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THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 23 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

b) 1. Why didn’t you come round to our place yesterday? You would have enjoyed Peter telling us about his trip. 2. I am sorry he was not at the office at that time. He would have attended to the matter immediately. 3. It was very clever of you to leave a message for the man. It would have been unreasonable to wait for him.

c) 1. “I would have told you everything frankly, but you were away on business then,” the boy said to his uncle. 2. Come round to see me in the afternoon. The weather is lovely, and we can go for a walk. You would enjoy walking about in the forest, I’m sure. 3. Peter is a good speaker. He would have kept to the subject, but that time he was interrupted very often and made his speech too long as a result. 4. The boy has taken an active part in the work, It would be only fair to praise him for the results. 5. “Can you wait for a while yet?” Jack asked the manager. “I know my friend would be interested in getting the job.”

II. Practise aloud:

1. In your position I shouldn’t hesitate about it. 2. We would do it in no time. 3. He wouldn’t have helped you then. 4. In your place I’d have phoned him long ago.

III. Complete the following sentences using Subjunctive I:

А. 1. It’s a pity you are out of touch with them to exchange ideas to get interested to make arrangements to attend


  2. I am sorry you didn’t attend to the matter yourself to do something properly not to get into trouble not to mix something up to take a wrong step


  3. It’s a pity you’ll be out in the evening to phone to call on to make an appointment to have a lovely him


  4. Why weren’t you frank with your friends? to cheer up to take steps not to hesitate to help not to leave in trouble

B. 1) It’s a pity you’ll be busy on Sunday ... .

2) It’s a pity Mary isn’t here now ... .

3) I am sorry you didn’t come round yesterday ... .

IV. Translate into English:

A. M o d e l: In your place (position) I shouldn’t rely on him.

1. На вашем месте я старался бы вести себя лучше. 2. На следующей неделе она прочитала бы большую часть книги. 3. Через несколько лет он заинтересовался бы такой книгой. 4. На вашем месте я не был бы так откровенен с ним. 5. На вашем месте я не стал бы его ждать сейчас. Я бы оставил ему записку. 6. Вам нужно заниматься спортом. Вы не были бы таким полным.

В. М о d е 1: At that time she wouldn’t have objectedto it.

1. На вашем месте я наказала бы мальчика вчера. 2. Он не занимался бы этим вопросом в то время. 3. Я давно бы закрыл окно. 4. Он договорился бы с вами о встрече в прошлый раз. 5. Всего неделю тому назад мы не предпринимали бы мер против этого. 6. На прошлой неделе она сделала бы эту работу сразу. 7. В то время он принял бы такое назначение без колебаний.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Subjunctive I:

1. “Why do you leave your friend alone?” the mother asked her son. “He feels rather upset after what has happened, and a few friendly words (to cheer up) him.” 2. It’s a pity, John was not there. He (to convince) you in no time. 3. “I’m looking forward to receiving that important sample (образец),” said the engineer. “It (to be) very useful to compare it with the one we have got now.” 4. Why didn’t you tell me you were cold? I (to shut) the window long ago. 5. I didn’t know you needed these figures. I (to look) them up when I was in the reading-room. 6. Your son is getting very shy. It (to be) a good idea to send him to a pioneer camp for the summer. It (to do) him a lot of good. 7. What do you want to give John on his birthday? I (to give) him a diary, he never remembers his appointments. 8. I am glad I left you before five. The traffic (уличное движение) there is usually so heavy at that time. It (to hold) me up. 9. Why do you want to stay with your relatives? In your position I (to prefer) spending a holiday at the seaside. 10. “The tourists have been out of sight for half an hour already.” said the man, “I am afraid it (to be) beyond you to reach them now.”

VI. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the use of Subjunctive I:

A. 1. Suppose (предположим) tomorrow is your mother’s birthday. What would you give her as a present? Would you buy the same thing for your little daughter? Why wouldn’t you? What would you buy for a boy of ten?

2. Suppose the weather is fine on your next day off. Where would you go? Who would you ask to join you? Would you take your children along with you? Why?

3. Suppose the weather is bad on your next day off. How would you spend it? What would your children do?

4. Suppose you are hurrying to some place. Would you walk fast? Would you go by bus or by the underground? Would you try to hire a taxi?

5. Suppose you are going to the South for a holiday. Would you go by train or by plane? What luggage would you take? Would you take English books to read in the train (plane)? Why? (Why not?)

