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Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте и объясните употребление подчеркнутых существительных в

2016-09-16 535 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте и объясните употребление подчеркнутых существительных в 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Задание 1. Проанализируйте и объясните употребление подчеркнутых существительных в следующих предложениях с точки зрения числа (единственное или множественное) и падежа.

1. The data speak in favour of this theory. 2. As to the thesis it holds for more general cases of this process. 3. The reaction, if any, runs in vacua. 4. As to the scientists’ work, it is of great practical importance. 5. After a week’s rest the rabbit may be given a second dose of vitamins. 6. There are somemethods at one’s disposal of reaching this goal. 7. The government, who are hoping to ease export restrictions soon, won’t get support. 8. The government, which is elected by a simple majority, takes unpopular decisions. 9. In spite of some objectionsthis engineer’s design was accepted. 10. It was implicit owing to comments about using the computer’s power. 11. They attempt to continually enlarge the sphere of this program’s application. 12. Prof. Beale’s theoretical work has always been firmly grounded in practice. 13. You must provide a list of references at the end of your paper. 14. This piece of writing contains no new information. 15. Statistics is useful in language testing. 16. The unemployment statistics are disturbing.


Задание 2. Выделите в следующих предложениях предлоги, глаголы и прилагательные, с которыми комбинируется слово problem. Переведите предложения.

1. The advent of the atomic age has confronted radio-biology with two fundamental problems. 2. The problems were posed by life itself. 3. In my paper I would like to touch upon a problem which has yet received little attention in the literature. 4. We know that Prof. N is concerned with a similar problem. 5. Until recently only specialists were interested in this problem. 6. In recent years international organizations have concerned themselves with the problem of water desalination. 7. Scientists of many countries were and still are working hard on this problem. 8. This paper embraces a wide range of problems. 9. Let us pass on tothe basic problems which are dealt with by biological and medical cybernetics. 10. What problems are involved in the scientific research carried on at your institute? 11. There are mainly the problems of providing for the safety of space flights. 12. A host of entirely new problems arise in connection with the scientific approach to the management of the national economy. 13. This problem will acquire an ever greater importance as the scientific-technological revolution progress. 14. This presents an almost insurmountable problem. 15. I see no problem here. 16. The actual range of the problems is much wider. 17. It is not sudden and not by chance that environmental protection has become a vital problem of our times.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски прилагательными из приведенных ниже. Переведите предложения.

Previous, appropriate, developing, principal, rough, different, current, quantitative, qualitative, primary, sudden, persuasive, human, popular, fair.


1. The committee’s … concern is to protect … rights. 2. Nanotechnology is a quickly … discipline. 3. Political theory is a … undergraduate subject. 4. Charles Darwin explained the existence of … species in terms of evolution. 5. Both … and … research is necessary to gain a full picture of the … situation. 6. Managers should take decisions which are … to the benefits of shareholders. 7. The … cause of the failure was a … change in the conditions of the experiment. 8. It is important that researchers treated their subjects in a … way. 9. Before you begin to write up your results, make … calculations. 10. … attempts to explain the phenomenon were not … .


Задание 4. Рассмотрите сочетание существительных с глаголами и используйте их для высказывания о своем научном исследовании.

In case a phenomena emerge or occur, researchers try to observe, investigate and explain those phenomena. They collect, obtain, gain, get data, information or facts about them. Then they analyze, classify and describe the facts; collate, write up and publish the results. Sometimes results are questioned or invalidated, occasionally the can be even falsified.


Задание 5. Поставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол на место сказуемого в следующих предложениях, выбрав из предложенных ниже.

deals with; to solve; were made; depends on; correlate; is based; concerns, approved; should be included; lacked


1. It is impossible … this equation without a calculator. 2. The fundamental discoveries in this new science … nearly twenty years ago. 3. All available data … well. 4. This approach … on a rather well established methodology. 5. After a heated debate they … the measures to be taken. 6. This hypothesis … confirmation. 7. The discussion … problems of common interest for most scientists. 8. The text … the methods of biological science, their historical background and development. 9. Much … the personal interest of the student, and on his linguistic and cultural background. 10. Such conceptual subjects as mathematics … in all educational programms.


