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Заполните пропуски активными словами: progress, weekend, tunes, studies, beautiful, theatre, fantastic, attached, old ballet, lucky.

2019-12-29 363 Обсуждений (0)
Заполните пропуски активными словами: progress, weekend, tunes, studies, beautiful, theatre, fantastic, attached, old ballet, lucky. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Natalie: Hello, Granny! How are you?
Granny: Oh, that's you, Natalie. How nice of you to ring me up! I'm all right, thank you. And what about you? How are your … progressing?
Natalie: It's OK. I'm quite satisfied with the … . This week I was very … .
Granny: And how are you going to spend your …? I remember you asked me to take you to the … once.
Natalie: It would be …, Granny! Opera and Ballet then. Do you know what is on there?
Granny: Swan Lake. I hope it won't bore you to see an … . I am … to the old … . And Swan Lake was the first ballet in which I saw Pavlova.
Natalie: All right then. It must be a very … ballet.

Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

1. You … park the car on the pavement.

2. What kind of dictionaries … you find in the library?

3. … she knit?

4. You … stay at your friends' over the weekend.

5. You … take your umbrella. It's sunny outside.

6. He … do it that way. It's bad.

Задайте как можно больше различных типов вопросов к предложению.

A lot of people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days.

Вариант 5

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.


Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.

Hobbies are divided into four large groups: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.

Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.

Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.

Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, match-boxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.


1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?

2. Which hobby groups do you know?

3. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it? What kind of activities does this group include?

4. Do you know any hobbies of famous people?

5. What can be collected?

6. Why can learning be the most exciting aspect of a hobby?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям:

1. вкус,

2. разнообразие,

3. взрослый человек,

4. человек, имеющий определенное хобби,

5. ручная работа,

6. не иметь настоящей ценности,

7. чем бы человек ни увлекался.

3. Заполните пропуски, используя конструкции there is/there are, there was/there were.

1. … often a rainbow after rain.

2. … nothing to be done about this.

3. … few pens in the box.

4. … anything interesting on the TV programme tonight?

5. … no place like home.

6. … many good films in the cinema that day.

Заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. I had never owned … pet.

2. He has always dreamed to enter … Cambridge University.

3. John is … hard-working man. Sometimes he works 14 hours … day.

4. She enjoys going to … theatre.

5. … Smiths live on … Oxford Street.

6. Jack has … lot of plans for … future.

Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. Jane was very tired … the end of the school year.

2. … this time tomorrow you will be taking your examination.

3. … weekends there is a lot of traffic … the roads.

4. Their son shows no enthusiasm … music lessons.

5. The granny is very kind … the kid.

6. Don't jump … conclusions.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. I (to hurry) to the station. My friend (to come).

2. When I (to awake) there was nobody in.

3. (to make) tea for him!

4. After breakfast he (to rise) from the table.

5. Ann, (not to forget) we (to have) a party tomorrow!

6. Mary still (to do) her homework?

Заполните пропуски активными словами: some, these, everything, mine, the most, two, short, his.

1. Have you already packed …?

2. Nick has got … expensive stamps.

3. James has … jobs. He starts at 8 o'clock and works until quarter to 10.

4. He is fond of writing … stories and … wife is fond of reading … stories.

5. Monday is considered to be … difficult day of a week.

6. She was a very good friend of … .

2019-12-29 363 Обсуждений (0)
Заполните пропуски активными словами: progress, weekend, tunes, studies, beautiful, theatre, fantastic, attached, old ballet, lucky. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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