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B. Now put the Gerunds in the sentences

2015-11-09 2103 Обсуждений (0)
B. Now put the Gerunds in the sentences 4.50 из 5.00 4 оценки

1. ... coins is an interesting hobby. 2. ... waste glass and paper again is called "recycling". 3. ... is a healthy sport. 4. ... money has become a mania with her. 5.... too much television gives me a headache. 6. ... to such loud music is bad for your ears. 7. ... time with your kids is the best thing you can do for them. 8. ... is my life! As well 308

as gardening! 9. ... tennis has become fashionable lately. 10. ... my rooms is so boring. 11. ... authentic literature improves my English. 12. ... broadens your horizons.

Ex. 534. Complete the sentences Add the necessary preposition

1. He's very punctual. You can count... . 2. I'm tired. I don't feel.... 3. The people criticize the government.... 4. The prisoner was accused... . 5. Lifeguards rescue people... . 6.1 am out of work. I'm anxious ... . 7. The workers threatened the boss ... . 8. This programmer is an expert... . 9. A gourmet gets pleasure .... 10. If you run out of money, you would have difficulty ... . 11. In a tight situation you have to find a way ... . 12. Teenagers I spend a lot of money .... 13. The police charged the motorist... . 14. A journalist can be sued ... . 15. Tactless people make a habit... . 16. Misers are despised ... . 17. If you live in a foreign country, you have the opportunity .... 18. Students are preoccupied ... . 19. You are a Jack-of-all-trades. Why not try your hand ... ? 20. To keep fit you have to refrain ....


Ex 535. Use the right form of the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. We insist on (do) the work right now. The customers insist on the work (do) at once. 2.1 enjoy (go) to her parties. But I dislike (take) there by my boyfriend. 3. Stop (talk) about it. The incident isn't worth (mention). 4. — Have you finished (correct) the composition? — No, it still needs (brush up). 5. Sue admitted (tell) a lie. And she didn't mind (reprimand) for it. 6.1 am used to (remind) by my mother that life is great and I should keep (smiling), 7. Ted couldn't imagine (abuse) anyone, or (abuse) by anyone. 8. He is very secretive. He avoids (ask) any personal questions or (ask) any even by his closest friends. 9.1 remember (beat) once by my elder brother for cheating. 10. They suspected the inspector of (get) some more evidence and were afraid of (call) to the police station. 11. He wasn't used to (ignore).


Ex. 536.Complete the sentences. Add the necessary preposition.

1. Doctors dedicate themselves.... 2. Pessimists are always complaining... . 3. We should give industrious people credit... . 4. Why didn't you take the trouble ... ? 5. Vegetarians are opposed ... . 6. Shoplifters are arrested .... 7. Terrorists are capable .... 8. A musical person takes pleasure .... 9. The president of the company is optimistic .... 10.1 have a monotonous job, I'm fed up .... 11. The police try to stop motorists ... . 12. There is no chance .... 13. Is there any point... ? 14. I'm feeling tired. I am not in the mood... . 15. —Why do you persist... ? — We do insist .... 16. If an EFL student speaks his own language all the time, it interferes .... 17.1 am a decisive person, so I'll have no hesitation .... 18. Has anyone succeeded...? 19. You must take precautions .... 20. Why didn't you even apologize ... ?

Ex. 537.Use the right form of the Gerund instead of the verbs in brackets. Add the preposition if necessary.

1. The art (weave) has been known for many thousands of years. 2. After (destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius Pompeii has never been rebuilt. 3. He was very much annoyed (refuse) the visa. 4. The sun is too strong today to go out (protect) your eyes. 5.1 dislike (sit) at a small table at meals. 6. Allow us to congratulate you (graduate) from King's College. 7. An impulsive man should keep himself (fly) into fits of rage. 8. She cannot forgive him (betray) their friendship. 9. If you insist (thwarting) my plan, I can go (work) at it (consult) you. 10. She prayed to God every night (see) her son soon. 11. Ursula tried to warm the girl's hands (rub) them with her own. 12. (Enter) the Internet, you enter a world of information.

Ex. 538.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the functions of the Gerunds.

