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Перепишите нижеследующие предложения в прошедшем простом времени ( Past Simple ) по образцу. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

2019-11-13 428 Обсуждений (0)
Перепишите нижеследующие предложения в прошедшем простом времени ( Past Simple ) по образцу. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Образец : Tom usually gets up at 7(yesterday). Yesterday he got up at 7.

1. Tom usually wakes up early (yesterday morning). 2. Tom generally has a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast (yesterday). 3. Tom usually walks to work (yesterday). 4. He is usually late for work (2 days ago). 5. Tom is always busy at work (yesterday). 6. Tom often has lunch in a café (yesterday). 7. He usually goes out in the evening (last night). 8. Tom usually works late (last week).

14. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу:

Образец: Why didn’t you phone me on Tuesday? (be away)

    I didn’t phone you on Tuesday because I was away.

1. Why wasn’t Jane interested in the book? (not understand it). 2. Why didn’t you rush? (have enough time to reach the station). 3. Why didn’t you eat anything? (not be hungry). 4. Why didn’t Tom go to work yesterday? (not be very well). 5. Why didn’t Jimmy shave this morning? (not have time). 6. Why didn’t they come to the party? (be very busy). 7. Why didn’t your secretary bring the message to Mr. Clay? (not ask her). 8. Why didn’t you visit the Rockefeller Center in New York? (be short of time). 9. Why didn’t you participate in the cycle race when you were on holiday in the mountains? (not see the notice advertising it).

15. Задайте специальные вопросы к нижеследующим предложениям, начиная их со слов в скобках:

1. She lived in Moscow. (Who, Where)

2. He met him at the station. (Whom)

3. They went shopping at the weekend. (Where, When)

4. I bought myself a red jacket. (What)

5. She got an excellent mark yesterday. (What mark, When)

16.  Сделайте предложения отрицательными, задайте общие вопросы:

1. The Smiths will go shopping tomorrow.

2. Frank will go to Spain for holiday.

3. The students will write the test next week.

4. Mike will speak Russian very well next year.

5. Jessie will cook a fruitcake on Sunday.

6. We’ll watch TV tonight.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в будущем простом времени ( Future Simple ). Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In five years I (speak) English well.

2. Next year we (travel) around Europe.

3. I (call) you tomorrow and we (go out) somewhere.

4. In some fifty years people go to the Moon for the weekend.

5. She hopes she (sleep) well tonight.

6. He thinks he (live) in the same city in ten year’s time.

18. Закончите предложения :

1. When/If I have time, I’ll … .

2. As soon as we’ve got enough money, we’ll … .

3. If I am free the following weekend, I’ll … .

4. After I graduate from the University, I’ll … .

5. When my mother comes home tonight, she’ll … .

6. Before I have my summer holidays, I’ll … .

Аудиторная работа

1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. agricultural – сельскохозяйственный

2. agriculture – сельское хозяйство

3. full-time – дневной

4. part-time – заочный

5. research – исследовательский, исследование

6. qualified квалифицированный

7. senior course – старший  курс

8. term – семестр

9. branch - ветвь, отрасль

10. department – отделение, отдел, кафедра

11. post-graduate student – аспирант

12. vacations – каникулы

13. hall of residence (syn. а hostel, dormitory) – общежитие

14. library – библиотека  

15. snack-bar – буфет

16. curriculum – учебный план (института)

17. subject – предмет

18. to have an opportunity – иметьвозможность

19. to last – длиться, продолжаться

20. to train specialists – готовить специалистов

21. to head – возглавлять

22. at the disposal – в распоряжении

23. to get practical knowledge – получать практические знания

24. to pass exam (test) – сдать экзамен (зачет)

2. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

1. the only agricultural Institute

2. various branches of agriculture

3. a full-time education

4. part-time department

5. academic year

6. to get diploma

7. to beheaded by the director

8. post-graduate course

9. highly qualified specialists

10. at the disposal of the students

11. to take the course of study

12. to receive additional qualification

13. rather favorable conditions

14. curriculum comprises

15. the students of senior courses

16. the base of getting practical knowledge

17. to have possibility

Запомните названия институтов академии:

Land Management and Agrotechnologies Institute – Институт земледелия и агротехнологий (ИЗиАТ)

Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Institute – Институт животноводства и ветеринарной медицины (ИЖиВМ)

Forestry Institute – Институт лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства (ИЛХ)

Engineering Institute – Инженерно-технологический институт (ИТИ)

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Our Academy

    Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture was founded in Primorsky Region in 1957 (nineteen fifty seven) as an Agricultural Institute and in 1995 (nineteen ninety five) it was awarded the status of the Academy.

