The country and the city
Task 1. Study the vocabulary:
Task 2. Put the words from the above list into four columns: Shops Buildings Services City features
Task 3. Match the words to their definitions and make up sentences.
Task 4. Read and translate the text: Text: Out and about. Our world is amazing. People live in modern cities, small towns and peaceful countryside. Life in a city is the most exciting and busy. There are many fashionable shops, restaurants, nightclubs, multi-storey buildings, huge banks and offices. However, the air in the city is usually more polluted and the streets are noisier, more crowded and congested. As for the countryside, it has picturesque fields, quiet woods or sandy beaches. The life is safer and calmer here than in a city or a town. But some people say that it’s too boring because there are no theatres, department stores or even libraries. I live in a relatively small town called Yoshkar-Ola. It is less expensive and dangerous than Moscow, New York, London. There is less traffic so the air is cleaner. Life in our town is more exciting than in the countryside. You can go the cinema, relax in well-kept parks, have meals at popular cafes and so on. There are a lot of attractive buildings, shops, cottages too. Although Yoshkar-Ola is not very famous, it’s a nice place to live. Different countries and cities attract millions of visitors. As for me, I’d like to go to France. It’s a country with fascinating history and rich traditions. Paris is the capital city and the cultural centre of France. It is famous for grand palaces, elegant shops, ancient monuments, traditional restaurants. Health resorts in the south of France are perfect place to relax. So, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience. To sum up, every place has its charm and magic. Время меняет облик места. Работа по описанию картинки. Грамматика: прошедшее простое время. Настоящее простое время. Конструкции there is/there was. Лексика: по теме занятия. Письмо: эссе по теме занятия. Task 5. a) The following photos show Shanghai, China. The photos were taken a century ago compared to present day. Say, how the city has changed over the last century. Use the model. Model: The streets used to be narrow and dirty. There were wooden houses in the town.
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