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Underline the correct phrase. If either is possible, underline them both

2015-11-10 1304 Обсуждений (0)
Underline the correct phrase. If either is possible, underline them both 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Unless the infection is treated/ If the infection isn't treated urgently, there is a real danger that she will die.

2. Unless she had gone/ If she hadn't gone to university, she would have gone into the army.

3. Unless he was/ If he wasn't so clumsy, he'd be the best person to do the work.

4. The man can't be prosecuted unless the police can prove/ if the police can't prove he intended to steal the jewels.

5. Unless they were/ If they weren't the tastiest strawberries I've every eaten, they were definitely the biggest.

6. It'll be surprising unless Rachel passes/ if Rachel doesn't pass her piano exam.

7. John was expecting us, but I've knocked and rung on the bell and there's no answer - unless he's gone/ if he hasn't gone next door to see the neighbours.

8. Unless you get/ If you don't get a loan from the bank, how will you pay for the house?

9. They'll go on strike unless they get/ if they don't get a pay rise.

10. Where will you stay unless Louise is at home/ if Louise isn't at home?

11. I can borrow my brother's tent unless he's using it/ if he's not using it, in which case I'll have to buy one.


38. Replace the sentences or co-ordinate clauses in italics by subordinate adverbial clauses of reason or concession, as appropriate, using the conjunctions because, as, since, although, even though, or while, and making any necessary omissions.

a) He didn't understand, so he asked the teacher to explain.

As he didn't understand, he asked the teacher to explain.

b) It was raining hard. Nevertheless, the two captains decided that the pitch was playable.

Although it was raining hard, the two captains decided that the pitch was playable.

1. The colour didn't suit her, so my wife decided not to buy the dress.

2. He had overslept. As a result, he was late for work.

3. I didn't have any stamps. Therefore I couldn't post the letter.

4. The course cost a lot of money. Even so, I decided to take it.

5. We left rather late. We arrived on time, however.

6. She likes England very much. She's looking forward to going home, nevertheless.

7. I agreed to follow his advice, but I did so with some misgivings.

8. I had promised to visit him so I felt obliged to go.

9. His doctor had given him strict instructions to stay in bed. Despite this, he went in to work.

10. He won't listen to me, so you'd better try talking to him yourself.

Finish each of these sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.

1. The robbery took place in broad daylight, but there seem to have been no eye-witnesses. Although . . .

2. The speaker finished his speech although he was constantly interrupted. Despite . . .

3. It may look difficult, but it's easy once you have the knack. However . . .

4. Although I shouted very loudly, I couldn't make myself heard above the din. No matter . . .

5. The plan may be ingenious, but it will never work in practice. Ingenious . . .

6. His apology may be utterly sincere. However, I don't think it will be accepted. However . . .

7. I can't help admiring his honesty, though I totally disagree with his point of view. Much as . . .

8. We tried very hard, but we couldn't talk him out of his crazy scheme. Try . . .


Complete the sentences with adverbial clauses, using in turn each of the conjunctions given. State the function of the clause(s) you have added.

    We decided to take our raincoats with us   so that … because … after … in case … although … if …
As … , Although … , If … , Before … , When … , As soon as … ,         everyone taking part in the play had to be word perfect.
Whatever … , If … , Since … , Much as … , Although … , Whether … , Lest … , please don’t tell him what I said.
    They intended to visit the Scottish Highlands while … even if … before … after … however … unless …
You had better repeat your instructions carefully so that … in case … if … unless … before … while …
Even though … , As … , When … , Whether … ,   you ought to have given him some advice when … before … in case … so that …

41. Complete the following, using adverbial clauses of:

A) time.

1. I shall not leave before ... . 2. We shall let you know as soon as .... 3. He said that he would come to us on a visit when ... . 4. They had to stay there until . . . . 5. It has been raining since ... . 6. What are you going to do after ... ?

B) place.

1. We met where ... . 2. They made camp where .... 3. Let us stop for the night where ... . 4 . Begin to read from where ... . 5. We came up to where ... .

C) cause.

1. I have no reason to put blame on you because ... . 2. Since ... I shall not bother you any longer. 3. As ... I think I may leave. 4. It was all the same to me so long as ... . 5. Seeing that ... she dared not speak to you.

D) purpose.

1. Make haste lest ... . 2. Write down my telephone number so that ... . 3. You should dress, the wound lest ... . 4. We came half an hour earlier that .... 5. The boxes were wrapped in waterproof paper in order that . . . .

E) result.

1. The night was so dark that ... . 2. He laughed so infectiously that ... . 3. The children were making such a noise that ... . 4. The fruit looked so tempting that ... . 5. He was such a gloomy man that . . . .