1. Taking a picnic in the heart of the English countryside is one of life's most treasured experiences. 2. Swimming every day keeps me in shape. 3. Rooming with Fred was like sharing a telephone booth with a hippopotamus. 4. Skateboarding is both exciting and dangerous.

5. Learning to meditate was a very enlightening experience for me. 6. Trying to do it has proved to be a Herculean labour. 7. It's no good talking about it. 8. Exercising in a pool is a great way of building up strength and endurance. 9. Smoking cigarettes can be as dangerous as playing Russian roulette. 10. There was no mistaking what they wanted of me. 11. Hearing him is a must for every beat fan. 12. Reading Russian classics calmed her. 13. Your knowing a thing is nothing unless another knows that you know it. 14. Working with Bruce was like going to several universities. 15. Doing this movie is wonderful. 16. You know, thinking about you makes me feel good. 17. It's been wonderful sharing this time here with you. 18. But we were all wrong. Now I don't think there is any turning back. This is the end, for me, anyway. 19. Once this happens, there's no going back. Not for me. 20. There's no improving on nature.


Ex. 539. A. Read and translate the sentences. State the functions of Gerunds.

1. Giving presents is one of the most possessive things we do, did you realize that? It's the way we keep a hold on other people. 2. Watching movies on my VCR late at night has become an important way for me to relax. 3. Cora was in the kitchen making sandwiches. Making sandwiches took her thoughts off her problems. 4. "There's no knowing where they're going," cried Mr. Wonka, hooting with laughter. "You can imagine that I'm not overpleased, but there's no escaping it in the long run." 5. Answering the seemingly simple question is very difficult. 6. You had better not count on her. There's no predicting her mood. 7. Driving a car and talking on the car phone at the same time demand care. 8. Smoking when pregnant harms your baby. 9. Having a child has been a turning point for me. 10. There was no talking to Celeste once she got her back up. The less she said, the better. 11. Being so emotional herself, forever telling him that she loved him and often having to drag a response from him, frustrated her. 12. Loving a man who did not love her was a waste of time. 13. Having coffee together has become a daily ritual with the two of them. 14. It's a well-known fact that black makes you look slimmer, but wearing it top to toe can be very ageing, and choosing to wear it all the time is boring. 15. Remembering that particular day, so long ago now, still affected her deeply. 16. Papermaking began in China and from there spread to North Africa and Europe. 17. Banking was in his blood. Centuries of it, passed down from father to son.

B. Speak about your hobbies, likes and dislikes, your everyday activities. What is a must for you and what is not?

Ex. 540.Translate into English.

1. Изучение иностранного языка — трудная, но инте­ресная работа. 2. Отсутствие прогресса — это регресс. 3. Выбор профессии —важнейший шаг в жизни каж­дого человека. 4. Связаться с ними безотлагательно — вопрос жизни и смерти. 5. Заниматься пересудами — любимое занятие не только женщин, но и мужчин. 6. Меня не проведешь. Даже не пытайся сделать это. 7. Выращивание клубники стало ее страстью. 8. Он был так упрям. И убедить его было невозможно. 9. Ку­пание в ледяной воде чуть не убило меня. 10. Ссорить­ся и мириться — любимое занятие моих соседей-мо­лодоженов. 11. Добраться до сути дела — это было все, чего он хотел. И остановить его уже было невозмож­но. 12. Заводить романы — это не по моей части. 13. Преподавание — не очень благодарная работа. И отрицать этого нельзя. 14. Предаваться воспоминани­ям о прошлом — пустая трата времени. Ведь назад дороги нет. 15. Никогда не скажешь, что она может выкинуть в следующий момент. 16. Вязание, как го­ворят психиатры, успокаивает нервы.


Ex 541. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the motions of the verbals.

1. His hobby is collecting mushrooms. 2. The key in life is setting goals. 3. The best part of Tacitus is reading between the lines. 4. What he loves best in the world is meeting old friends. 5. "Hedonism," says the dictionary, "means seeking pleasure as a way of life." 6. Her favourite pastime is daydreaming. 7. My only hope is winning the lottery. 8. What teachers usually dislike most is cheating. 9. The most difficult thing in this life is choosing. 10. My first job was delivering flowers to people. You've never seen so many smiles on so many faces. 11. My dentist said, "The secret to a good life is being happy with what you have." But he got married five times, the last time to one of his patients. The people who know keep silent, and those who don't keep giving advice. 12. Sometimes the hardest part of writing is getting started. Looking at a sheet of blank white paper is like looking at a snow-covered car on an icy winter morning and wondering if the engine will turn over.


