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2020-02-04 268 Обсуждений (0)
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Контрольная работа для студентов 1 курса, ФЭП,


Вариант 1

Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его на русский язык. Письменно переведите на русский язык название текста и 1-2-й абзацы.


(1) In general, barristers are engaged in advocacy (trial work) and solicitors- in office work. Solicitoris a type of practicing lawyer in Britain who gives ad­vice, does the necessary work when property is bought and sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law. In general, a barrister undertakes no work except through a solicitor, who prepares and delivers the client's instructions to a bar­rister. Solicitors confer with clients, draft documents, conduct negotiations, prepare cases for trial, and generally manage the day-to-day administration of a lawsuit. They retain barristers for ad­vice on special matters or for advocacy before the higher courts. They have a right to act in all courts as the agents for litigation or representatives of their clients, but they may appear as advo­cates only in the lower courts. If one wants to make a will the best man to advise him is a solicitor. If a person gets into trouble with the police he / she can ask a solicitor to help prepare his de­fence.

(2) The official organization of solicitors in the UK is the Law Society, a voluntary group, incorporated by Parliament. The education required of a solicitor includes a law school course. Furthermore, to qualify as a solicitor one is to join a practicing solicitor as a "clerk" and to work for him (ap­prenticeship) for a period of five years (three years for univer­sity graduates) in order to pass the Law Society exams.

(3) Barristeris one of the two types of practicing lawyers in Eng­land, the other being the solicitor. A barrister speaks in court and presents the case before a judge or jury. The lawyer represents a litigant as advocate before a court of appropriate jurisdiction. Only barristers (not solici­tors) may appear as advocates before the High Court. A solicitor can provide a crucial support role to a barrister when in court, such as managing large volumes of documents in the case or even negotiating a settlement outside the courtroom while the trial continues inside.

(4) Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the Law. They are called in to advise on really difficult points. To be a barrister it is necessary to be a member of one of the four Inns of Court in London. Inns of Court are four institu­tions that have historically been responsible for legal education. A prospective barrister must pass some examinations established for the inns by the Council of Legal Education and must read law and serve his apprenticeship with a practicing barrister for not less than a year. A barrister is required to accept any case for a proper pro­fessional fee, regardless of his personal feelings. Barristers can­not carry on any other profession or business.


Найдите в тексте «Types of practicing lawyers in Britain» предложения со следующими словами . Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.

 a litigant, (the) case


3. Используя информацию текста « Types of practicing lawyers in Britain», исправьте неточности в следующих предложениях . Запишите правильные варианты.

1. A solicitor is a type of a lawyer in common law jurisdictions who mostly specialises in courtroom advocacy and litigation.

2. Both barristers and solici­tors may appear as advocates before the High Court.

3. Barristers undertake the general aspects of giving legal advice and conducting legal proceedings, and generally manage the day-to-day administration of a lawsuit.

4. Inns of Court, where they exist, regulate admission of solicitors to the profession.


Образуйте и запишите форму множественного числа следующих существительных.

branch, fee, policeman, wife, crime, discovery, shop-lifter, phenomenon, lawsuit, footprint, lawyer, crisis, proof

Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильную форму.

1. Constitutional law is/are one of my favourite major subjects / subject.

2. The jeans was / were too dirty.

3. Bad news don't/doesn't make people happy.

4. The verdict of the jury was/were unusual.

5. Margaret has got very long black hair/hairs.

6. The police have /has weighed all the evidence and have/ has found the accused guilty.

7. Butter have /has a lot of fat.

8. He has grown up: the pyjamas is/are too short for him.

9. The gentlemen is / are waiting for you in the hall.

10. The fear of the murder and robbery has/have caused many people to leave big cities.

6. В каждом предложении выберите правильную форму местоимения; запишите готовый вариант.

1. He didn’t tell anything/nothing to the police.

2.A friend of my / mine / me is staying with us / we / our now.

3. I was the first person to arrive – the other / others got delayed & them / they arrived late.

4. The police found any / no / anything / nothing proofs in the flat.

5. Are the Petrovs going nowhere/anywhere for his / their holiday?

6. Little / Few / A little / A few plants and animals can live in the South Pole – it’s too cold for its / they them.

7. Where can I find any / anything information about Belarusian visas?

8. There isn’t many / much / a few space in this flat for all the furniture.

9. He was late because he had a few/a lot of / little work to do.

10. I’m afraid I haven’t got much / many / a little information about that accident.

11. He had very few /much / little money and lived a very poor life.

2020-02-04 268 Обсуждений (0)
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