Вопросы к экзамену STYLISTICS
1. Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices. Alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia: types and stylistic functions. 2. Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices. Paronomasia. Rhythm. Rhyme. Metre 3. Types of graphical stylistic devices. The stylistic functions of graphon. 4. The linguistic mechanism of metaphor, varieties and stylistic functions of metaphors. Personification. Catachresis. 5. Metonymy, its varieties and stylistic functions. Synecdoche. 6. Types of irony. Sustained irony and simple verbal irony, its stylistic functions. Sarcasm. 7. The stylistic device of epithet, structural and semantic varieties and stylistic functions of epithets. 8. Hyperbole: types and stylistic functions. Meiosis and litotes: difference and similarities; stylistic functions. 9. Oxymoron, its varieties, and stylistic functions. Paradox. 10. The stylistic device of antithesis; its types and functions. 11. The linguistic mechanisms of pun, its varieties and stylistic functions. Zeugma. 12. The stylistic device of simile, its difference from logical comparison; varieties and stylistic functions. 13. The stylistic device of periphrasis, varieties and stylistic functions of periphrasis. Euphemism, types and stylistic functions. Dysphemism. The phenomenon of doublespeak. 14. The stylistic functions of proverbs, epigrams and quotations. Types and functions of decomposition of phraseological units. 15. The main principle of syntactical parallelism; types and functions of parallel syntactical constructions. The notions of isocolon and tricolon. 16. Stylistic inversion, its types and functions. Chiasmus and antimetabole. 17. Repetition, its varieties. Stylistic functions of different types of repetition. 18. The syntactical stylistic device of climax (gradation), its types and functions. Anticlimax. 19. Syntactical stylistic devices of linkage. Stylistic functions of polysyndeton and asyndeton. 20. Stylistic devices dealing with completeness of a sentence structure: ellipsis, aposiopesis, apokoinu. 21. Represented (free indirect) speech, its varieties and stylistic functions 22. Syntactical devices based on stylistic use of structural meaning. Rhetorical question. 23. The stylistic devices of detachment, parcellation, gap-sentence link; their stylistic functions. 24. Types of interplay between logical and nominal lexical meanings. The stylistic functions of antonomasia. 25. Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial layers of the lexical stock. 26. Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary. Special literary words. 27. Stylistic stratification of the English vocabulary. Special colloquial words. 28. Functional styles of the English Language. Publicist style; the peculiarities of newspaper style 29. Functional styles of the English Language: the peculiarities of belles-lettres style and scientific style 30. Defeated expectancy, foregrounding and stylistic function. Expressive means and stylistic devices. Stylistic convergence 31. Types of context. The notion of stylistic context. The notion of strong position. 32. Denotational meaning and connotations; types of connotations. 33. The problems of the science of stylistics. Branches of stylistics. The notions of style and register. 34. Norm and the factors of its fluctuations. The plurality of norm. Neutrality and stylistic colouring.
Alliteration- the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together.( She sells seashells by the seashore.)(Freezing frost in February)
Assonance – the use of the same vocal sound in words that are close together.( Men sell the wedding bells.”)
Onomatopoeia- the use of words sound tries to imitate their meaning.(nature ,animals, moving vehicles, working tools, thunder, wind ) Therefore, while a pig says “oink” in English, “grunz” in German
Types onomatopoeia:
PHONETIC EXPRESSIVE MEANS AND STYLISTIC DEVICES. PARONOMASIA. RHYTHM. RHYME. METRE PARONOMASIA is a rhetorical device that can be defined as a phrase intentionally used to exploit the confusion between words having similar sounds but different meanings. It is like a word play, and is also known as a “pun.” Types of Paronomasia There are two types of paronomasia:
These are actually puns and used in non-phonetic texts. Visual paronomasia includes the “4 Pics 1 Word” word game, where players are supposed to look at four pictures and guess the word that they have in common. RHYTHM – regularity of alternation of some opposed units: long and short, stressed and unstressed, etc. Rhythm - created by a regular recurrence of similar or equal units of speech. Rhythm is a literary device that demonstrates the long and short patterns through stressed and unstressed syllables, particularly in verse form. Types of rhythm:
“cannon to right of them. Cannon to left of them”
RHYME - repetition of identical or similar terminal sound combination of words. Types of Rhyme:
According to the way the rhyme is arranged within stanza (четверостишие) we can point out
Types of rhyme:
METER is a stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse, or within the lines of a poem. English poetry employs five basic meters:
Meter has two subdivisions: qualitative meter, and quantitative meter. The definition of meter differs slightly depending on which language the poetry is written in. Poetry written in English uses qualitative meter, which is based on the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
English language poets often combine these feet in standard patterns, such as the following:
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