Приложение В. Листинг консольной версии программы
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "SETTINGS.h" #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include "Correction.h" #include "Movements.h" #include "xmpop.h" #include "rs232lib.h" #include "hxpdlib.h" #include "COMPortLib.h"
#pragma hdrstop #pragma w
char *Title = "\nHexapod_Console_2.0 SKB RoboTech\n"; String PortName = "COMX"; int ComPortSpeed = 57600; // Скорость char *IniFile = "hxctl.ini"; char *MacroFile = "hxctl.mdf"; char *AdaptiveModeString = "Current mode is NON-Adaptive"; char *CorrectiveModeString = "Current mode is NON-Corrective"; char *AnalisesFileName; String s;
DCB dcb;
//----------------------------------------------------- char* pcComPort; void TUsrComPort::Open() // Разбираемся с COM-портом { int res; Port = new TComPort(PortName, BaudRate, res); Ready = (Port!=NULL && res!=0); if(!Ready) { printf("\nres=",res); if (Port==NULL) {printf("Port=NULL\n");} if (res==0) { printf("\nres=%i",res);} printf("\nUnable to open '%s' at %d",PortName, BaudRate); } else printf("OK"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- // Основная программа //----------------------------------------------------------
void main(void) {
printf("\n%s\n",Title); //AnalisesFileName=GetCurrentDateAndTime(); AnalisesFileName="log.csv"; AnalisesFileHeaderWrite(); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Чтение файла конфигурации //-------------------------------------------------------- FILE *f; if((f=fopen(IniFile,"r"))==NULL) Error("Open inifile '%s' error",IniFile);
if(!SkipRemarkLine(f, PortName)) Error("Read PortName error");
if(!SkipRemarkLine(f, s)) Error("Read ComPort speed error"); ComPortSpeed = atoi(s);
printf("\nTry init port '%s' at %d... ",PortName, ComPortSpeed); ComPort = new TUsrComPort(PortName,ComPortSpeed); ComPort->Open(); printf("\nStart program\n");
//-------------------------------------------------------- // Основной цикл //-------------------------------------------------------- int eoj = 0; bool autoregime = false; int sensors = 0; int position = 0; int sensors_leg = 0; bool adaptive=false; bool corrective=false; int test_legs=0; SetServoSpeed(8); FirstPosition();
while(!eoj) { //------------------------------------------------------ // Автоматический режим //------------------------------------------------------ if(autoregime) { // Sleep(1000); ReadSensors(); CreateCorrection(); ReadSensors(); #define DIST 50 if(RDPACKAGE[SharpLeft]<=DIST && RDPACKAGE[SharpRight]<=DIST) { if(adaptive==0) { printf("StepFwd\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("StepFwd"); FirstPosition(); } if(adaptive==1) { printf("StepFwdAn"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("StepFwdA"); } } else if(RDPACKAGE[SharpLeft]>=DIST && RDPACKAGE[SharpRight]>=DIST) { if(adaptive==0) { printf("StepBack2\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("StepBack2s"); FirstPosition(); } if(adaptive==1) { printf("StepBackA\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("StepBackA"); } } else if(RDPACKAGE[SharpLeft]>=DIST) { if(adaptive==0) { printf("TurnRight\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("TurnRight"); FirstPosition(); } if(adaptive==1) { printf("TurnRightA\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("TurnRightA"); } } else if(RDPACKAGE[SharpRight]>=DIST) { if(adaptive==0) { printf("TurnLeft\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("TurnLeft"); FirstPosition(); } if(adaptive==1) { printf("TurnLeftA\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } ExecCommand("TurnLeftA"); } }
