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When invited to an American home...

2019-12-29 451 Обсуждений (0)
When invited to an American home... 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Here are a few tips to help you know how to behave at an American dinner. First of all, you should always arrive on time. Even 15 minutes late is impolite! If you are going to be late, call your host or hostess ahead of time. It is also not polite to come early. It is always nice to bring your host or hostess something such as flowers, but it is not necessary.

When in the dining room, don’t take a seat until your host or hostess shows you where to sit. Unfold the napkin that is beside tour plate, and put it on your lap. Bowls of food are usually passed from person to person around the table. People serve themselves.

Before eating, someone may say grace, or prayers. During grace you should bow your head and remain silent. You can start eating when the host or hostess does. In America it is considered rude to begin eating before everyone has been served.

Take part in the conversation, but don’t talk with your mouth full. If someone asks you a question while your mouth is full, finish chewing before you answer the question.

Do not reach in front of someone for a dish, the salt, or the pepper. Simply say, "Please, pass me salt."

Always compliment the cook by saying, "The meal is delicious / wonderful!" When dinner is over, help clear the dishes off the table. When you are leaving, thank your host or hostess by saying, "Thank you for nice evening. I enjoyed it very much."

Americans often send a thank-you note afterwards.


on time – точно, вовремя

impolite – невежливый

ahead – впереди, вперед

polite – вежливый

unfold – развертывать, раскрывать

grace – молитва (перед едой)

bow your head – склонить голову

remain – оставаться

rude – грубый

take part in– принимать участие в чем-то

chewing – жевать

compliment – похвала, хвалить

afterwards –позже, потом



a) Say if it’s obligatory for young people to behave yourselves & have good manners.

b) Discuss with your classmates such a situation:

"You are invited to your new friend for a birthday party. Say how you are going to behave yourself there. What are you going to say to your new friend giving her (him) your present? How would you like to behave at the table?"

c) Can you consider yourself a cultural person if you don’t know table manners?

d) Share your opinions with your classmates if all young people are very polite & behave themselves in public places, transport & in communication with each other & old people.





                                          Смотри в корень



Один раз, познав азбуку и научившись складывать буквы в слова, человек читает всю жизнь. Читает прозу и поэзию, научную и научно-популярную литературу, публицистику и документы. Задумывались ли вы, когда-нибудь над тем, что разнообразные проблемы, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, можно разрешить с помощью определенного (конечного) числа приемов?

Современные ученые предполагают, что существуют универсальные способы решения проблем и ими можно овладеть, решая учебные задачи. Весь фокус заключается в умении использовать уже известные методы в новых ситуациях.

2019-12-29 451 Обсуждений (0)
When invited to an American home... 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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