6. Suppose your son (daughter, little sister) gets a bad mark at school. Would you rely on the teachers to improve the situation or would you take some steps yourself? What steps would you take? Would you speak to the child? Would you punish him (her)?

7. Suppose you have a change to go either to the theatre or to the concert of a good pianist. Which would you prefer? Why? What about your wife (husband)?

B. 1. The other day I saw a white dress for everyday wear in a shop and didn’t buy it. Would you have bought it in my place? Why?

2. When I was at the library the other day, the librarian showed me a detective story and a serious novel. I chose the novel. Which book would you have chosen? Why?

3. Last Sunday I had a ticket to the Maly theatre, but I didn’t feel like going out and gave it to my sister. Would you have done the same? What would you have done in my place?

4. Suppose you had a business appointment for 11 o’clock and at 10.30 you discovered you couldn’t keep it. What would you have done?

5. A six-year-old boy wanted his mother to buy atoy which he did not really need. When he burst out crying his mother gave in. What would you have done?

6. After speaking to Highsmith Miss Posie decided to leave the stage and return to her native village. Would you have done the same thing in her place? Why?

7. Seeing the little Kelveys in the courtyard. Aunt Beryl told them to be off immediately. Would you have done the same thing? What would a kind woman have done?

VII. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of Subjunctive I:

1. Я бы взял такси, но у меня нет с собой денег. 2. Я бы сам поднял этот вопрос на собрании тогда. 3. Почему ты не хочешь поговорить с ним? Твои слова подбодрили бы его. 4. Жаль, что вы не перевели эту статью вместе с Петром. Это было бы вам полезно. 5. Я советую вам перевести еще одну статью, это вам не повредило бы. 6. Почему вы колеблетесь? Я бы посоветовал вам взять эти билеты. 7. Жаль, что магазин был закрыт, я бы купила то выходное платье, у меня были с собой деньги. 8. Зачем ты накрыл на стол? Я бы сама это сделала. 9. Я хочу, чтобы вы переговорили с ним. Я думаю, что вы бы убедили его не делать этого. 10. Торопись! Мы можем опоздать на 10-часовой поезд. Это было бы очень неприятно. 11. Я бы занялся этим делом сам, но я буду завтра целый день занят на конференции. 12. Я не знал, что на этого человека нельзя положиться. Я бы не имел с ним дела. 13. Я бы рассказал ему обо всем, но я не смог ему дозвониться. 14. Жаль, что вас не было в комнате в тот момент. Вы бы посмеялись с нами над таким зрелищем. 15. На вашем месте я наказала бы его.

VIII. Continue the letters using Subjunctive I and the words and word combinations given in brackets:

A. Dear Peter,

I’ve just finished unpacking and arranging my things. Now I’ve made myself comfortable in my room, and can write you a few lines. All I can say is that I like it here very much. The holiday home is situated (расположен) on the sea-shore, the beach (пляж) is a five minutes’ walk from the house. I’d like you to join me here. You would ... we should ... (to enjoy one’s stay, to lie in the sun, to swim, to go on excursions, to show round, to have all the necessary things at one’s disposal, to hire, to arrange, to exchange impressions, to have a lovely time, to do a lot of good).

B. Dear Boris,

I’ve been waiting for you more than an hour since the rehearsal began. Now I must be off because I have an appointment at seven, so I am leaving you this message. It’s a pity you failed to turn up at the rehearsal. You would have ... . We should have ...

(to enjoy the instructor’s reading of the play, to take part in the discussion, to get interested in, to be given one of the parts, to learn the lines (реплики) together, to go to the park, to have a lovely time).

IX. Read the following, then change the facts as indicated (указано) below using Subjunctive I:

A. When the porter decided that Mark Twain was Mayor of New York, he immediately told the conductor about his discovery. The conductor’s attitude to Mark Twain immediately changed. He ordered the porter to take Mark Twain and his companion to the big family compartment. There the porter fixed the berths for them and made them comfortable. He even promised to turn the whole railroad inside out to please such an important passenger.

Begin like this:

Let’s suppose the porter recognized Mark Twain and did not take him for the Mayor of New York. He would have ... He wouldn’t have ...

В. From the story of The Doll’s House you know that the Kelvey girls were very poor. Their mother had to dress them in clothes made from old things. At school the rich girls tried to keep away from Lil and Else. The teacher had a special voice for the poor girls and a special smile for the others. As a matter of fact she took almost no notice of the Kelveys. The Burnells’ attitude to them was very bad. On seeing the Kelveys in the courtyard Aunt Beryl told them to be off immediately.