    The Academy trains highly qualified specialists in various branches of agriculture: forestry, land management, farm engineering, veterinary and animal science. It has both full-time and part-time departments. Some 4000 young people get their education here. There are 4 Institutes at the Academy: Land Management and Agrotechnologies Institute, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Institute, Forestry Institute and Engineering Institute. Besides, the students of the Academy have possibility to receive additional qualification “Interpreter in the field of professional communication”. The Academy is headed by the rector and each Institute is headed by the dean. Our Academy has also a post-graduated course which trains research workers for agriculture.

    There are many structural divisions at the Academy. They are an Experimental and Training Farm which has got 300 ha of arable land; Forest plot with 29,000 ha of the first category forests, Animal Diseases Diagnostic Center and others. They are the base for getting practical knowledge and skills.

The course of study lasts five and four years. There are two terms during the academic year. Each term ends with the examinations which take place in January and in June. The students should work hard during the academic year to pass their exams successfully. The students have their vacations in winter and in summer.

    The Academy teaching combines lectures, practical classes and seminars. The students have three or four classes every day. They have got rather favourable conditions for studies at the Academy. Lecture-halls, some computer rooms, gymnasiums, snack-bars, reading halls, stadium and library are at their disposal. Curriculum comprises a lot of subjects such as mathematics, history, foreign language, chemistry, physics, biology, ecological problems, informatics for first-year-students and specialized subjects for students of senior courses which are necessary for their professional training. The students of our Academy live in comfortable dormitories (hostels) or rent rooms and flats.

    The Academy Program is rather complex and it stimulates the student’s interest in his future work. After graduating from the Academy young people go to work to different parts of Russia as agronomists, veterinary surgeons, engineers, foresters and so on.

5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

Кафедра иностранных языков, старшекурсники, учебно-опытное хозяйство, посещать семинары и лекции, экзаменационная сессия, аспирантура, сдать экзамен, получить диплом, изучать курс, профессиональное обучение, специализированные предметы.

6. Найдите начало предложений в тексте:

1. … the status of the Academy.

2. … and part-time departments.

3. … research workers for agriculture.

4. … the first category forests.

5. … at their disposal.

6. … for their professional training.

7. … foresters and so on.

7. Составьте предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. The Academy trains… 2. They are the… 3. The Academy is headed by the Rector and each Institute … 4. The students should work hard during the academic year … 5. The Academy teaching combines … 6. The students have 3 or … 7.The Academy program is rather  complex and … a) is headed by the Director. b) to pass their exams successfully.                                                         c) highly qualified specialists d) base for getting practical knowledge.                                                                      e) it stimulates the student’s                                                          interest in his future work. f) lectures, practical classes and                                                                                      seminars. g) 4 classes every day.

8. Согласитесь/не согласитесь с утверждениями. Используйте следующие фразы:

 - It ’ s true / You are right .

  - It’s false/It is not so.

1. Our Academy was founded in 1957.

2. It was awarded the status of the Academy in 2000.

3. There are 5 Institutes at the Academy.

4. The Academy is headed by the director and each Institute is headed by the dean.

5. The students of the Academy have possibility to receive an additional qualification “Interpreter in the field of professional communication”.

6. There are two terms during the academic year.

7. Each term ends with vacations.

8. The students go to the Academy every day except Saturday and Sunday.

9. After graduating from the Academy young people go to work to foreign countries as teachers and research workers.

9. Ответьте на вопросы :

1. Where do you study?

2. When was the Academy founded?

3. What Institutes are there at the Academy?

4. How many students has the Academy got?

5. Who is the Academy headed by?

6. Who is each Institute headed by?

7. What structural divisions are there at the Academy?

8. How long does the course of study last?

9. How many semesters are there during the academic year?

10. What does the Academy teaching combine?

11. What conditions do the students have to pass the exams successfully?

12. What subjects do the students study?

13. Where do the students live?

14. What professions do the students get?

15. Where do the graduates usually work?

10. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Наша академия готовит специалистов по различным отраслям сельского хозяйства.

2. В институте есть как дневное, так и заочное отделение.

3. В академии 4 институтов.

4. Каждый институт возглавляется деканом.

5. Наша аспирантура готовит научных работников.

6. Большинство лабораторий хорошо оборудованы.

7. Библиотека обеспечивает студентов литературой по специальным предметам.

 8. Курс обучения длится 4 или 5 лет.

 9. В учебном году 2 семестра.

10. Каждый семестр заканчивается экзаменом.

11. Мы собираемся стать квалифицированными специалистами.

12. Занятия начинаются в 8 часов и заканчиваются в 3.15.

13. В нашем институте мы изучаем различные предметы, такие как математика, физика, химия, биология, иностранный язык и др.

14. Что касается меня, я изучаю английский.


2019-11-13 428 Обсуждений (0)
Перепишите нижеследующие предложения в прошедшем простом времени ( Past Simple ) по образцу. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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