not impossible to arrive at a true impression of a person’s private life unless you see them in their home surroundings.

      Their home is a modest detached house just off the King’s Road. There is nothing heavy about it, quite the reverse (совсем наоборот). Walking into the hall was rather like walking into the sunshine, for it’s decorated in a rich glowing coral colour. Mrs. Thatcher, who was waiting at the top of the staircase to greet me, showed me into the lounge. The immediate impact was one of the warmth and confidence. Although the house is situated in the heart of London it takes on the aspect of a country home. The sitting-room is small with magnolia walls, a central fireplace, a green carpet, and country style furniture. It’s a real home in every sense of the meaning.’



    Answer the following questions.

Which of the following statements best expresses the author’s claim?

a) Home surroundings reflect a person’s nature.

b) It’s always interesting to visit a famous person’s home.

c) Mrs. Thatcher’s house is an exception among other famous people’s houses.

2. In what way do you think the house reflects a person’s nature?



Has the Old Sentimentality of Neighbourhoods Receded?


This is one person’s opinion: ‘What kind of relationship thereshould be among the people who live next door? What should you do if you see them in the yard – discuss some local affairs, ask them about how their children are getting on, or just say hello? What should you do if they ask you for help or try to borrow some money from you? Can you feel free to come and ask them for minor things like some matches or a couple of eggs? What should you do if your next-door neighbours are very noisy and you can hardly sleep some nights?

What you say to answer these questions depends on your idea of neighbourliness. Personally I don’t find it easy to be friends with neighbours. I don’t see why I should have friendly ties with neighbours because the only thing in common is proximity. We are completely different. We are strangers. The old sentimentality of neighbourhoods has receded.’ 


Answer the following questions.

1. Which of the two statements best expresses the author’s idea about neighbourhoods? Which of them do you agree with? Why?

a) The best relationship with neighbours is one of distance.

b) The best relationship with neighbours is to be good friends. 

2. What kind of relationship do you have with the people who live next door?

2019-08-13 455 Обсуждений (0)


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