Ex 542. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the ctions of the Gerunds.

1. Stop spreading the news, will you? 2. She keeps saying she has got out of practice, but as a matter of fact she had nothing to get out of. 3.1 can not stop believing in you! 4. Sandy kept trying to get in touch with them until there was no hope left. 5. After that we stopped exchanging letters. 6. He kept begging me for money for a new bicycle and in the end I had to give in. 7. Make her stop screaming, doctor. 8. My English teacher keeps on saying that I need to expand my vocabulary. 9. "And Teddy dear, there's Maxim to think of, the boy needs so much. If you don't stop worrying, you'll drive yourself mad." 10. Whenever you are ready to start talking again, I am here to listen. 11. It would save them money in the long run; they wouldn't have to keep replacing staff all the time. 12. She couldn't help wishing that things were somewhat different. 13. You must stop smoking here, right now, Ted!

Ex. 543.Translate into English.

1. Мои увлечения — это чтение, решение кроссвордов танцы и вязание. 2. Он не мог удержаться, чтобы не сказать ей как она хороша. 3. Когда же вы закончите спорить! Ведь спорить — это попусту тратить время. 4. Я не могу позволить этим людям заставлять мое­го сына делать все, что они хотят. 5. Вы должны хо­рошенько подумать, прежде чем начнете работать на эту фирму. 6. Его обычные занятия — это написание писем, гуляние с собакой, игра в шашки с друзьями. 7. Он продолжал вести себя так, словно ничего не про­изошло. 8. Перестаньте обращаться со мной так, слов­но я ребенок! 9. Затем они стали рассказывать о пос­ледних событиях в их городке. 10. Вам не нужно ничего объяснять мне. Я вижу, в чем суть. 11. Им пришлось принять экстренные меры, чтобы избежать скандала. 12. Ее величайшее удовольствие — танце­вать.

Ex. 544.Read and translate the sentences. State the functions of the Gerunds.

1. Celeste enjoyed winning more than losing. 2.1 hate being left alone on weekends. 3. Would you mind wiping your feet before entering? 4. We feel like celebrating today. 5.1 wouldn't mind rearranging the furniture, after all, but papering, that's the limit! 6. My boss hates being pushed into doing things. 7. Omar's guests don't feel like eating his over-spiced oriental dishes. 8. I like interpreting at conferences but I don't like sitting up too late after them. 9.1 don't understand why people enjoy reading about disasters at the breakfast table Surely I'm not one of them. 10.1 distinctly remember telling you that I needed you here with me. 11.1 companionship. I don't really like being alone or comming home to an empty house. 12. My nerves don't need

calming. 13. "The Cat and Fiddle" is an English pub, only worth visiting if the weather's good. 14. My piano needs tuning and polishing. 15. Do you think Bob's trouser leg still worth invisible mending? 16. The water in this area requires filtering.


Ex 545. Insert the necessary prepositions

1. There's no point ... contradicting women, is there? 2. Think twice ... selling the house, will you? 3. Don't be frightened ... making decisions and ... taking initiative. 4. Excuse me ... rushing you around like that. 5. He is addicted ... drinking. 6. It's really rather late ... ringing people up. 7. I'm terribly keen ... watching fashion shows. 8. She is mad ... cooking. Imagine the amount of time she loses ... cooking. 9.1 am far ... exaggerating, I'm just stating facts. 10. He blamed himself ... not having seen the spot before, and still more ... having lit the fire himself. 11. I am used ... eating salads and drinking juices. 12. Stars are getting huge money ... acting and producing. 13. She is thinking ... hiring someone to clean her apartment. 14. You should have seen her face ... being caught red-handed. 15. Score one for the Brits! ... creating a most unique vehicle ... combining refined elegance and brute strength — The Range Rover.