Begin like this:

Suppose the Kelveys were rich. Their mother would have ...

X. Combine the following sentences using the Gerund (§ 8):

M o d e l: We made the appointment for ten. I remember it.

            I remember making the appointment for ten.

A. 1. Why is he allowed to run everything here? In your place I would object to it. 2. “I didn’t know he was running this business,” said Jim. “I haven’t heard anything about it.” 3. Why didn’t you make the necessary arrangements last week? You would have gained time by that. 4. “I don’t want you to mix with these boys. I am against it,” said the woman. 5. Why did you punish the boy? You were wrong in that. 6. He intends to get in touch with the factory. Have you any objections to that? 7. They were connected with this work. I am sure they remember it very well.

В. (to be done after activization exercises to Lesson 11)

1. I wouldn’t like to hurt him. I would hate it. 2. You must apologize to her. She insists on it. 3. Why was he so impolite to you? I wouldn’t have put up with it. 4. She intends to buy a plain coat. As a matter of fact she’s been thinking of that for some time. 5. Why didn’t you ask him to consider the matter at once? He wouldn’t have put it off. 6. Why do you still meet the man? In your place I should avoid it. 7. Comrade Petrov will be sent on a business trip. The director insists on it.

XI. Translate into English using the Gerund:

1. Преподаватель раздал наши тетради после того, как объяснил все наши ошибки. 2. Когда мой сын был мальчиком, он очень увлекался игрой в футбол, и я боялась, что он испортит (to strain) свое сердце. 3. — Я помню, что слышал что-то об этой пьесе. Стоит ли ее посмотреть? — Да, я бы советовал тебе это сделать. Собственно говоря, это один из лучших спектаклей театра. 4. Почему вы возражаете против немедленного обсуждения вопроса? Было бы неразумно откладывать его рассмотрение. 5. Почему вы настояли на том, чтобы Петрова назначили начальником этой группы? В то время было бы полезнее оставить его в нашей конторе. 6. Узнав, что секретарь договорилась о встрече с г-ном Смитом на два часа дня, инженер решил не откладывать подготовку документов. 7. На вашем месте я бы отказался от этого приглашения. Я не люблю, когда меня приглашают куда-либо в последний момент. Я предпочитаю договориться обо всем заранее. 8. Перестань говорить мне об одном и том же ( = об одной и той же вещи)! Я могу сделать работу и без многочисленных напоминаний ( = без того, чтобы мне напоминали несколько раз). 9. Петр случайно увидел Бориса на улице и прошел мимо, не спросив его о занятиях. На его месте я остановился бы, чтобы поговорить с ним.

XII. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

настаивать на немедленном обсуждении вопроса; возражать против немедленного подписания контракта; возражать против постановки вопроса на собрании; настаивать на отправке телеграммы; возражать против назначения тов. Петрова главой делегации; настаивать на срочной отправке товара; настаивать на немедленном осмотре машин; (был принят) без обсуждения, без приглашения, без просмотра, без рассмотрения.

XIII. Make up situations using the following (the Gerund must be used with the words and word combinations in black type):

1. A Visit to the Theatre

to think of, to hesitate, to be praised highly for, to have (be given) the opportunity of, to book a ticket, to look forward to, to be worth, excellent, talented, acting

2. During a Business Trip

to be on a business trip, to stay at (with), to be interested in, to take advantage of, before doing something, to run into a friend, to show round, to have little time at one’s disposal, to put up with, to be tired of, in spite of, to gain a lot from ...

3. At the Week-end

to be fond of, to go camping (пойти в туристический поход), to wear, to start raining, to make a fire (костер), to set up a tent, to make somebody (oneself) comfortable, not to complain of

4. On the Skating-rink

to enjoy, (not) to feel like, to feel shy, to keep away, to insist on, to give in, to have a good time


XIV. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. What kind of performance did Colonel Green put on?

2. What was one of the important features of the play?

3. Why did Colonel Green mention the place where the cornist was to sit?

4. What made Colonel Green think that Mr. Porcharlester had an advantage over him in the eyes of Linda?

5. Whom did Colonel Green mean by “older and cleverer men”?

6 What did Colonel Green do after making all the necessary arrangements?

7 Why did Colonel Green hate to hear Linda mention the young man’s name?

8. Why did Colonel Green try to avoid a straight answer to Linda’s question?

9. Why didn’t the cornist turn up at the appointed hour?

10. Why was Colonel Green so displeased at the fact? What would the cornist’s absence mean to the success of the play?

11. Was it clear to Colonel Green how the cornist had managed to get so drunk or was it beyond him?

12. What did Colonel Green think was the only way to save the play from failure?

13. Why did Colonel Green press his hands to his head after blowing the horn?

14. What did Colonel Green hate to hear his teacher say?

15. Did Colonel Green complain that horn-blowing was hard work? Why not?

16. What did the teacher say about Colonel Green’s abilities at horn-blowing? What did he say particulary spoilt the impression?

