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A) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок

2016-09-15 1630 Обсуждений (0)
A) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Advertising letter



Inquiry Letter

B) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

Cover Letter

Inquiry Letter

Advertising letter

Offer Letter

C) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.

Cover Letter

Letter of Complaint

Offer Letter


D) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.


Inquiry Letter

Cover Letter

Letter of Complaint

E) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.



Cover Letter

Inquiry Letter

8 . Составьте:

a) письмо-запрос

b) письмо-заказ

c) рекламационное письмо

d) письмо-урегулирование претензии




Деловые документы

I. Cлова и выражения по теме:

contract to sign a contract – to ma­ke (to conclude) a contract to draw up a contract to execute a contract – to cancel a cont­ract to break a contract agreement supplier and customer contractor licensor   licensee   loading time of delivery to ship insurance insurance policy delay in delivery behind time force majeure circumstances subject of the contract – контракт, соглашение подписывать контракт заклю­чать контракт составлять контракт выполнять контракт расторгать контракт нарушать контракт соглашение поставщик и заказчик подрядчик лицензиар (сторона, продающая лицензию) лицензиат (сторона, ее приобретаю­щая) погрузка срок поставки производить погрузку страхование страховой полис задержка в поставке не вовремя, с опозданием форс-мажорные обстоятельства предмет контракта


II. Основные пункты контракта

Subject of the contract Предмет контракта
Price of goods Цена товаров
Quality of goods Качество товаров
Terms of payment Условия платежа
Delivery Поставка
Force-majeure Форс-мажор
Guarantee Гарантия
Packing and Marking Упаковка и маркировка
Arbitration Арбитраж
Transport Транспорт
Insurance and other conditions Страхование и другие условия

III.Пример контракта


1. Subject of the Contract

The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on conditions f.o.b the following equipment: _________________________

2. Prices and Total Value

The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools, technical documentation and services in the volume of the present Contract amounts to __________________.

The prices are firm and subject to no alteration.

3. Terms of Payment

Payments are to be effected within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Buyers of the following documents for collection: Seller’s invoice and Complete set of “clean-on-board” Bills of loading.

4. Delivery Dates

The equipment specified in Clause I of the present Contract is to be delivered complete as follows: _______

5. Packing and Marking

The equipment is to be shipped in export packing .

The packing is to secure the full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during its transportation.

6. Guarantee

The Sellers guarantee:

That the equipment to be supplied has been manufactured in full conformity with the description, technical specification and with the conditions of the Contract.

That the completion of the equipment to be delivered and of the technical documentation supplied is in accordance with the requirements specified in the Contract.

7. Force Majeure

The Parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of their liabilities under the present Contract, if this non-fulfillment was caused by the circumstances of Force-Majeure, namely fire, blood earthquake, provided the circumstances have directly affected the execution of the present Contract.

8. Sanctions

In the event of the Sellers’ delay in the supply against the dates stipulated in the Contract the Sellers are to pay to the Buyers penalty at the rate of 0,5% of the value of goods not delivered in due time for every week of the delay within the first four weeks and 1% for every subsequent week but not more than 10% of the value of the equipment not delivered in due time.

9. Arbitration

All disputes and differences, which may arise out of or in connection with the present Contract will be settled as far as possible by means of negotiations between the Parties.

If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the matter is to be submitted for settlement to Arbitration.

10. Insurance

The expenses for insurance are to be charged to the Sellers’ account and deducted from the Sellers’ invoices at the time payments are effected.

11. Other Conditions

Neither Party has the right to assign its rights and obligations under the present Contract to any third Party without written consent there to of the other Party.

12. Legal Addresses of the Parties




The present Contract is drawn up in English and Russian languages in 2 copies, one copy for each Party, both texts being equally valid.

The Contract enters into force on the date of its signing.


2016-09-15 1630 Обсуждений (0)
A) Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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