Ex 546. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the Gerunds.

1. He hates the very thought of cleaning. 2. Her husband seems to have a somewhat false impression of her art of cooking. 3. He feels the need of pouring out his heart. 4.1 trained with a small firm, where I was able to learn the nitty-gritty of running a small business. 5. Next comes the question of fulfilling the plan. 6. In the past few years technology has changed our ways of working. 7. Persuasion is the art of getting other people to do something or to believe something without being compelled to do so. 8. Companies generally welcome the idea of job-sharing. 9. Fanny asked me to keep an eye on her things with the idea of showing that she trusted me. 10. She has a nasty habit of guessing, and the trouble is, she's often right. 11. They had a million-to-one chance of making it. 12. There is little hope of receiving a message from them soon. 13. At 60, Norris is comfortable with the idea of growing older. 14. Believe me, I have no intention of giving up my business. 15. He wanted a wife. He didn't relish the idea of living alone for the rest of his life. 16. The actor was stunned not only by the noise of booing but also by the sight of flying tomatoes. 17. Once more he scotched the idea of opening a store in New York.

Ex. 547. Complete the following sentences

1. Shall I ever have the chance ... ? 2. The quickest way .... 3. Is there any hope ... ? 4.1 always marvel at his art ... . 5. Melanie had a talent .... 6. The fear ... paralyzed him. 7. They couldn't get used to the perspective ... . 8. The dealers seized the opportunity ... . 9. You mast certainly give up the habit ... . 10.1 haven't the slightest intention ... . 11. Nobody appreciated the idea ... . 12. Why didn't you even take the trouble ... ? 13. At the party we had the pleasure ... . 14. What are the latest methods ... ? 15. Will you take the risk ... ?


Ex. 548. Translate into English

1. Вам следует отказаться от мысли поехать на юг ле­том. 2, Я уверена, что у меня есть шанс выиграть в этой лотерее. 3. У школьников есть плохая привычка рисовать что-то на столах. 4. У моей бабушки хоро­шая привычка выпить чашку кефира перед сном-5. Сегодня у меня потребность высказаться, излить душу. 6. Дашь ли ты мне шанс когда-либо увидеть тебя вновь? 7. Риск быть пойманным с поличным страшил его. 8. Перспектива оставаться все лето в душном го­роде не радует меня. 9. Дашь ли ты мне шанс дока­зать тебе, что я не виноват? 10. У женщин талант вдох-

новлять мужчин на великие подвиги. 11. Самый про­стой способ развития какой-либо мысли — это дви­гаться от общего к частному. 12. У Фреда искусство убеждать людей. 13. У него не было намерения обсуж­дать свою личную жизнь с кем бы то ни было. 14. У меня впечатление, что меня обманывают. 15. Мало надежды, что климат изменится к лучшему.

Ex. 549.Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the functions of the Gerunds.

I. Many Eastern people have a habit of using up the nervous energy that concentrates in the fingers and hands by fingering worry beads. 2. Daniel hesitated before making his final decision. 3. One learns by failing. 4. Drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading it. 5. They preferred to scrape a living by catching crab, lobster and crayfish. 6.1 roasted some chickenpieces without allowing them to get brown. 7. After closing the folder, the doctor went on briskly. "All right, then, let's start by getting the tests done." 8. The family expected Maxim to do the right thing by marrying the right kind of woman one day. 9. After searching the entire house I happened to find the key in the coat pocket. 10. Peace and happiness begin, gastronomically speaking, where garlic is used in cooking.

II. Generally speaking, the idea is worth considering. 12. Instead of stopping, the storm raged for two more days. 13. Before approaching the rope, I suddenly fell into the icy pond. 14. In writing the test she made too many mistakes. 15. On hearing the sad news she burst into tears. 16. In spite of being busy, the headmaster spoke to us.