Задание 6. Переведите данные ниже предложения, обращая внимание на слова «широкой семантики».

Рекомендуемый перевод для научного контекста:

Case– общий элемент смысла: совокупность конкретных условий или обстоятельств: случай, положение дел; доводы, доказательства, аргументы и т.д.

Contextзадача, цель; вопрос, тема; область; условие.

Issue – вопрос; тема; проблема; пункт; издание/том (журнала, книги).


1. In any case the results of the experiment will be of great value. 2. If this is really the case, a true scientific break-through of major importance must be anticipated in the nearest future. 3. He presented a strong case against the proposed solution. 4. I believe a case exists for revision of the hypothesis. 5. In the present context, it is only necessary to make the decision. 6. As discussed in the context of epidemiological research, a standardized methodology should be developed. 7. This edition contains bibliographic materials relevant to the present context. 8. The issue of environment protection is on the agenda today. 9. A number of key issues were addressed in this essay. 10. Have you seen the latest issue of Applied Linquistics?


Задание 7.

A. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. How is science usually understood?

2. What fields or branches of science can be singled out?

3. How does science develop?

4. Are science and technology identical?

5. What is the purpose of science from your point of view?


There are many definitions of science, but none of them can be accepted as complete. Speaking about science one should remember that the word “science “ comes from the Latin "scientia," meaning “knowledge”. Webster New Collegiate Dictionary defines science as "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."

In general it is thought that science is the concerted human effort to understand the surrounding natural world and human society. Science is usually divided into fundamentals and humanities, into theoretical and empirical (natural and social), or into theoretical or pure science and applied one.

More detailed classification distinguishes between formal, physical, life, and social sciences on the one hand and applied sciences on the other. Each class includes concrete disciplines. For example, according to Wikipedia “formal sciences are disciplines concerned with formal systems, such as logic, mathematics, statistics, theoretical computer science, information theory, game theory, systems theory, decision theory, and portions of linguistics.” So, we can say that the list of branches of modern science is enormous and growing every year.

It is suggested that modern science began around 1600 due to the efforts of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), and Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Their era marked the change from scholasticism of the Middle Ages and Renaissance to the science as we know it nowadays.

Scientists make new discoveries or develop new concepts and theories. But through time theories come and go, or at least are modified, as old ideas are questioned and new evidence is discovered. Hence, the body of knowledge produced by science undergoes constant change, which provides progress toward a better understanding of nature and society. According to Karl Popper, "Science is a history of corrected mistakes". It means that science does not presently, and probably never can, give statements of absolute eternal truth - it only provides theories.

To provide development of science, researchers put forward hypotheses - testable propositions explaining the occurrence of a phenomenon or phenomena which help to guide further investigation. Scientists make assumptions and use different methods to obtain data to support their assumptions or propositions. They make conclusions based on reasoning from accepted premises.

Science should not be confused with technology. Thought people doing science often use sophisticated technology, in fact science doesn't require it. Of course, science often leads to technology, and often uses technology, but science isn't technology, and can operate quite independently of it. On the other hand, technology is often defined as the practical application of science. That is why it is quite natural to say that science and technology overlap in so many ways that people treat them as a single field of human activity. They both play an important part in Man’s existence. There is no doubt that man’s technical intelligence rating is very high. But man should ask himself whether he is smart enough to benefit permanently from the advances of science, or so stupid that he will let them destroy his civilization.

What is the purpose of Science? The answer to this question is not an easy one. Some people believe that the purpose of science depends on what subject is being considered by a certain branch of science. Other people consider that the purpose of science is a very simple one: it allows humankind to improve its quality of life, to discover and explain the unknown, or to explain and predict. Still others think that the fundamental aim of science is to describe phenomena and not to “explain things”, while the secondary purpose of science is the formulation of principles and theories, which will lead to new studies and increased knowledge. Most of contemporary scientists believe that the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality.


Б) Найдите в Википедии определение вашей области науки на английском языке (http://en.wikipedia.org /). Дополните его сведениями из истории развития этой науки и назовите наиболее значимые теории. Какие технологии связаны с этой областью науки?



§ 3

2016-09-16 535 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте и объясните употребление подчеркнутых существительных в 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте и объясните употребление подчеркнутых существительных в

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