17. What piece did Colonel Green wish to play in private for a friend?

18. Why did the teacher stare at the Colonel on hearing that?

19. Why did Colonel Green insist on being taught to play the serenade?

20. Why did the teacher finally give in?

XV. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. The cornist was to place himself downstairs in the hall, ... .

2. The next chair, ... had been taken by Mr. Porcharlester, a young man ... .

3. I decided to ... .

4. “Boys will be boys,” I said when he had gone, “But ... .

5. I love it. I dream of it. I’ve ... .

6. “Green,” said Porcharlester, “I don’t wish to bother you, but the fellow ...”

7. I ran back to the hall promising myself ... .

8. Not asound ... .

9. “Well, Colonel,” he said, ... .

XVI. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. I celebrated my fortieth birthday by putting on a theatrical performance which was to be played by some of my friends, who were not actors by profession. 2. As Linda loved music, Porcharlester’s talent, in her eyes, placed him above older and cleverer men.3. ... I hurried to Linda’s side saying I was sorry I had been away for such a long time. 4. I disliked very much to hear her say the name, so I said ... . 5. I tried not to give a straight answer. 6. “I don’t wish to bother you, but the fellow who is to play the horn hasn’t come yet.” 7. “I ordered him at half past seven sharp. If he doesn’t do what he is expected to do, the play will not be successful.” 8. I could not understand at all where he had got the bottles from. 9. I saw but one way to save the play from being quite unsuccessful. 10. He was clever and I worked hard without saying a word against it. 11. At last I asked him if he thought I could play it for a friend when no one else was present. 12. “Well, Colonel,” he said, “I’ll tell you the truth: you would never be able to play it. You blow too hard and the impression is unpleasant. What did you wish to play?” 13.He gave me a long and close look and shook his head, but my decision was firm, so at last the man said he would teach me,

XVII. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) он должен был расположиться внизу 2) довольно способный к музыке молодой человек 3) я решил прервать их разговор 4) если вы не возражаете 5) что-то в этом роде 6) да, немножко похоже 7) последние три дня я живу ею 8) я бы никогда не осмелилась 9) вот и г-н Порчерлестер 10) я не хочу вас беспокоить 11) я извинился перед Линдой 12) сигнал прозвучал снова 13) я видел только один способ 14) подул изо всех сил 15) последующие три месяца 16) когда я в первый раз сыграю ее до конца

XVIII. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

a feature, an advantage, an apology, to mention, to avoid, to turn up, to spoil, beyond, to press, to hate, complaint, to think of, to stare, to insist.

XIX. Correct the following statements:

1. Colonel Green hated art and an amateur performance was quite an unusual event at his house. He put on a play because a friend of his had written it and persuaded him to stage it.

2. Miss Linda was a plain-featured old woman always dressed in old-fashioned clothes. She hated music and tried to keep away from Mr. Porcharlester to avoid having to talk about it.

3. Mr. Green realized that Mr. Porcharlester was in love with Miss Linda, so when he saw the young people together, he left them alone so as to give them a chance to speak to each other in private.

4. The sound of a horn was an important feature in the play. But Mr. Green was so engaged in conversation with Linda that he took no notice of Porcharlester’s words and stayed where he was.

5. Mr. Green put the horn against his lips and carefully blew it. The sound was pleasant, but too soft to be heard by anybody but himself, so he tried again and this time the result was terrible.

6. Mr. Green worked hard, but he never complained, as he was fond of his music teacher. It was a pleasure to him to be always reminded that the horn was more like the human voice than any other instrument.

7. The teacher said that Schubert’s serenade was not written for the horn, but he was convinced that the Colonel would play it excellently as his musical abilities were beyond praise.

XX. Vocabulary Activization Exercises:


1. Translate:

1) Will you put your work down and listen to me for a while? 2) Put the address down in your notebook. 3) We’ll have to put off our visit till tomorrow. 4) What hotel did you put up at when you were on a business trip to Leningrad? 5) I don’t quite like this arrangement, but we’ll have to put up with it for some time. 6) I wouldn’t put down his mistakes to excitement. 7) You must put this sentence into better Russian. 8) This play was put on last year.

