В. Reread the text. Divide it into logical parts and make up its outline. Use it to speak about marketing
7. General Comprehension Read the dialogue between Ann, a first-year student, and Steve, a senior student, and answer the following questions: 1. What is the subject of their conversation? 2. What components does the strategic phase consist of? 3. What does tactical marketing involve? Steve: Hi, Ann! How's your economics test? Ann: Hi, Steve! Thanks to your help I did very well. Steve: Glad to hear that. Is there anything else 1 can do for you? Ann: Well, maybe we could discuss marketing strategy; everything seems to be so much clearer after a conversation with you. Steve: No problem. Moreover, it's the topic I like most of all. So, what would you like me to explain to you? Ann: As far as I know the marketing process is divided into a strategic and a tactical phase. What's the difference between the two? Steve: OK, so, the strategic phase has three components — segmentation, targeting, and positioning or "STP" as they are sometimes called. The company must distinguish among different groups of customers in the market, that's segmentation. And then choose which groups it can serve effectively, the process is called targeting. However, a key step in marketing strategy is positioning, which involves creating and communicating a message that clearly positions the company or its brand in relation to competitors. Ann: I guess 1 know what you are talking about. Volvo, for example, has positioned its automobile as the "fastest", and Daimler-Benz, manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, has positioned its car as the best "engineered". Steve: Right. You are quick on the uptake. But what must be kept in mind is that although some products may be positioned as "outstanding" in two or more ways, claiming superiority along several dimensions may hurt a company's credibility because consumers will not believe that some company can do better than others in all dimensions. Ann: I see. And what about marketing tactics? Steve: Having developed a strategy, a company must then decide which tactics will be most effective in achieving strategy goals. Tactical marketing involves creating a marketing mix of three main components — product, price and place. Ann: I know something about it. The lecturer told us last time that it is the marketer's role to communicate customer desires to the engineers who design the product. This is in contrast to past experience, when engineers designed a product based on their own preferences, interests, or expertise and then expected marketers to find as many customers as possible to buy this product. Steve: Ann, you are pretty well familiar with the subject. What do you know about the second marketing mix, the price? Ann: Well, a Mercedes-Benz vehicle, for example, is generally considered to be a high-quality automobile, and it therefore can command a high price in the marketplace. Steve: Yeh, but on the other hand, in order to gain market share, some companies have moved to "more for the same" or "the same for less" pricing, which means offering prices that are lower than those of their competitors. Ann: That's interesting. And what about the third element, the place? Steve: So, when a product moves along its path from producer to consumer, it is said to be following a channel of distribution, which includes, for example, food-processing plants, warehouses, wholesalers, and supermarkets. Some marketers may decide to skip steps in the channel and instead market directly to buyers through direct mail, telemarketing, door-to-door selling, shopping via television, or factory outlets. Ann: Thank you, Steve for your help. Now I feel as if I were an expert in marketing. Steve: That was a pleasure to help you. 8. Word Study A. Write down the expressions which are used in the dialogue in the following functions: 1) to express gratitude; 2) to reply to someone who has thanked you; 3) to offer help; 4) to suggest doing sth; 5) to express agreement.
В. Match English terms and expressions with their Russian equivalents.
C. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: a strategic and a tactical phase; to create and communicate a message; to position the company or its brand in relation to competitors; to be positioned as "outstanding"; to claim superiority along several dimensions; a company's credibility; to create a marketing mix; to gain market share; "more for the same" or "the same for less" pricing; to decide to skip steps. D. Give English equivalents to the word combinations: ловить на лету; реализовать стратегические цели; сообщить о желаниях покупателей инженерам; вопреки прошлому опыту; разрабатывать продукт, полагаясь на свои предпочтения, интересы и опыт; быть знакомым с темой; высококачественный; запросить высокую цену; продвигаться по каналу товародвижения; сбывать товар непосредственно покупателям. E. Find words and expressions in the dialogue with the following 1) a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company; 2) a company that sells the same goods or services as another company; 3) qualities that a company has that make people believe or trust it; 4) the percentage of the total amount of sales of a particular product that a company has; 5) a big building where large amounts of goods are stored; 6) someone whose job is to sell large quantities of goods to shops or small businesses; 7) advertisements that are sent by post to many people; 8) a method of selling things in which you telephone people to see if they want to buy something; 9) visiting each house in a street or area, to sell something; 10) a shop or place where a particular product is sold. 9. Grammar Focus Complete the sentences by using one of the words on the left and combining it with one of the prepositions on the right. Prepositions can be used more than once. If necessary, change the form of the words on the left.
1.......... successful advertising campaign, the sales of the product were raised. 2. Unemployment here is high in ......... national levels. 3. He's........ the uptake. It takes him a very short time to understand things. 4. Can you somehow....... him that we're just not interested? 5. Her views stand in stark........ those of her colleagues. 6. Are you ....... this type of machine? 7. It's easy to ... your bank account ... the Internet. 8. Taxation is...... income. 9. In........ measure the flow of supply and demand, a measurable value is needed. The oldest and most commonly used is price. 10. What's the ....... a strategic and a tactical phase? Diving Deeper A. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your arguments. 1. The strategic phase is made up of two components. 2. Segmentation is the act of dividing something into smaller parts. 3. Target is an object, person, or place that is deliberately chosen to be attacked. 4. Positioning is the most important component of the strategic phase. 5. Volvo puts emphasis on the safety of its automobiles. 6. A company should highlight as many good points in its product as it can. 7. Marketing tactics are connected with the right marketing mix. 8. Engineers design a product based on their own preferences, interests, or expertise. 9. Recognized companies can command a high price for their products. 10. It is impossible for marketers to sell products directly to buyers. B. Answer the questions. 1. What are the phases of the marketing process? 2. How many components does the strategic phase consist of? What are their characteristic features? 3. How have Volvo and Daimler-Benz positioned their automobiles? 4. Why isn't it advisable to claim superiority along several dimensions? 5. What is developed first: marketing strategy or tactics? 6. What does tactical marketing consist in? 7. Who decides what product to design? What was the past practice? 8. Why can Mercedes-Benz command a high price in the marketplace? 9. What do some companies do in order to gain market share? 10. What is a channel of distribution? Do all the marketers follow all its steps? 7 7. Speaking A. Tell a novice in business about: • Marketing strategy: - the components of the strategic phase and their peculiarities; - the importance of positioning. • Marketing tactics: - the importance of a marketing mix; - characteristic features of the marketing mix components. B. Define the following words and expressions: • segmentation, targeting, positioning; • a marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion; • "more for the same" or "the same for less" pricing; • a channel of distribution; • direct mail, telemarketing, door-to-door selling. Role-Playing Act out the conversation between Ann and Steve.
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