Ex. 550.Use a Gerund instead of the subordinate clause

1. He wrote that he would come back at the end of the war. 2.1 remember that I met her at the concert. 3. After I bought the book I left the shop. 4.1 am sorry that I kept you waiting. 5. They have given up all hope that they will ever see their native land again. 6 They stood for a moment. They didn't say a word 7 Everybody shook hands and got down to business. 8. When the child entered the room, he happily smiled at his parents. 9 Andrew feels all right now. He was operated on a month ago. 10. He remembered that he had seen the girl several times at the entrance exams. 11. She didn t feel as if she would ever forgive him. 12. You will get nothmg from him if you reproach him all the time. 13. Brian kept silent for fear that he might be misunderstood 14 Once he decides something, it is impossible to talk him out of it. 15. It was good luck that I was there and then 16 He came into the room very angry and didn't even greet us. 17. Barbara felt much better after she had given him a piece of her mind. 18. She escaped danger as she listened to intuition.

Ex. 551.Read and translate the sentences Find complexes with the Gerund and define their functions

1 I wouldn't mind his running around with girls, if he were doing well at school. 2. And what about our changing roles for once? 3. There is no danger of me telling our secret to friends- I have jo friends 41 insist on your showing me your work today 5. My having failed merely made me try again. 6. Your advertising yourself continually is vulgar 7. There is no doubt of his having mastered English thoroughly. 8 His friends' betraying him filled him with bitterness. 9' Her only regret was that she would miss all those years of her son's growing up, the wonderful years. 10. Apart from my putting my seat belt around my neck, the flight was uneventful. 11. The fear of their taking advantage of him never crossed his mind. 12. After his breaking our engagement I have nothing to do with him. 13. The quietness of the house was broken by the children driving their toy cars on the floor 14 I don't want to run the risk of my house being robbed. 15. Is it wortn while my calling them?


Ex 552. Insert a pronoun where necessary

1. I object to ... interfering in their family life. It's none of my business. 2. I object to ... interfering in my personal life. They are just neighbours. 3. They were keen on ... winning the match. We deserved it. 4. We are keen on ... winning the game. They are a nice team. 5. Simon never mentioned ... letting him down. He just forgave them. 6. Daniel once mentioned ... letting them down. He still felt guilty. 7. Excuse me for ... calling you so late. But I need you badly. 8. Excuse ... calling you in the middle of the night. They needed you urgently. 9.1 remember ... meeting her once. 10. I can't remember ... ever meeting each other. They live in different countries. 11. Everybody blamed the fellow for ... abusing his children. 12. We are against ... being ordered about. We are not slaves. 13. Mary and Henry are against ... children being vaccinated this year. 14. My friends forgot ... promising to call on me. I had a lonely evening. 15. She completely forgot ... promising to drop in and went for a walk. They came but there was no one at home.

Ex 553. Use a complex with a Gerund instead of the subordinate clauses.

1.1 remember that the children looked through the album last Sunday. 2. Mum suggested that we should make up. 3. Nancy insists that her father should allow her to keep a monkey as a pet. 4. My sister is very displeased that I have broken her favourite cup. 5.1 insist that you should tell us what the real reason is. 6. Helen was confused that we were watching her. 7. There is a chance that my family will move to another city. 8. Do you mind if they join us? 9. The police have no objection that the man should be set free. 10. Do you remember that they promised to call us? 11. It may upset you to know that Rita is leaving soon. 12. Fancy how Boris appeared here all of a sudden! 13. I'm trying to tell you I have no objection if you see Jim. 319

Ex. 554.Translate into English

1. Мы полагаемся на то, что все придут вовремя. 2. Я рассчитываю на то, что факс отправят сейчас же. 3. Она отвечает за то, чтобы все папки были в порядке. 4. Ро дители были против того, чтобы дети устраивали шум. ную вечеринку. 5. Я совсем не возражаю, чтобы вы пользовались моим принтером. 6. Я не выношу, ког-да люди плохо говорят о других за их спиной. 7. Ник­то не требует, чтобы вы принимали участие в перего­ворах. 8. Не отрицайте, что Чарльз вмешался в это дело. 9. Все настаивали на том, что проект должен быть финансирован комитетом. 10. Я недовольна, что ты опять сделала эту ошибку. 11. Врач настаивает, что больному нужно пробыть в больнице еще неделю. 12. Они согласились, что полицейские были очень опе­ративны. 13. Я помню, как Кэрол однажды сказала, что она пишет романы. 14. Она не могла вынести мысль, что кто-то может украсть ее счастье. 15. Все мое будущее зависело от того, поддержат ли меня близ­кие.


