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Read and translate the terms and word combinations into Russian

2015-11-27 788 Обсуждений (0)
Read and translate the terms and word combinations into Russian 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок







И.Р. Васильева









Учебное пособие

по профессиональному английскому языку

для студентов технических специальностей



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Ульяновского государственного университета

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Васильева И.Р.

В 19

Профессиональный английский для студентов по специальностям "МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ И АДМИНИСТРИРОВАНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ СИСТЕМ" и "ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ"(учебное пособие) / И.Р. Васильева. – 1-е изд. – Ульяновск: УлГУ, 2014. – 70 с.


Пособие имеет коммуникативную направленность. Предназначается для обучения профессиональному английскому языку на основе текстов по специальности.

Для студентов технических специальностей.



© Ульяновский государственный университет, 2014

© Васильева И.Р., 2014


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов технических специальностей, профессиональная деятельность которых будет связана с информационными технологиями.

Целью данного пособия является:

· формирование лексического запаса специальных слов и терминов по специальности;

· развитие у студентов умения выражать свои мысли по специальности;

· развитие умения вести дискуссию на иностранном языке по специальности;

После проработки 3 текстов автор рекомендует проводить небольшие тесты на лексику, в ходе которых проверяется не только знание терминов, но и умение студента использовать иностранные термины в собственной системе знаний, полученных за годы учебы в университете. Упражнения, предлагаемые после текста полезно дополнять диктантами для развития фонематического слуха студентов.

Все упражнения можно подразделить на две группы. Первая группа это упражнения на классификацию терминов, их перегруппировку по разным признакам. Они нацелены на визуальное запоминание слов, и, их выполнение, как показывает опыт, значительно повышает качество запоминания. Вторая группа упражнений нацелена на работу с лексическими значениями.




Information is a central concept of this book. The term is used in the title of the book, in this section, and in almost every chapter. To be an effective manager in any area of business, you need to understand that information is one of an organization’s most valuable resources. This term, however, is often confused with data.

Dataconsists of raw facts, such as an employee number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers, or sales orders. As shown in Table 1.1, several types of data can represent these facts. When facts are arranged in a meaningful manner, they become information. Informationis a collection of facts organized and processed so that they have additional value beyond the value of the individual facts. For example, sales managers might find that knowing the total monthly sales suits their purpose more (i.e., is more valuable) than knowing the number of sales for each sales representative. Providing information to customers can also help companies increase revenues and profits. FedEx, a worldwide leader in shipping packages and products around the world, believes that information about a package can be as important as the package itself for many of its customers.4 Increasingly, information generated by FedEx and other organizations is being placed on the Internet. In addition, many universities are now placing course information and content on the Internet. Using the Open Course Ware program, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) places class notes and contents on the Internet for many of its courses.

Types of Data

Data Represented by
Alphanumeric data Image data Audio data Video data Numbers, letters, and other characters Graphic images and pictures Sound, noise, or tones Moving images or pictures

Table 1.1

Data represents real-world things. Hospitals and healthcare organizations, for example, maintain patient medical data, which represents actual patients with specific health situations. In many cases, hospitals and healthcare organizations are converting data to electronic form. Some have developed electronic records management (ERM) systems to store, organize, and control important data. However, data—raw facts—has little value beyond its existence. The U.S. federal stimulus plan could invest as much as $2 billion into helping healthcare organizations develop a medical records program to store and use the vast amount of medical data that is generated each year.6 Medical records systems can be used to generate critical health-related information, saving money and lives.

Here is another example of the difference between data and information. Consider data as pieces of railroad track in a model railroad kit. Each piece of track has limited inherent value as a single object. However, if you define a relationship among the pieces of the track, they will gain value. By arranging the pieces in a certain way, a railroad layout begins to emerge. Data and information work the same way. Rules and relationships can be set up to organize data into useful, valuable information. Defining and Organizing Relationships Among Data Creates Information.

The type of information created depends on the relationships defined among existing data. For example, you could rearrange the pieces of track to form different layouts. Adding new or different data means you can redefine relationships and create new information. For instance, adding new pieces to the track can greatly increase the value—in this case, variety and fun—of the final product. You can now create a more elaborate railroad layout. Likewise, a sales manager could add specific product data to his or her sales data to create monthly sales information organized by product line. The manager could use this information to determine which product lines are the most popular and profitable.

Turning data into information is a process, or a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined outcome. The process of defining relationships among data to create useful information requires knowledge. Knowledgeis the awareness and understanding of a set of information and the ways that information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision. Having knowledge means understanding relationships in information. Part of the knowledge you need to build a railroad layout, for instance, is the understanding of how much space you have for the layout, how many trains will run on the track, and how fast they will travel. Selecting or rejecting facts according to their relevancy to particular tasks is based on the knowledge used in the process of converting data into information. Therefore, you can also think of information as data made more useful through the application of knowledge. Knowledge workers (KWs) are people who create, use, and disseminate knowledge and are usually professionals in science, engineering, business, and other areas.7 A knowledge management system (KMS) is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices used to create, store, and use the organization’s knowledge and experience.8 Research has shown that the success of a KMS is linked to how easy it is to use and how satisfied users are with it.9

In some cases, people organize or process data mentally or manually. In other cases, they use a computer. Where the data comes from or how it is processed is less important than whether the data is transformed into results that are useful and valuable. This transformation process is shown in Figure 1.2.


Data The transformation process Information

(applying knowledge by selecting, organizing, and manipulating data)

Figure 1.2



1. Write out terms that contain words data, information, system (words are given in theGLOSSARY)

2. Write out the words from the GLOSSARY into 3 columns:


3. Write out international words from the GLOSSARY .

Read and translate the terms and word combinations into Russian.

1. ERM systems 2. to control data 3. to consists of raw facts 4. alphanumeric data 5. KWs 6. to turn data into information 7. logically related tasks 8. to arrange facts in meaningful manner 9. to reach a decision 10. to organize data 11. to achieve a defined outcome 12. to store data 13. to generate information 14. to be placed on the Internet 15. video data 16. useful information 17. profitable product lines 18. audio data 19. to increase revenues and profits 20. to set up rules and relationships 21. valuable information 22. to select facts/ to reject facts 23. image data 24. to convert data into information 25. to redefine relationships 26. to provide information to the customers

2015-11-27 788 Обсуждений (0)
Read and translate the terms and word combinations into Russian 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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