} if(sensors) { Correction_Clear(); do { Sleep(1000); ReadSensors(); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[SharpRight]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[SharpLeft]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[AccelX]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[AccelY]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[AccelZ]); printf(" "); printf("\n"); sensors=0; } while (!kbhit()); } if(sensors_leg) { Correction_Clear(); do { Sleep(1000); ReadSensorsLegs(); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[lp_leg]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[ls_leg]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[lz_leg]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[pp_leg]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[ps_leg]); printf(" "); cprintf("%3d", (int)RDPACKAGE[pz_leg]); printf(" \n"); sensors_leg=0; } while (!kbhit()); } if (test_legs) { ExecCommand("ЛПИсхПоднять"); ExecCommand("ЛЗИсхПоднять"); ExecCommand("ППИсхПоднять"); ExecCommand("ПЗИсхПоднять"); ExecCommand("ПСИсхПоднять"); ExecCommand("ЛСИсхПоднять"); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_LP); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_LS); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_LZ); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_PP); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_PS); Sleep(1400); down(PUT_PZ); test_legs=0; }
if(position) { Correction_Test(); }
//------------------------------------------------------ // Ручное управление //------------------------------------------------------ char c; if(kbhit()) { Correction_Clear(); while(kbhit()) getch(); autoregime = 0; printf("\nManual regime\n"); printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); printf("%s \n",AdaptiveModeString); printf("%s \n",CorrectiveModeString); printf(" ESC - exit\n"); printf(" space - stop\n"); printf(" w,s,a,d - ctl\n"); printf(" w - movement forward\n"); printf(" s - movement back\n"); printf(" a - turn left\n"); printf(" d - turn right\n"); printf(" 1 - start autoregime\n"); printf(" 2 - sensors view\n"); printf(" 3 - correction\n"); printf(" 4 - tuch sensoes view\n"); printf(" 6 - set adaptive mode\n"); printf(" 7 - set non-adaptive mode\n"); printf(" 8 - set corrective mode\n"); printf(" 9 - set non-corrective mode\n"); printf(" 0 - set Servo Speed\n");
c = getch (); switch(c) { case 27: eoj = 1; break; case 'w': if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } if (adaptive==0) { if(ExecCommand("StepFwd")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); FirstPosition(); break; } if (adaptive==1) { if(ExecCommand("StepFwdA")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } break; } case 'a': if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } if (adaptive==0) { if(ExecCommand("TurnLeft")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); FirstPosition(); break; } if (adaptive==1) { if(ExecCommand("TurnLeftA")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); if(corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } break; } case 'd': if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } if (adaptive==0) { if(ExecCommand("TurnRight")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); FirstPosition(); break; } if (adaptive==1) { if(ExecCommand("TurnRightA")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); if(corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } break; } case 's': if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } if (adaptive==0) { if(ExecCommand("StepBack2")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); FirstPosition(); break; } if (adaptive==1) { if(ExecCommand("StepBackA")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); if (corrective==1) { CreateCorrection(); } break; } case 'j': if(ExecCommand("GOUP")!=E_OK) Warning("\n*** Exec command error\n"); break; case ' ': FirstPosition(); break; case '1': printf("\nStart auto regime\n"); autoregime = 1; break; case '2': printf("\nSensors view\n"); sensors=1; break; case '3': printf("\nPosition\n"); position=1; break; case '4': printf("\nSensors view\n"); sensors_leg=1; break; case '6': adaptive=1; printf("\nAdaptive mode set"); AdaptiveModeString = "Current mode is Adaptive"; break; case '7': adaptive=0; printf("\nNON-Adaptive mode set"); AdaptiveModeString = "Current mode is NON-Adaptive"; break; case '8': corrective=1; printf("\nCorrective mode set"); CorrectiveModeString = "Current mode is Corrective"; break; case '9': corrective=0; printf("\nNON-Corrective mode set"); CorrectiveModeString = "Current mode is NON-Corrective"; break; case '0': printf("\nEnter servo speed between 2 and 10: "); int speed; scanf("%i",&speed); SetServoSpeed(speed); printf("%s %i","Servo speed setted",speed); break; } } }
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