Ex. 555.Read and translate the texts Comment on the form and function of the Gerunds

1.1 loved working on the fishing boat, with long periods of doing nothing, and then the hurly-burly of putting in the nets. 2. All over the world, Microsoft Office is helping drive businesses forward by making it easier for anyone to get their job done, no matter what that job might be. By bringing together top applications Office gives people the ability to find the best, most productive way to work. 3. Mrs. Cracklin accused Father of selling diseased cheese and rotten eggs. Father got rid of her by threatening to inform the authorities that she kept lodgers.

4. There was no stopping the boy now. "See you later, alligator!" he shouted. "I'm going to be the first person in the world to be sent by television." 5. Eating is his hobby, you know. That's all he's interested in. But still that's better than being a hooligan, isn't it? And what I always say is, he wouldn't go on eating like he does unless he needed nourishment, would he? 6. She had a knack of twisting her husband around her little finger, getting her way with him. But she had come to understand that there was no letting him down in any way. 7. Well, that's a matter of opinion. One calls it killing time, another relaxation. What's your way of looking at it? And is it worth while living that way?


Ex 556. Translate into English

1. Ее родители против того, чтобы она сообщала сей­час всем о своей помолвке. 2. Я помню, что мама час­то упрекала меня в детстве за то, что я была неакку­ратна. 3. — Работая с магнитофоном, вы можете улуч­шить свое произношение. — Само собой разумеется, что это верно. 4. Какой же ты лентяй! Ты даже не потрудился вымыть за собой чашку! 5. Почему вы избегаете употреблять неличные формы глагола в речи? 6. Что помешало вам пойти туда самому? 7. Услышав радостную новость, девушка не могла удержаться, что­бы не расплакаться. 8. Методы тестирования знаний студентов не всегда эффективны. 9. Никогда не опре­делишь, в каком она настроении. 10. Всегда неприят­но, когда человек разговаривает, не глядя вам в гла­за. 11. — Что-то мне не хочется сегодня заниматься. Как ты считаешь, стоит ли идти в субботу на лек­цию? — Это тебе решать. 12. Мы поблагодарили его за то, что он нам помог.

Ex 557. Translate into English

1. Не могу не восхищаться работами этого художни­ка. С нетерпением буду ждать его новых работ! 2. Мне нравится мысль провести пару недель на Селигере. И мы рассчитываем на то, что вы присоединитесь к нам. 3. — Какой самый эффективный путь овладения иностранным языком? — Вы можете получить хорошие знания, работая над ним регулярно, день да днем. 4. Я не привыкла рано вставать по утрам Ранний подъем заставляет меня чувствовать себя разбитой. 5. Перед ним открывалось блестящее будущее. Он не мог не улыбнуться при мысли о пред. стоящей поездке в Вашингтон. 6. Перестаньте делать ненужные остановки, когда вы читаете. Ваше чте­ние оставляет желать лучшего. 7. Мы перестали работать и вышли на улицу. По дороге домой мы остановились, чтобы прочитать несколько смешных объявлений. 8. — А стоит ли вообще плыть по Темзе в такую дождливую погоду? — Да, хотелось бы, чтобы погода была лучше, но погоду не поменяешь. 9. Она полностью овладела искусством ничего не де­лать. Она жила, словно у нее не было забот, словно она всю жизнь купалась в роскоши. 10. Войдя в дом, она подумала, что если бы была богата, то обставила бы его совершенно по-другому.

2015-11-09 2103 Обсуждений (0)
B. Now put the Gerunds in the sentences 4.50 из 5.00 4 оценки

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Как построить свою речь (словесное оформление): При подготовке публичного выступления перед оратором возникает вопрос, как лучше словесно оформить свою...
Почему человек чувствует себя несчастным?: Для начала определим, что такое несчастье. Несчастьем мы будем считать психологическое состояние...
Личность ребенка как объект и субъект в образовательной технологии: В настоящее время в России идет становление новой системы образования, ориентированного на вхождение...

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