F) concession.

1. Although ... we shall come in time. 2. No matter how ... we shall cope with the task. 3. Whatever ... I don't believe him. 4. Whoever ... he has no right to speak like that. 5. Even though ... I should not have behaved in the way

you did. 6 Dark as ... we found the house without difficulty. 7. Simple as ... you will have to work a great deal on it. 8. Happen what ... I shall take the risk. 9. He shall do it, whether ... or not.

G) comparison.

1. She looked very excited as if ... . 2. He seemed older than ... . 3. The weather was not so cold as ... . 4. She was as talented as .... 5. He knew the place as though ... . 6. She loved the child as though ... . 7. The more ... the better ... .

H) condition.

1. If ... I should finish the book to-day. 2. Should you ... you are always welcome. 3. The Gadfly would have escaped from prison if ... .4. What shall we do, supposing ... ? 5. Nobody would pay any attention unless ... . 6. I shall tell you everything on condition ... . 7. We shall be there in time

provided ... .


42. Translate the following sentences, using adverbial clauses of:

A) time.

1. He успел мистер Пиквик произнести и двух слов, как миссис Бардль упала в обморок. 2. Едва генерал снова увидел в своем кабинете несчастного чиновника, как он побагровел и поднялся из-за стола. 3. Как только Иван Никифорович произнес ужасное слово «гусак», все почувствовали, что путь к примирению отрезан. 4. Он еще не завернул за угол, как вспомнил, что забыл документы дома, и ему пришлось вернуться. 5. Уже пять лет, как мы работаем над этой проблемой. 6. Доктор уговаривал больного не вставать с постели до тех пор, пока он не почувствует себя совершенно здоровым. 7. Пока он говорил, я все больше убеждался, что где-то раньше видел этого человека. 8. Пока ты будешь невнимателен на уроках, тебе придется дома тратить вдвое больше времени на занятия. 9. Поговорите с ним, пока он не уехал. 10. По мере того как мы приближались к порту, нам попадалось все больше судов.

B) place.

1. Мальчик побежал туда, куда незадолго до этого пошли его товарищи. 2. После долгих лет разлуки мы решили встретиться там, где играли в детстве. 3. Я приехал оттуда, где никогда не бывает зимы.

C) purpose.

1. Открой окно, чтобы легче дышалось. 2. Эдди расчистил кружочек на замерзшем стекле, чтобы последний раз посмотреть на Чикаго. 3. Мистер Рочестер дал Джейн глоток вина, чтобы она почувствовала себя бодрее. 4. Джейн решила покинуть дом своих родственников, чтобы не зависеть от них.

D) result.

1. Майкл молчал так долго, что Алан подумал, что тот уснул. 2. На пляже было так многолюдно, что казалось будто люди переселились на берег реки. 3. Рассказ был такой смешной, что в зале непрерывно раздавались взрывы смеха. 4. Он такой приятный человек, что вы легко с ним поладите.

E) cause.

1. Раз вы так настаиваете на этом, мне придется согласиться пойти с вами. 2. Я согласилась на это только потому, что он очень просил меня. 3. Так как уже стемнело, вам лучше остаться у нас.

F) concession.

1. Хотя вопрос застал ее врасплох, она не растерялась. 2. Каковы бы ни были его другие недостатки, никак нельзя сказать, что он трус. 3. Неважно, как это случилось; ясно одно, — что сами мы во всем виноваты. 4. Как бы ни сложны были операции, профессор Рогов справлялся с ними успешно. 5. Как бы высоко вы его ни ценили, вы не должны прощать ему его ошибки.

G) comparison.

1. Девушка продолжала читать так, как будто в комнате больше никого не было. 2. Соме заметил с удивлением, как тяжело дышала Ирен, будто она долго бежала. 3. Рэд и полисмен Морган стояли у стойки так близко друг к другу, что, казалось, они мирно беседовали о чем-то. 4. Он

любит похвалиться. Он всегда больше говорит, чем делает. 5. Чем ближе вы подходите к морю, тем свежей становится воздух.

H) condition.

1. Я надеюсь, что, если вернусь через полчаса, вы будете уже заканчивать вашу работу. 2. Я обязательно приду, если только не случится что-нибудь непредвиденное. 3. «Ко», — сказал Алан, — «ты бы очень огорчилась, если бы мы не получили один из тех домиков, которые ты смотрела?» 4. У Коры было такое ощущение, что если

только она не остановит Алана, он скажет что-то ужасное. 5. Если бы не миссис Пейдж, Эндрю не покинул бы Бленелли так скоро.

2015-11-10 1304 Обсуждений (0)
Underline the correct phrase. If either is possible, underline them both 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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