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Answer the following questions.

2019-08-13 442 Обсуждений (0)
Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. Are you fond of shopping (window-shopping)? Why or why not? 2. What kind of shop-assistant would you like to deal with - the one who smiles at you, who listens to you, who helps you to choose something, who allows you to try on things, who tells you about the quality of a thing, who takes into consideration your age and appearance? 3. What kind of clothes do you think people should wear in summer / winter? What is beautiful / not beautiful / comfortable / uncomfortable / cheap / expensive / profitable / unprofitable? 4. What does a young girl (a young boy, a businessman, a teacher) wear nowadays? 5. What do you think can be bought for a woman for her birthday? What can be bought for an old man, for an old woman, for a child? 6. What do you think can be bought for a house / a family in case you don't have much money?



3. Read the text below and talk about your own attitude toward money.


Are you a miser, a spendthrift or both? A spendthrift is a person who likes to spend money. She always buys things without regard to cost. All her spending gives her pleasure, so she indulges herself with shopping sprees. (зд. покупать все подряд, безудержно тратить деньги на покупки). She is both warmhearted and generous. She has a lot of friends because she often treats everybody to drinks and meals. She would even give or lend money to her worst enemy! Some people can accept a spendthrift’s habits very easily. They consider such a person immature, but they enjoy being with her, nevertheless.

Are you a little like the person just described? If you are one of big spenders of the world, you will always have debts, but you may have a lot of fun, too.


This is a list of proverbs and idioms characterizing people’s attitude toward money. Which of them are used to talk about a) big spenders; b) thrifty people c) dishonest people?


1. to marry money

2. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

3. Money has no smell.

4. Money lent is money spent.

5. A penny saved is a penny earned.

6. to spend money like water.

7. to throw good money after bad



5. ‘Advertise you product.’ Suppose, you are advertising agent and you want to advertise something. The goods to be advertised are

A fur coat, a personal computer,  a guitar, a refrigerator, a (TV) set, skis, a video-camera, a yacht, etc.

Come with sample suggestions of ads and slogans.


Slogan is a quick, catchy phrase that helps the name of the product get fixed in the consumer’s mind. These are a few examples.


  • F O R D. Active Driving, Active Safety.
  • R E N A U L T. Carrying lots of dreams and huge smiles over long distances.
  • V O L V O. A car that feels like an extension of the driver’s body.

Work with a partner. Make up a conversation using the cue cards below.


CUE CARD 1 BUYING               A SECOND- HAND CAR You are buying a second-hand car. Find out about: 1) price 2) distance travelled 3) year of production 4) possibility of discount 5) method of paying CUE  CARD 2 TALKING TO         A CUSTOMER You work for a big supermarket. You ask your partner who is a customer about: 1) frequency of shopping 2) reasons for shopping here 3) dislikes 4) remoteness from his/her house 5) sum spent here. CUE CARD 3 RECEIVING          A GIFT Your friend has just received a gift. Ask him/her as much as you can about the gift. Find out about: 1) the sender of the gift 2) the relationship with the sender 3) reasons for the gift.


Role-play the following situations.


1. You take a foreign friend to the local department store (boutique, gift shop, etc.) Help him / her buy the following things: some souvenirs; a fur cap and a scarf; a fur-coat; a pair of high-leather boots; a bottle of perfume; some toy for his / her daughter /son. 

2 You wish to buy a blouse, a skirt, or a sweater. Ask the shop-assistant to help you find your size. Tell him/her your size and the kind of item of clothing you would like (length, colour, fabric, purpose, etc)

3. You are a foreign visitor. You wish to buy some clothes but you know that the climate here is very different from that in your native country. Ask the shop-assistant what she would recommend.

4. You have purchased an item of clothing, and when you get home, you find that it is stained or torn. Return it to the store and ask for a refund.

5. You wish to buy your friend a birthday present but you don’t know his/her size. Ask the shop-assistant to help you select a shirt for your friend. Be sure to describe your friend carefully and tell the shop-assistant the type and the color of the shirt you are looking for.

    6. You’ve just bought a TV-set and found that the remote-control is out of order. You go back to the store and ask the department manager to exchange it for another one.

    7. You have paid for an item of clothing in cash. When you count your change, you find that you’ve been overcharged. Get the cashier to give you the correct change.





Unlike CLAIMS OF FACT, CLAIMS OF VALUE attempt to prove that something (action, condition, belief, etc.) is right or wrong, good or bad, worthwhile or undesirable, beautiful or ugly. They express approval or disapproval. Some claims of value are simply expressions of tastes, likes, dislikes, or preferences. Very often these are the judgments about the rightness or wrongness of conduct or belief. Here disagreements are very wide and deep. Although you and the other person may share many values, among them a respect for learning, and a desire for peace, you may also disagree about other values.   

 The two general areas in which people often disagree about matters of value are: aesthetics and morality, though they can occur in any area of human experience. For example:


CLAIM OF VALUE: Killing animals for clothes is wrong.


CLAIM OF VALUE: Shopping is a spiritual adventure.


Support: Many claims of value can be attacked or defended on the basis of standards that measure the worth of an action, a belief, or an object. Of course, you will not always be able to persuade those with whom you argue that your values are superior to theirs. What you can do, however, is to give good reasons why you think one thing is better than another. For example:


‘Money makes the world go round. In fact, if you are able to buy lots of things you have achieved success in your life. Possession brings a lot of happiness.

It’s too much to say that money makes the world go round. Do you think that money can save you in an emergency? In fact, possession isn’t everything. True friends and human relationship do not depend on money. In the long run you’ll probably never be rich but you’ll be happy.’

Remember that answers like ‘Because I think so’ are not arguments.


To support a claim of value, the arguer quite often appeals to a person’s needs which are requirements for physical and psychological well-being. For example, in a shop shop-assistants do all they can to make you buy something. They urge you to try on a jacket or a pair of jeans complimenting you or saying you should buy this thing right now because it can be bought nowhere else. Sometimes they make appeals to some idea which is very significant for you or for the group you belong to. For example


a. Being thrifty (economical).


b Looking good. 


c. Looking fashionable


d. Looking like somebody else. (This may be your attitude to the type of clothes you wear, especially if you are young).



2019-08-13 442 Обсуждений (0)
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