2. Use synonymous expressions:

1) These are our engagements for tomorrow. Write them down in the diary. 2) I can’t keep my appointment for three o’clock. I would rather have it at five instead. 3) The engineer considered that the trouble we had with the machine was because of some faulty parts. 4) I don’t know how to say it in English.

3. Translate:

1) Он отложил газету в сторону и взглянул на нас. 2) Где мне поставить подпись? 3) Вы не возражаете, если мы отложим нашу встречу до завтра? 4) На вашем месте я не мирился бы стаким положением. 5) Чем вы объясняете (чему приписываете) этот странный шаг? 6) На вашем месте я бы повесил объявление сегодня же. 7) Я бы не надевал теплое пальто. Сегодня жарко. 8) В каких театрах уже поставлена эта пьеса?


1.Answer these questions :

1) Do you like amateur performances? Why do you (don’t you)?

2) What is the difference between an amateur and a professional singer, painter, etc.?

3) Do you belong to any amateur group?


1. Translate:

1) You’d better start training at once. That would give you an advantage over the other team. 2) I’m sure you would soon feel the advantages of living in the country. 3) You have good conditions for studying the language. In your place I would take advantage of the situation.

2. Complete the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood if possible:

1) Helen was brought up to know English. That ... (to give an advantage over ...)

2) It’s a pity you aren’t familiar with the new method of work. I am sure you (to see the advantages ...)

3) As a matter of fact this football team (to have no advantages over ...)

4) I’m sorry you didn’t speak frankly with him at that time. In your place ... (to take advantage of the situation)

3. Translate :

1) Все понимают преимущества образования. 2) Опыт дает ему преимущество над другими спортсменами (athletes). 3) Интересно, почему он не воспользовался преимуществом создавшегося положения.


1.. Translate:

1) Why didn’t you apologize to her? 2) At last our friend ran in, apologizing for being late. 3) Excuse my bothering you for the dictionary. 4) He was in a hurry to meet his friend and left the company without excusing himself. 5) Excuse me a moment, please.

2. Answer these questions:

1) Can you speak about a time when you had to apologize to someone?

2) What words would you use to apologize to somebody?

3) When does a person excuse himself?

3. Translate :

1) Он извинился перед нами за то, что не позвонил нам вчера. 2) Мисс Пози извинилась перед актерами и села за столик поговорить с Биллем. 3) Извините меня (на минутку). Мне нужно позвонить. 4)Все ожидали, что он извинится.


1. Complete:

1) I hate to trouble her, but ... (to have bad news).

2) I hate to mention it, but... (to do a lot of harm).

3) I hate bothering you, but ... (to mix up the papers).

4) Aunt Beryl never spoke to poor people, ... (as a matter of fact, to hate).

5) Frank took little interest in literature and history though ... (not to hate in the proper sense of the word).


1. Translate :

1) Он не упоминал о времени (деловой) встречи. 2) Эти факты не были упомянуты в статье. 3)Она упомянула о преимуществах этой работы. 4) Он упомянул об этом событии в разговоре со своим приятелем.

2. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following : упомянуть чье-л. имя; упомянуть о фактах; упомянуть какие-л. цифры (figures), упомянуть дату; упомянуть о том, что ...


1. Paraphrase:

1) I have a feeling that he is trying to keep away from us. 2) I wonder why she doesn’t mix with her fellow-students. 3) He managed not to take the wrong step.

2. Make up sentences using to avoid, to try to avoid, to manage to avoid with the words given in brackets:

(difficulties, a mistake, danger, punishment, to mix with, to exchange opinions, to remain alone, to deal with money)


1. Practise aloud and translate:

1) Don’t worry. I am sure he will soon turn up. 2) Haven’t your gloves turned up yet? 3) I am sure the thing isn’t lost. It’ll certainly turn up.

2. Complete the sentences using Subjunctive I:

1) It’s a pity they didn’t turn up then ... (to have a lot of fun).

2) It is a pity the journal hasn’t turned up. I ... (to look up these figures straight away).

3) I am sorry they didn’t turn up at the meeting. We ... (to exchange impressions).

3. Make up sentences using the following:

1) not to turn up in time — to apologize

2) to turn up one of these days — to get in touch

3) don’t trouble — to turn up


1.Practise aloud:

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Как выбрать специалиста по управлению гостиницей: Понятно, что управление гостиницей невозможно без специальных знаний. Соответственно, важна квалификация...

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